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Anti-GMO Activism in 🇸🇪 Sweden

The index below provides an overview of anti-GMO activism initiatives and organizations in 🇸🇪 Sweden.

In 2021 several science organizations declared that the GMO debate is over and that anti-GMO activism faded away for good (About). They were right and anti-GMO activism did fade away, leaving nature unprotected in many regions of the world.

Please consider to fund with a donation to help undo the effects of abandonment of anti-GMO activism! Help create a new initiative to protect nature against eugenics in 🇸🇪 Sweden or other regions of the world.

[{"title":"The Genetic Engineering Board Sweden"},{"title":"Genteknikn\u00e4mnden","lg":"sv","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Genetic Engineering Committee is a government authority that was established in 1994. The committee's task is to promote an ethically defensible and safe use of genetic engineering through advisory activities so that human and animal health and the environment are protected. This takes place mainly via statements to the government and authorities.\n\nThe Genetic Engineering Committee also has the task of disseminating knowledge about developments in the field of genetic engineering. The chancellery staff continuously monitors relevant research areas and publishes popular science abstracts under the Research News tab here on the website. Under the Fact areas tab, there is also a lot of information collected about genetics, genetic engineering and about which legislation regulates, for example, genetically modified organisms.\n\nThe committee consists of 15 regular members with personal substitutes. Eight are members of parliament, one from each parliamentary party. Seven members are experts in various fields, such as ethics, ecology and molecular biology. The board's chairman and vice-chairman are lawyers with judicial competence. Two research-trained geneticists work in the office."},{"description":"Genteknikn\u00e4mnden \u00e4r en statlig myndighet som inr\u00e4ttades 1994. N\u00e4mnden har till uppgift att via r\u00e5dgivande verksamhet fr\u00e4mja en etiskt f\u00f6rsvarbar och s\u00e4ker anv\u00e4ndning av gentekniken s\u00e5 att m\u00e4nniskors och djurs h\u00e4lsa och milj\u00f6n skyddas. Det sker fr\u00e4mst via yttranden till regeringen och myndigheter.\n\nGenteknikn\u00e4mnden har \u00e4ven till uppgift att sprida kunskap om utvecklingen inom genteknikomr\u00e5det. Kanslipersonalen bevakar kontinuerligt relevanta forskningsomr\u00e5den och publicerar popul\u00e4rvetenskapliga referat under fliken Forskningsnytt h\u00e4r p\u00e5 webbsidan. Under fliken Faktaomr\u00e5den finns ocks\u00e5 mycket information samlat om genetik, genteknik och om vilken lagstiftning som reglerar till exempel genetiskt modifierade organismer.\n\nN\u00e4mnden best\u00e5r av 15 ordinarie ledam\u00f6ter med personliga ers\u00e4ttare. \u00c5tta \u00e4r riksdagsledam\u00f6ter, en fr\u00e5n varje riksdagsparti. Sju ledam\u00f6ter \u00e4r experter inom olika omr\u00e5den, som etik, ekologi och molekyl\u00e4rbiologi. N\u00e4mndens ordf\u00f6rande och vice ordf\u00f6rande \u00e4r jurister med domarkompetens. P\u00e5 kansliet arbetar tv\u00e5 forskarutbildade genetiker.","lg":"sv","primary":true}]

Hantverkaregatan 11B Box 1035 101 38
🇸🇪 Sweden
[{"title":"Hej d\u00e5 GMO! (Hello GMOs!)"},{"title":"Hej d\u00e5 GMO!","lg":"sv","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Grassroots organization for GMO-free zones in Sweden. Hi D\u00e5 GMO is a network for people who are committed to a GMO-free Sweden. Our common goal is to create a GMO-free Sweden and a GMO-free world."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Grassroots organization for GMO-free zones in Sweden. Hi D\u00e5 GMO is a network for people who are committed to a GMO-free Sweden. Our common goal is to create a GMO-free Sweden and a GMO-free world."}]

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    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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