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Anti-GMO Activism in 🇳🇴 Norway

The index below provides an overview of anti-GMO activism initiatives and organizations in 🇳🇴 Norway.

In 2021 several science organizations declared that the GMO debate is over and that anti-GMO activism faded away for good (About). They were right and anti-GMO activism did fade away, leaving nature unprotected in many regions of the world.

Please consider to fund with a donation to help undo the effects of abandonment of anti-GMO activism! Help create a new initiative to protect nature against eugenics in 🇳🇴 Norway or other regions of the world.

[{"translate":true,"title":"Gen\u00d8k \u2013 Centre for Biosafety"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Gen\u00d8k \u2013 Centre for Biosafety"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Gen\u00d8k conducts research on environmental, health and social consequences of genetic engineering and genetic modification. Gen\u00d8k also conducts information activities and consulting within their area of competence. Gen\u00d8k is conducting gene ecology research and research based activities that contribute to safer use of biotechnologies. Gen\u00d8k has approved laboratories for biotechnology research and model systems for testing of effects."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Gen\u00d8k conducts research on environmental, health and social consequences of genetic engineering and genetic modification. Gen\u00d8k also conducts information activities and consulting within their area of competence. Gen\u00d8k is conducting gene ecology research and research based activities that contribute to safer use of biotechnologies. Gen\u00d8k has approved laboratories for biotechnology research and model systems for testing of effects."}]

Siva innovasjonssenter Postboks 6418 9294
🇳🇴 Norway
[{"title":"The GMO Network"},{"title":"GMO Nettverket","lg":"no","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"We work to ensure consumers and food producers have the right to choose GMO-free food, feed, seeds and animals."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"We work to ensure consumers and food producers have the right to choose GMO-free food, feed, seeds and animals."}]

Hollendergata 5 Postboks 9358 Grønland 0135
🇳🇴 Norway
[{"translate":true,"title":"The ReWrite Project"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"The ReWrite Project"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Advancing humanities-based knowledge on human\/nature relations in biotechnology. The ReWrite project aims to produce knowledge that can help decision makers develop policy and regulations that meet the challenge of developing sustainable food systems. We conduct an environmental ethics analyses of how human\/nature relations are being reimagined and rewritten by genome editing and suggest a new framework based on a relational ethics, we perform discourse analysis to bring forth knowledge about how different people and groups think about, communicate and debate genome editing. To facilitate public participation and stimulate creative thinking, the research will be conducted and communicated in collaboration with artists."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Advancing humanities-based knowledge on human\/nature relations in biotechnology. The ReWrite project aims to produce knowledge that can help decision makers develop policy and regulations that meet the challenge of developing sustainable food systems. We conduct an environmental ethics analyses of how human\/nature relations are being reimagined and rewritten by genome editing and suggest a new framework based on a relational ethics, we perform discourse analysis to bring forth knowledge about how different people and groups think about, communicate and debate genome editing. To facilitate public participation and stimulate creative thinking, the research will be conducted and communicated in collaboration with artists."}]

Siva innovasjonssenter Postboks 6418 9294
🇳🇴 Norway
    Foreword /
    🌐 💬

    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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