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This article is an appendix of a free eBook of Daniel C. Dennett's defense of scientism in a public discussion.

📲 (2024) On the absurd hegemony of science A book without an end… One of the most popular philosophy discussions in recent history. Source: 🦋

Evidence that Faustus5 is Daniel C. Dennett

Daniel C. Dennett Charles DarwinCharles Darwin or Daniel Dennett?

In a popular philosophy forum discussion, a user named Faustus5 displays a pattern of behavior and emotional responses that strongly suggests they are, in fact, the renowned philosopher Daniel C. Dennett participating anonymously in a semi-open manner.

Early on in the discussion Faustus5 makes an extraordinary claim:


Well, I know Dennett's work more than any philosopher on earth, probably better than anyone you've ever met...

This claim goes beyond mere academic familiarity. The use of any philosopher on earth logically includes Dennett himself, making this statement true only if Faustus5 is Dennett.

Following this claim, Faustus5 repeatedly emphasizes the importance of intellectual honesty while defending the views of Dennett:

You can't find him doing this in his own words, which right away should ring alarm bells if you have any intellectual honesty and think accurately representing views you disagree with is essential to being a good scholar.

Being honest about what the folks you disagree with actually believe is a pretty important virtue if good scholarship is something you value.

I mean, common sense alone should dictate that if he squabbles with people who openly call themselves eliminativists over their eliminativism, it's kind of stupid to call him one.

This emphasis reinforces the earlier claim of unparalleled knowledge and creates a logical bind: either Faustus5 is Dennett, or they are violating their own ethical standards.

The discussion rapidly gained attention, reaching thousands of replies within days, with the first 40-50 pages focused on Dennett's views. Throughout this discussion, Faustus5 has:

Seamless Merging of Identity

Faustus5 consistently merges his identity with Dennett's:

What Dennett and I are saying is that qualia are not real, and that qualia are a bad theoretical flourish that is unnecessary, not that there are mental states that don't exist.

Basically, I agree with everything Dennett writes above 100%.

The perfect alignment and interchangeable use of Dennett and I strongly suggest a shared identity. Subsequently, Faustus5 demonstrates an insider's understanding of Dennett's philosophical stance:

No, Dennett just thinks experiences don't have all the qualities that believers in qualia insist they do. He's more of a deflationist than an eliminativist.

This nuanced distinction shows a deep understanding of Dennett's position that goes beyond what a typical scholar might articulate. Faustus5 also vigorously defends against misinterpretations, as cited earlier: You can't find him doing this in his own words….

Emotional Evidence

A user, Atla, made the following observation:

Okay so we can sum up your position as:

  • only idiotic philosophers would dismiss the existence of qualia (such as feels and tastes)

  • only idiotic philosophers would believe in the existence of qualia (such as feels and tastes)

Dennett logic for the win..

In response to Atla's comment, Faustus5 reacts with intense emotion:

You love making up crap, don't you?

I get it; it's literally all you have left.

The emotional outburst reveals a level of personal investment in the discussion that goes far beyond what one would expect from someone merely defending Dennett's views.

The response suggests that Faustus5 perceives Atla's comment as a direct challenge to their own identity. However, Faustus5 effectively revealed his identity as Dennett early in the discussion with his claim of unparalleled knowledge of Dennett's work. In this context, Faustus5's emotional response to Atla's comment Dennett logic for the win.. takes on a different significance:

Consistent Philosophical Stance

Faustus5's philosophical positions consistently align with Dennett's known views:

Babbling about ontology and metaphysics will only waste everyone's time and actually serves the interests of those for whom it is essential the rest of us stay alienated.

When those assumptions enable human beings to solve real problems and answer real question, tearing down those assumptions seems to me a pointless academic exercise that produces nothing of value. Exactly the kind of thing that rightfully gives philosophy a bad reputation.

These statements reflect Dennett's pragmatic approach to philosophy and his skepticism towards certain philosophical traditions. The dismissive attitude towards certain philosophers is also consistent with Dennett's public stance:

Dennett: Any kind of philosophical discussion that ventures into ill defined, vague territory without any hope of solving genuine, real problems for actual human beings means nothing to me, so science is foundation enough.

🐉 Hereandnow: No, no, no. There is a LOT out there. You are just dismissive because your education is philosophically, ontologically rudderless, and this is because you don't read beyond science into science's and experience's underpinnings. Read Kant, Kierkegaard, Hegel (of whom I know less than others), Husserl, Fink, Levinas, Blanchot, Henry, Nancy (the French are extraordinary) Heidegger, Husserl, even Derrida, and others. THIS is where philosophy gets interesting.

Dennett: I have no interest at all in any of those folks. None whatsoever.


The logically necessary conclusion is that Faustus5 is renowned philosophy professor Daniel C. Dennett, engaging in a form of philosophical discourse that blends the personal with the academic, the emotional with the logical, in a manner that is uniquely possible in anonymous online forums.

Free eBook

Daniel C. Dennett's Defense of Scientism

The philosophical discussion On the absurd hegemony of science in which Daniel C. Dennett participated, defending his scientistic views, is now available as a free eBook from 🦋 This resource offers philosophers and interested readers the opportunity to explore Dennett's arguments in depth, either by visiting the original public discussion on Online Philosophy Club or by downloading the free eBook.

📲 (2024) On the absurd hegemony of science A book without an end… One of the most popular philosophy discussions in recent history. Source: 🦋

The discussion, initiated by user 🐉 Hereandnow, features an intense exchange between Hereandnow and Dennett, with hundreds of messages back and forth. The debate is characterized by its depth, rigor, and at times, fierce disagreement. For example:

Philosopher Hereandnow

🐉 Hereandnow: Grrrr. Meaningless babble is insulting. Philosophers don't care about meaningless babble. Here is what meaningless babble is: it is what is produced when opinion exceeds understanding.

eBook Collection

This eBook is part of a series of free publications from 🦋 that delve into closely related topics. Other eBooks in the series explore the philosophical underpinnings of eugenics, scientism, the broader emancipation-of-science from philosophy movement, the anti-science narrative, and modern forms of scientific inquisition.

📲 (2024) Free Philosophy eBook Collection Source: 🦋

As part of our research into AI and consciousness, we investigated Dennett's views in the eBook The Prospect of Teleonomic AI. This publication, along with others in the series, provides crucial context for understanding the philosophical roots of eugenics or anthropocentric GMO, offering valuable insights for those seeking to develop an intellectual defense of 🍃 Nature.

    Foreword /

    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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