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A history of curruption that destroys nature

A history of curruption that destroys nature


The bank has the slogan Growing a better world together and presents itself as an environmentally friendly bank. In 2017 the bank won the prestigious Green Bond Award as being the most environmentally friendly bank in the world.

Most environmentally friendly bank in the world?

#StopRabo campaign

Rabobank likes to promote itself as an environmentally friendly bank through sponsorships of sports and culture, but the bank is actually far from environmentally friendly. Rabobank finances industrial agriculture, deforestation, nature destruction and animal suffering and makes a lot of money from it. Together we demand that Rabobank pays for the damage that the bank has caused. (2023) 🎬 Why Rabobank makes you pay for the damage it caused Video: YouTube

Involvement in an environmental crime

CEO of Trafigura BV: ‘Beyond Dover, and certainly not in the Baltic Sea, because this is a special area. The discharge may not take place until Dover has passed, on the way to Lomé (Nigeria)‘.

The toxic waste dump by Trafigura is one of the worst environmental crimes in the history of humanity.

Rabobank is responsible for the crime

As the top financing partner of Trafigura that maintained its position until today (2024), Rabobank is responsible for the environmental crime. The following is written on the website

Rabobank, one of Trafigura’s top lenders, seeks to play a significant role in ensuring food security (GMO). our financing partner Rabobank Source:

Involvement of Amsterdam officials

amsterdam port servicesI reported about involvement of Amsterdam officials in the toxic waste dumping scandal by Trafigura BV

Rabobank's 2015-2018 sabotage of my business

Rabobank was involved in an attack on my home in the city Utrecht in 2019, the city where Rabobank is headquartered, and the bank was involved in a sabotage of my business since 2015, which chronologically preceded the attack on my home.

Around 2015, out of itself, Rabobank invested into my pioneering technology business with the clear intent to sabotage my business. That sabotage ended in 2018.

Invitation to meet oil investors at the airport Schiphol

Rabobank oil drum

As part of their investment relationship with me, Rabobank attempted to connect me with big foreign oil investors whom I was invited to meet at a cafe at the airport Schiphol in Amsterdam.

The invitation to meet with oil investors was strange, because oil and internet are not related, and meeting at a cafe at an airport with supposedly 'big' foreign oil investors came across as unusual.

Premonition that it was about Trafigura

I immetiatly had a strong premonition that the invitation by Rabobank was related to my reporting about the toxic waste dumping scandal by Trafigura BV.

Later, I would have other paranormal visions that indicated that the sabotage by Rabobank was related to my reporting about the environmental crime, one of the worst environmental crimes in the history of humanity.

I denied the invitation to meet with the oil investors.

The motive for Rabobank's sabotage is most likely either my philosophical position regarding GMO and eugenics, or revenge for my reporting about the environmental crime by Trafigura.

What they may have been particularly angry about is that I reported about involvement of Amsterdam officials in the environmental crime, and that the CEO of Trafigura had ordered to dump the toxic waste into the ocean.

Attack on my home

My home in Utrecht

In 2019, shortly before Christmas, my home in the Dutch city Utrecht, where the headquarter of Rabobank is located, was attacked, and I was subjected to a display of absurdly profound corruption of the judiciary.

During the attack, all contents of my home were destroyed, I was subjected to unnatural slander, violence, extreme and absurd corruption of Justice, police intimidation and I would ultimately lose my home due to corruption by the Judiciary of Utrecht.

The attack came out of the blue and was absolutely absurd. The police intimidation, the violence, the slander and the corruption of the Judiciary, were unnatural.

An investigation revealed that Rabobank was involved in the attack.

Preceding business relation

Around 2015, out of itself, Rabobank invested into my pioneering technology business with the clear intent to sabotage my business. That sabotage ended in late 2018, and chronologically preceded the attack on my home in 2019.

Motive to attack me

I have been a decades long pioneer in a critical philosophical examination of GMO and eugenics through the critical blog 🦋

The blog was read by over 2 million people in the Netherlands, and was often cited by members of the Dutch House of Representatives.

Rabobank is a farmers bank dedicated to GMO and is known for unethical business practices.

Rabobank is the top financing partner of Trafigura, and is therefore responsible for one of the greatest environmental crimes in the history of humanity.

Paranormal dream of a Rabobank neighbour

Before the attack on my home in 2019, I had a paranormal dream that showed that Rabobank planned an attack on my home.

In 2019 I had a paranormal dream of a neighbor who worked at Rabobank in Utrecht. He is a poker genius and has won prizes of over € 100,000 Euro and was estimated to be +/- 25 years of age.

The dream was exceptionally lucid, as if it was a cartoon film, while I had seen the neighbor just a few times. I hadn’t seen the neighbor for months before and there was no reason to think or dream about him.

In the dream I saw the neighbor notice something on a bypassing paper for which he briefly looked in my direction, of which he became interested and intended to spy on.

The neighbor managed to enter a group of 40-50 people in a sort of open air environment and then, after a period of quiet listening, he suddenly raised his head out of the group as if he had learned something, sneaked away from the group (apparently in a level of danger) and then quickly skated out of there backwards (zig-zagging), while he looked in my direction and nodded “no” exaggeratedly.

When I asked mentally “what did you learn?“, the neighbor looked at a man with a gun, which seemed to have been the later perpetrator of the attack on my home. I asked mentally “what is the intention of that man?“, but then the neighbor was already skated out of there and that man was walking apparently in no direction, making just a few steps.

The dream was in 2019, before the attack on my home. The Rabobank neighbour left his home in a rush before the attack in November 2019.

Rabobank was behind the attack on my home

The paranormal dream of a Rabobank neighbour that preceded the attack on my home, and the business sabotage history of Rabobank with me between 2015-2018, that chronologically preceded the attack on my home, are strong indications that Rabobank was behind the attack on my home.

Business sabotage

It is evident that the Rabobank attempted to sabotage my business in the period between 2015 and 2018.

Without providing a reason, a Rabobank investor closed a 6 months old startup company and gave up their € 45,000 Euro investment. There was simply no logical reason to give up their investment. They closed the startup company after 6 months, the originally planned time for R&D, in which my company had delivered an exceptional result, in time.

Technology startup ŵš.com

The technology ŵš.com promised to provide true instant website speed for mobile and desktop with navigation speeds as fast as less than 1 millisecond (0,001 second), faster than the refresh rate of many gaming displays. On top of that, the technology could provide +90% of real HTML data-transfer saving and it would provide in new features for the internet, such as 'real-time HTML'.

real time html

Many top engineers would say that what the technology promised to deliver was impossible.

(2016) MIT has a way to speed up web browsing by 34 percent Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a technology named Polaris that could make mobile and desktop web browsing about 34 percent faster. Source: Engadget

In 2016, the ŵš.com technology would provide a real +1000% speed improvement for mobile and desktop, reliably, for existing websites such as WordPress, and plug & play (5 minute install).

The ŵš.com technology worked far better than expected and technically the project was a big success.

There was simply no logical reason to give up their investment.

Business partner from Hollywood

Utrecht is known as the film city of the Netherlands, similar to Hollywood, and since Rabobank is an investment bank, it is suspicious that the investment came from an investment banker since they not normally invest in technology startups.

In the beginning of the business relation with the business partner from Hollywood, in internal communication, it was established that I perceived Rabobank to have been a sabotaging culprit, and I was then seriously warned that taking on against a fortune 500 company such as the Rabobank would not be wise, by which I, in a retro-perspective, received the impression that they might be involved with Rabobank as well.

Exposed as a saboteur

It is only logical that with the later public exposing of the Hollywood business partner as a saboteur, who invested a sum on behalf of an investment banker in Massachusetts, USA, that my logical (unspoken) conclusion would be in 2018, that Rabobank was responsible for that malicious business practice as well.

They played a 'billionaire' joke to waste time on purpose, then walked away again (leaving their investment behind) 'for no reason'.

“Billionaire joke” to waste time on purpose

The business partner from Hollywood took on a role as CEO and agreed to be responsible for the business model. He spent two years to travel around the USA to meet with billionaires while he demanded me and a business partner from London to wait, and ultimately delivered no results and walked away, as if he never cared about the business.

The email address of his film equipment company website was set to ‘’.

In one of his last emails to me, he shared a link on with the headline that 9 out of 10 startups fail and sought excuse with Rembrandt van Gogh who ‘died poor’ only to become famous later, and inventor Tesla who had a similar fate.

In one of my last emails to him, I communicated the following:


I understand that you are now trying to walk away, leaving behind your investment, while having no argument against me or the technology. You try to make it look as a generous action from your side, but it’s not righteous.

A few months ago you held on firmly to your CEO position when asked friendly, while considering that your functioning as CEO had increasingly become questioned for lack of results and broken promises, if you wanted to leave. Months of waiting followed. New promises were unmet again. Due to little to no communication from your side it has been perceived as “waiting for no reason”.

In essence, a full year of time has been wasted for no apparent reason and there has been no indication that it matters to you.

It is simply not righteous to now walk away as if a 9 out of 10 startup failed

Slack conversation Slack conversation E-mail conversation E-mail conversation

As can be seen, I maintained a respectful attitude towards the business partner and there was no conflict other than a dispute about his performance.

Rabobank was behind the sabotage

Considering Rabobank's business relation with me since 2015, and its headquarter in the same city, it is only logical that Rabobank was involved in the attack on my home in 2019, shortly after the sabotage situation had ended in 2018.



It is strange that the bank won the prestigious “Green Bond Award” as being the most environmentally friendly bank in the world.

#StopRabo campaign

(2023) #StopRabo Campaign Rabobank a sustainable bank? Not really. Let Rabobank pay for the damage it causes. Help put pressure on and send Rabobank the bill! Source: Sign the petition | Undersign "Send the bill!"-letter | Twitter

Telegram-channel: Rabobank Mass Action October 11th, 2023 Greenpeace & Extinction Rebellion join forces and take action against one of the biggest and most destructive agricultural bank in the world: Rabobank. The action starts on October 11. With some of the activists we will stay as long as possible. This will not be possible for everyone during the week, that's okay. You can still participate. Can you stay longer? Bring a tent, mat and sleeping bag! Source: Telegram Extinction Rebellion Netherlands: Rabobank campaign Source: Extinction Rebellion Netherlands GreenPeace Netherlands: Rabobank campaign Source: GreenPeace Netherlands

Paying for the destruction of nature is too late! Rabobank can pay for it precisely through destruction... A viscious circle.

Turn evil to good.


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