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On the Absurd Hegemony of Science

A Debate of Scientism with Daniel C. Dennett

Steve3007: This topic is nothing if not popular.

A book without an end… One of the most popular philosophy discussions in recent history.

Witness renowned philosophy professor Daniel C. Dennett's passionate defense of scientism and his dismissal of metaphysical philosophical inquiry, famously declaring I have no interest at all in any of those folks. None whatsoever. This gripping debate explores the limits of scientific knowledge and its relationship to human experience and value.

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Philosopher Hereandnow

The author of the forum discussion, 🐉 Hereandnow, presents a compelling critique of scientific reductionism, arguing:

The actual pure science is an abstraction... The whole from which this is abstracted is all there is, a world, and this world is in its essence, brimming with meaning, incalculable, intractable to the powers of the microscope.

... when science makes its moves to say what the world is, it is only right within the scope of its field. But philosophy, which is the most open field, has no business yielding to this any more than to knitting science or masonry. Philosophy is all inclusive theory, and the attempt to fit such a thing into a scientific paradigm is simply perverse.

Science: know your place! It is not philosophy.

(2022) On the absurd hegemony of science Source:

This perspective challenges the notion that science can be entirely divorced from human experience and value.

Daniel C. Dennett versus 🐉 Hereandnow

Daniel C. Dennett Charles DarwinCharles Darwin or Daniel Dennett?

The discussion that ensues features an intense exchange between 🐉 Hereandnow and philosopher Daniel C. Dennett, with hundreds of messages back and forth. The debate is characterized by its depth, rigor, and at times, fierce disagreement. For example:

Dennett: Any kind of philosophical discussion that ventures into ill defined, vague territory without any hope of solving genuine, real problems for actual human beings means nothing to me, so science is foundation enough.

🐉 Hereandnow: No, no, no. There is a LOT out there. You are just dismissive because your education is philosophically, ontologically rudderless, and this is because you don't read beyond science into science's and experience's underpinnings. Read Kant, Kierkegaard, Hegel (of whom I know less than others), Husserl, Fink, Levinas, Blanchot, Henry, Nancy (the French are extraordinary) Heidegger, Husserl, even Derrida, and others. THIS is where philosophy gets interesting.

Dennett: I have no interest at all in any of those folks. None whatsoever.

Evidence that Faustus5 is Daniel C. Dennett

The compelling evidence that user Faustus5 is indeed philosopher Daniel C. Dennett participating semi-openly in this debate is presented in detail in 🧐 this article.

eBook Collection

This eBook is part of a series of free publications from 🦋 that delve into closely related topics. Other eBooks in the series explore the philosophical underpinnings of eugenics, scientism, the broader emancipation-of-science from philosophy movement, the anti-science narrative, and modern forms of scientific inquisition.

📲 (2024) Free Philosophy eBook Collection Source: 🦋

As part of our research into AI and consciousness, we investigated Dennett's views in the eBook The Prospect of Teleonomic AI. This publication, along with others in the series, provides crucial context for understanding the philosophical roots of eugenics or anthropocentric GMO, offering valuable insights for those seeking to develop an intellectual defense of 🍃 Nature.

    Foreword /

    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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