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An index with philosophy organizations globally, with a focus on organizations that defend nature against GMO.

[{"title":"Inf\u2019OGM - Citizen information watchdog on GMOs and seeds"},{"title":"Inf\u2019OGM - vigilancia ciudadana de informaci\u00f3n sobre los transg\u00e9nicos (OMG) y las semillas","lg":"es"},{"title":"Inf\u2019OGM - veille citoyenne d'information sur les OGM et les semences","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Inf'OGM is an association created in 1999 that publishes independent and critical information on GMOs, biotechnologies and seeds.\n\nAssociation law of 1901, Inf'OGM is a citizen watch that deciphers world news and offers a unique French-speaking information service on GMOs, biotechnologies and, since 2013, also on seeds. Its mission is to promote and nurture democratic debate through critical, independent information that is accessible to all audiences. Inf'OGM works for real transparency in the GMO debate.\n\nGenetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) first appeared in the United States in the early 1990s and on the European market in 1996. Since that time, many questions about economic, health, environmental and ethical impacts have arisen. To respond to this, the European Union first decided to put in place a de facto moratorium in 1999 on new authorizations of GMOs. For five years, many scientific and political elements have shed new light on this issue. The debate continues today within French society and at the international level on the merits of the choice to develop and market this technology and on the legislative framework that must prevail."},{"description":"Inf'OGM is an association created in 1999 that publishes independent and critical information on GMOs, biotechnologies and seeds.\n\nAssociation loi de 1901, Inf\u2019OGM est une veille citoyenne qui d\u00e9crypte l\u2019actualit\u00e9 mondiale et propose un service unique d\u2019information francophone sur les OGM, les biotechnologies et, depuis 2013, \u00e9galement sur les semences. Sa mission est de favoriser et de nourrir le d\u00e9bat d\u00e9mocratique par une information critique, ind\u00e9pendante et accessible \u00e0 tout public. Inf\u2019OGM \u0153uvre pour une v\u00e9ritable transparence du d\u00e9bat OGM.\n\nLes Organismes G\u00e9n\u00e9tiquement Modifi\u00e9s (OGM) ont fait leur apparition aux \u00c9tats-Unis au d\u00e9but des ann\u00e9es 90 et sur le march\u00e9 europ\u00e9en en 1996. Depuis cette p\u00e9riode, de nombreuses questions sur les impacts \u00e9conomiques, sanitaires, environnementaux et \u00e9thiques se sont faits jour. Pour y r\u00e9pondre, l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne a d\u2019abord d\u00e9cid\u00e9 de mettre en place un moratoire de facto en 1999 sur les nouvelles autorisations d\u2019OGM. Durant cinq ans, de nombreux \u00e9l\u00e9ments scientifiques et politiques ont apport\u00e9 un \u00e9clairage nouveau sur cette probl\u00e9matique. Le d\u00e9bat continue aujourd\u2019hui encore au sein de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 fran\u00e7aise comme au niveau international sur le bien fond\u00e9 du choix de d\u00e9velopper et commercialiser cette technologie et sur l\u2019encadrement l\u00e9gislatif qui doit pr\u00e9valoir.","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

38, rue Saint Sabin 75011
🇫🇷 France
[{"title":"Nature College"},{"title":"NatuurCollege","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Nature College invites people to become aware of life itself; of their natural environment and the possibilities that arise when there is a connection with that environment and with the inner, authentic self. From here, a 'sustainability from within' can arise.\n\nNatuurCollege brings researchers, teachers (teams) and artists together to actively experience and research, teach or put into practice this form of relationship and connection. Through intense experience of and with nature, the greater cohesion between man and the world can be shared (wonder), partnerships are formed (connect) and habits and judgments adjusted (change).\n\nThe NatureCollege foundation was founded in 2001 by Princess Irene with the aim of strengthening the relationship between man and nature. The board consists of experienced and enthusiastic pioneers with their own story and a personal bond with the many facets of nature. Their starting point lies in ecology, philosophy, economics, science, entrepreneurship or education."},{"description":"NatuurCollege nodigt mensen uit om zich bewust te worden van het leven zelf; van hun natuurlijke omgeving en de mogelijkheden die ontstaan wanneer er sprake is van een verbinding met die omgeving en met het innerlijke, authentieke zelf. Van hieruit kan een \u2018duurzaamheid van binnenuit\u2019 ontstaan.\n\nNatuurCollege brengt onderzoekers, docenten(teams) en kunstenaars samen om actief deze vorm van relatie en verbinding te ervaren en te onderzoeken, te onderwijzen of in de praktijk te brengen. Door intense beleving van \u00e9n met de natuur kan de grotere samenhang tussen mens en wereld worden gedeeld (verwonderen), worden partnerschappen gevormd (verbinden) en gewoonten en oordelen aangepast (veranderen).\n\nDe stichting NatuurCollege is in 2001 opgericht door prinses Irene met als doel de relatie tussen mens en natuur te versterken. Het bestuur bestaat uit ervaren en bevlogen voorlopers met een eigen verhaal en een persoonlijke band met de vele facetten van natuur. Hun vertrekpunt ligt in de ecologie, filosofie, economie, wetenschap, ondernemerschap of onderwijs.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Gebouw Vossesteijn De horst 7 3971 KR
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"translate":true,"title":"Navdanya - Earth University (Bija Vidyapeeth) \/ Biodiversity Conservation Farm"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Navdanya - Earth University (Bija Vidyapeeth) \/ Biodiversity Conservation Farm"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Navdanya and the Navdanya movement was created by Dr. Vandana Shiva 30 years ago in India to defend Seed and Food sovereignty and small farmers around the world. Navdanya pioneered the movement of seed saving and seed freedom, which began in response to the crisis of erosion of agricultural biodiversity and introduction of GMOs and patents on seeds through intellectual property rights (IPRs) and so-called \u2018free trade\u2019 agreements. It has long fought against biopiracy, the patenting of indigenous knowledge by self-interested multinational corporations and won cases related to Neem, basmati rice and wheat in India."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Navdanya and the Navdanya movement was created by Dr. Vandana Shiva 30 years ago in India to defend Seed and Food sovereignty and small farmers around the world. Navdanya pioneered the movement of seed saving and seed freedom, which began in response to the crisis of erosion of agricultural biodiversity and introduction of GMOs and patents on seeds through intellectual property rights (IPRs) and so-called \u2018free trade\u2019 agreements. It has long fought against biopiracy, the patenting of indigenous knowledge by self-interested multinational corporations and won cases related to Neem, basmati rice and wheat in India."}]

Old Shimla Road, P.O Sherpur Uttaranchal
🇮🇳 India
[{"translate":true,"title":"Navdanya International"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Navdanya International"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Navdanya International was founded in Italy in 2011 to strengthen Navdanya\u2019s global outreach in its mission to protect Nature, Earth\u2019s biodiversity and people\u2019s rights to seed and food and protect farmers\u2019 rights to save, exchange and evolve seeds, as well as to protect indigenous knowledge and culture."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Navdanya International was founded in Italy in 2011 to strengthen Navdanya\u2019s global outreach in its mission to protect Nature, Earth\u2019s biodiversity and people\u2019s rights to seed and food and protect farmers\u2019 rights to save, exchange and evolve seeds, as well as to protect indigenous knowledge and culture."}]

Piazzale Donatello, 2 - 50132 Florence
🇮🇹 Italy
[{"title":"GMO Dangers Association France"},{"title":"OGM dangers","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The purpose of the GMO dangers association is to fight against Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), particularly in agriculture and food, without any political or denominational ties. She defends radical theses, in the sense that she wants to attack the roots (radix, here in Latin) of the problems. The association intends to unmask the different aspects behind GMOs.\n\nWe are a 1901 association declared on May 4, 1999.\n\nSince then, we have participated in more than a hundred radio and television programs, and published several articles in major national newspapers. We were also heard by three parliamentary committees on the subject of GMOs or patents on living organisms.\n\nIn 2003, we organized a scientific symposium on GMOs and their alternatives. The main interventions were published in issue 11 of the journal L'Ecologiste. In 2009 we published a book. In 2018, we participated in the victory of the judgment of the CJEU of July 25, 2018. In 2020, we participated in the victory of the judgment at the Council of State.\n\nWe insist on the multifaceted nature of GMOs (hence the \"s\" for \"dangers\" in the name of the association) and we oppose both GMOs and the artificialization of living organisms which implies them and leads them."},{"description":"L'association OGM dangers a pour objectif de lutter contre les Organismes G\u00e9n\u00e9tiquement Modifi\u00e9s (OGM) notamment dans l'agriculture et l'alimentation, hors de toute attache politique ou confessionnelle. Elle d\u00e9fend des th\u00e8ses radicales, au sens o\u00f9 elle veut s'attaquer aux racines (radix, icis en latin) des probl\u00e8mes. L'association entend d\u00e9masquer les diff\u00e9rents aspects derri\u00e8re les OGM.\n\nNous sommes une association 1901 d\u00e9clar\u00e9e d\u00e8s le 4 mai 1999.\n\nDepuis, nous avons particip\u00e9 \u00e0 plus d'une centaine d'\u00e9mission de radio, t\u00e9l\u00e9vision, et publi\u00e9 plusieurs articles dans les grands journaux nationaux. Nous avons aussi \u00e9t\u00e9 auditionn\u00e9s par trois commissions parlementaires sur le sujet des OGM ou des brevets sur le vivant.\n\nEn 2003, nous avons organis\u00e9 un colloque scientifique sur les OGM et leurs alternatives. Les principales interventions ont \u00e9t\u00e9 publi\u00e9es dans le num\u00e9ro 11 de la revue L'Ecologiste. En 2009, nous avons publi\u00e9 un livre. En 2018, nous avons particip\u00e9 \u00e0 la victoire de l'arr\u00eat de la CJUE du 25 juillet 2018. En 2020, nous avons particip\u00e9 \u00e0 la victoire de l'arr\u00eat au Conseil d'Etat.\n\nNous insistons sur le caract\u00e8re multiforme des OGM (d'o\u00f9 le \"s\" \u00e0 \"dangers\" dans le nom de l'association) et nous nous opposons autant aux OGM qu'\u00e0 l'artificialisation du vivant qui les suppose et les entra\u00eene.","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

6, Avenue du Maine 75015
🇫🇷 France
[{"translate":true,"title":"The ReWrite Project"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"The ReWrite Project"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Advancing humanities-based knowledge on human\/nature relations in biotechnology. The ReWrite project aims to produce knowledge that can help decision makers develop policy and regulations that meet the challenge of developing sustainable food systems. We conduct an environmental ethics analyses of how human\/nature relations are being reimagined and rewritten by genome editing and suggest a new framework based on a relational ethics, we perform discourse analysis to bring forth knowledge about how different people and groups think about, communicate and debate genome editing. To facilitate public participation and stimulate creative thinking, the research will be conducted and communicated in collaboration with artists."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Advancing humanities-based knowledge on human\/nature relations in biotechnology. The ReWrite project aims to produce knowledge that can help decision makers develop policy and regulations that meet the challenge of developing sustainable food systems. We conduct an environmental ethics analyses of how human\/nature relations are being reimagined and rewritten by genome editing and suggest a new framework based on a relational ethics, we perform discourse analysis to bring forth knowledge about how different people and groups think about, communicate and debate genome editing. To facilitate public participation and stimulate creative thinking, the research will be conducted and communicated in collaboration with artists."}]

Siva innovasjonssenter Postboks 6418 9294
🇳🇴 Norway
    Foreword /
    🌐 💬

    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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