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An index with politics organizations in 🇸🇪 Sweden, with a focus on organizations that defend nature against GMO.

[{"title":"The beekeeping companies - Swedish trade association for beekeepers"},{"title":"Biodlingsf\u00f6retagarna","lg":"sv","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Biodlingsf\u00f6retagarna () is a trade association for beekeepers who have their income from beekeeping full or part time. Healthy, kind and productive bees are important to us as beekeepers. We carry out information and advocacy work to safeguard our interests. It is about contacts with Swedish politicians and the media as well as active participation at the EU level."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Biodlingsf\u00f6retagarna () is a trade association for beekeepers who have their income from beekeeping full or part time. Healthy, kind and productive bees are important to us as beekeepers. We carry out information and advocacy work to safeguard our interests. It is about contacts with Swedish politicians and the media as well as active participation at the EU level."}]

c/o Gjutåsen Naturprodukter Box 59 363 03
🇸🇪 Sweden
[{"title":"Organic Farmers Sweden"},{"title":"Ekologiska Lantbrukarna","lg":"sv","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Organic farmers were founded in 1985 by farmers, for farmers. We work to ensure that politics, rules and markets be designed so that Swedish eco -farmers are given the best opportunities to develop profitable and sustainable companies. We are a non -profit organization with a committed board and an effective office, with about 140 elected representatives around the country."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Organic farmers were founded in 1985 by farmers, for farmers. We work to ensure that politics, rules and markets be designed so that Swedish eco -farmers are given the best opportunities to develop profitable and sustainable companies. We are a non -profit organization with a committed board and an effective office, with about 140 elected representatives around the country."}]

Warfvinges väg 38 112 51
🇸🇪 Sweden
[{"title":"Sweden's Small Farmers"},{"title":"Sveriges Sm\u00e5brukare","lg":"sv","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"The association of Sweden's small farmers was formed in 1984 in protest of the development of industrial and chemicals use and the conscious exclusion of small farms. The union is today a national organization with members from all over the country with county -wide local departments. The union works for sustainable agriculture and forestry with associated processing throughout the country."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"The association of Sweden's small farmers was formed in 1984 in protest of the development of industrial and chemicals use and the conscious exclusion of small farms. The union is today a national organization with members from all over the country with county -wide local departments. The union works for sustainable agriculture and forestry with associated processing throughout the country."}]

Estenstorp 5 570 21
🇸🇪 Sweden
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    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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