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An index with nature protection organizations globally, with a focus on organizations that defend nature against GMO.

[{"title":"Friends of the Earth France"},{"title":"Les Amis de la Terre France","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Friends of the Earth France federation was created in 1970 by citizens who became aware of the impacts of the model of society being imposed, and then decided to commit to changing the system.\n\nFriends of the Earth campaign for a transition towards sustainable societies in both the North and the South of France. Our approach integrates social, economic and environmental issues."},{"description":"La f\u00e9d\u00e9ration des Amis de la Terre France a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 1970 par des citoyen\u00b7nes qui prennent conscience des impacts du mod\u00e8le de soci\u00e9t\u00e9 en train de s\u2019imposer, et d\u00e9cident alors de s\u2019engager pour changer le syst\u00e8me.\n\nLes Amis de la Terre militent pour une transition vers des soci\u00e9t\u00e9s soutenables au Nord comme au Sud. Notre approche int\u00e8gre \u00e0 la fois des probl\u00e9matiques sociales, \u00e9conomiques et environnementales.","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

Mundo M 47 avenue Pasteur 93100
🇫🇷 France
[{"title":"Owl Protection Working Group in the Ludwigsburg District"},{"title":"Arbeitsgemeinschaft Eulenschutz im Landkreis Ludwigsburg e.V.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Eulenschutz im Landkreis Ludwigsburg e.V. (AGE) is a dedicated organization focused on the protection and conservation of owls in the Ludwigsburg district of Germany. Founded over 40 years ago, AGE has grown to over 700 members and is affiliated with the Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU). The organization engages in research, education, and conservation efforts to protect owl species in the region.","lg":"en"},{"description":"Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Eulenschutz im Landkreis Ludwigsburg e.V. (AGE) ist eine engagierte Organisation, die sich auf den Schutz und die Erhaltung von Eulen im Landkreis Ludwigsburg konzentriert. Vor \u00fcber 40 Jahren gegr\u00fcndet, ist die AGE auf \u00fcber 700 Mitglieder angewachsen und ist dem Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU) angeschlossen. Die Organisation betreibt Forschung, Bildung und Naturschutzma\u00dfnahmen zum Schutz der Eulenarten in der Region.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Tannenweg 19, 74321
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Working Group Native Orchids Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg","lg":"en"},{"title":"Arbeitskreis Heimische Orchideen Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg e.V.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Arbeitskreis Heimische Orchideen Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg e.V. (AHO) is a nature conservation organization dedicated to the study and preservation of native orchids in the Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg region of Germany. Founded in 1969, it has grown to over 600 members and engages in research, fieldwork, collaboration with authorities, and publication of findings to protect wild orchids and their habitats.","lg":"en"},{"description":"Der Arbeitskreis Heimische Orchideen Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg e.V. (AHO) ist eine Naturschutzorganisation, die sich der Erforschung und Erhaltung einheimischer Orchideen in der Region Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg widmet. Gegr\u00fcndet 1969, ist er auf \u00fcber 600 Mitglieder angewachsen und betreibt Forschung, Feldarbeit, Zusammenarbeit mit Beh\u00f6rden und Ver\u00f6ffentlichung von Ergebnissen zum Schutz wildwachsender Orchideen und ihrer Lebensr\u00e4ume.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Leibnizstraße 1
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Asociaci\u00f3n de Amigos de la Naturaleza del Pac\u00edfico Central y Sur (ASANA)","lg":"es","primary":true},{"title":"Association of Friends of Nature of the Central and South Pacific","lg":"en"}]

[{"description":"ASANA es una organizaci\u00f3n de protecci\u00f3n de la naturaleza que se enfoca en la conservaci\u00f3n de la regi\u00f3n del Pac\u00edfico Central y Sur de Costa Rica. Trabaja para preservar y restaurar la naturaleza, colaborar con las comunidades locales, crear conciencia sobre problemas ambientales urgentes y explorar alternativas de desarrollo sostenible.","lg":"es","primary":true},{"description":"ASANA is a nature protection organization that focuses on the conservation of the Central and South Pacific region of Costa Rica. It works to preserve and restore nature, collaborate with local communities, raise awareness about pressing environmental issues, and explore sustainable development alternatives.","lg":"en"}]

Ruta 34, Hacienda Bar, 700 mts Oeste del puente sobre el Río Bar
🇨🇷 Costa Rica
[{"title":"Asociaci\u00f3n de Desarrollo Integral de Manzanillo","lg":"es","primary":true},{"title":"Manzanillo Integral Development Association","lg":"en"}]

[{"description":"La Asociaci\u00f3n de Desarrollo Integral de Manzanillo (ADIM) es una organizaci\u00f3n de protecci\u00f3n de la naturaleza basada en Manzanillo, Lim\u00f3n, Costa Rica. Se enfoca en esfuerzos de conservaci\u00f3n basados en la comunidad en el \u00e1rea del Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo, conocido por sus diversos ecosistemas que incluyen playas de arena dorada, humedales, pantanos, lagunas, arrecifes y lechos de plantas y algas submarinas. ADIM juega un papel crucial en la protecci\u00f3n de algunas de las plantas y especies animales m\u00e1s amenazadas de Costa Rica, incluyendo manat\u00edes y tortugas marinas.","lg":"es","primary":true},{"description":"The Asociaci\u00f3n de Desarrollo Integral de Manzanillo (ADIM) is a nature protection organization based in Manzanillo, Lim\u00f3n, Costa Rica. It focuses on community-based conservation efforts in the area of the Gandoca-Manzanillo National Wildlife Refuge, known for its diverse ecosystems including golden sand beaches, wetlands, swamps, lagoons, reefs, and beds of undersea plants and seaweed. ADIM plays a crucial role in protecting some of Costa Rica's most endangered plants and animal species, including manatees and sea turtles.","lg":"en"}]

Cahuita, Talamanca
🇨🇷 Costa Rica
Asociación de Voluntarios para el Servicio en Áreas Protegidas (ASVO)

ASVO is a non-governmental organization in Costa Rica that focuses on nature protection and volunteer work in protected areas. For 33 years, ASVO has been promoting environmental volunteerism with social awareness, acting as a bridge between civil society and natural areas to encourage responsible and voluntary conservation of Costa Rica's natural and cultural heritage.

San José
🇨🇷 Costa Rica
[{"title":"Federal Agency for Nature Conservation Germany (BfN)"},{"title":"Bundesamt f\u00fcr Naturschutz (BfN)","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) is a German higher federal authority providing professional, scientific and administrative expertise in nature conservation and landscape management. We enforce nature conservation law, advise policymakers, publish research findings and data on nature and the landscape, and support and oversee nature conservation and research projects. Our responsibilities are laid down in the Act Establishing a Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfNG)."},{"description":"Das Bundesamt f\u00fcr Naturschutz (BfN) ist eine Bundesoberbeh\u00f6rde mit fachlichen, wissenschaftlichen und administrativen Aufgaben im Bereich des Naturschutzes und der Landschaftspflege. Wir vollziehen Naturschutzrecht, beraten politisch Verantwortliche, stellen Forschungsergebnisse und Daten zu Natur und Landschaft bereit und f\u00f6rdern und betreuen Naturschutzprojekte sowie Forschungsvorhaben. Unsere Aufgaben ergeben sich aus dem Gesetz \u00fcber die Errichtung eines Bundesamtes f\u00fcr Naturschutz (BfNG).","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Konstantinstr. 110 53179
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Biorespect - We question biotechnology"},{"title":"Biorespect - Wir hinterfragen Biotechnik","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"In January 2015, after more than 25 years of \u00abBasel Appeal Against Genetic Engineering\u00bb, the critical, militant association became: \u00abbiorespect\u00bb.\n\nAs before, the association stands as a guarantor for a consistent, critical and factually sound analysis of genetic, biological and reproductive technologies. Our work focuses on the effects of these technologies on people, animals and the environment.\n\nBiorespect is committed to\n\n- for the preservation of biodiversity and quality of life in an intact environment, free from genetic engineering risks\n- for a fairer world, free from patented natural goods\n- for a more humane world with ethically justifiable medicine and research."},{"description":"Nach \u00fcber 25 Jahren \u00abBasler Appell gegen Gentechnologie\u00bb wurde im Januar 2015 aus dem kritischen, k\u00e4mpferischen Verein: \u00abbiorespect\u00bb.\n\nWie bis anhin steht der Verein als Garant f\u00fcr eine konsequente, kritische und sachlich fundierte Analyse von Gen-, Bio- und Fortpflanzungstechnologien. Im Fokus unserer Arbeit stehen die Auswirkungen dieser Technologien auf Mensch, Tier und Umwelt.\n\nBiorespect setzt sich ein\n\n- f\u00fcr die Erhaltung von Artenvielfalt und Lebensqualit\u00e4t in einer intakten Umwelt, frei von Gentech-Risken\n- f\u00fcr eine gerechtere Welt, frei von patentierten Naturg\u00fctern\n- f\u00fcr eine humanere Welt mit ethisch vertretbarer Medizin und Forschung.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Murbacherstrasse 34 4056
🇨🇭 Switzerland
[{"title":"People's Biosafety Association Finland"},{"title":"Kansalaisten Bioturvayhdistys","lg":"fi","primary":true}]

[{"description":"For many years, Finland was the only European country without any non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the risks of genetic engineering. In May 2000, People's Biosafety Association was founded to address this shortcoming. On the very next day after the founding, a GE rape scandal came public, showing the real need for people's activity.\n\nThe purpose of People's Biosafety Association, as stated in its statutes, is to protect the genetic foundation of both cultural and natural ecosystems, and the living systems based on it, and the health and well-being of people and animals, against the risks and dangers posed by scientific, technological and economic development."},{"description":"Suomi oli pitk\u00e4\u00e4n ainoa Euroopan maa, jossa ei toiminut j\u00e4rjest\u00e4ytynytt\u00e4 geenimuuntelun riskeist\u00e4 huolta kantavaa kansalaisj\u00e4rjest\u00f6\u00e4. Toukokuussa 2000 perustettiin Kansalaisten Bioturvayhdistys t\u00e4t\u00e4 puutetta korjaamaan. Heti perustamisen j\u00e4lkeisen\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4n\u00e4 tuli julkisuuteen geenirapsiskandaali, joka osoitti, ett\u00e4 kansalaistoimintaa todella tarvitaan. Tule mukaan puolustamaan oikeuttasi bioturvalliseen maailmaan.","lg":"fi","primary":true}]

Kansalaisten Bioturvayhdistys r.y. Kasöörinkatu 3 B, 00520
🇫🇮 Finland
[{"title":"Bird Conservation Society of Thailand"},{"title":"\u0e2a\u0e21\u0e32\u0e04\u0e21\u0e2d\u0e19\u0e38\u0e23\u0e31\u0e01\u0e29\u0e4c\u0e19\u0e01\u0e41\u0e25\u0e30\u0e18\u0e23\u0e23\u0e21\u0e0a\u0e32\u0e15\u0e34\u0e41\u0e2b\u0e48\u0e07\u0e1b\u0e23\u0e30\u0e40\u0e17\u0e28\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22","lg":"th","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Bird Conservation Society of Thailand (BCST) is a prominent organization dedicated to the conservation and study of birds in Thailand. Founded by Dr. Boonsong Lekagul, BCST evolved from the Bangkok Bird Club established in 1962. The organization focuses on bird watching, nature education, conservation projects, and community engagement to promote bird protection and environmental awareness across Thailand.","primary":true},{"description":"\u0e2a\u0e21\u0e32\u0e04\u0e21\u0e2d\u0e19\u0e38\u0e23\u0e31\u0e01\u0e29\u0e4c\u0e19\u0e01\u0e41\u0e25\u0e30\u0e18\u0e23\u0e23\u0e21\u0e0a\u0e32\u0e15\u0e34\u0e41\u0e2b\u0e48\u0e07\u0e1b\u0e23\u0e30\u0e40\u0e17\u0e28\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22 (BCST) \u0e40\u0e1b\u0e47\u0e19\u0e2d\u0e07\u0e04\u0e4c\u0e01\u0e23\u0e0a\u0e31\u0e49\u0e19\u0e19\u0e33\u0e17\u0e35\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e38\u0e17\u0e34\u0e28\u0e15\u0e19\u0e40\u0e1e\u0e37\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e01\u0e32\u0e23\u0e2d\u0e19\u0e38\u0e23\u0e31\u0e01\u0e29\u0e4c\u0e41\u0e25\u0e30\u0e28\u0e36\u0e01\u0e29\u0e32\u0e19\u0e01\u0e43\u0e19\u0e1b\u0e23\u0e30\u0e40\u0e17\u0e28\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22 \u0e01\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e15\u0e31\u0e49\u0e07\u0e42\u0e14\u0e22 \u0e14\u0e23.\u0e1a\u0e38\u0e0d\u0e2a\u0e48\u0e07 \u0e40\u0e25\u0e02\u0e30\u0e01\u0e38\u0e25 BCST \u0e1e\u0e31\u0e12\u0e19\u0e32\u0e21\u0e32\u0e08\u0e32\u0e01\u0e0a\u0e21\u0e23\u0e21\u0e14\u0e39\u0e19\u0e01\u0e01\u0e23\u0e38\u0e07\u0e40\u0e17\u0e1e\u0e17\u0e35\u0e48\u0e01\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e15\u0e31\u0e49\u0e07\u0e02\u0e36\u0e49\u0e19\u0e43\u0e19\u0e1b\u0e35 2505 \u0e2d\u0e07\u0e04\u0e4c\u0e01\u0e23\u0e21\u0e38\u0e48\u0e07\u0e40\u0e19\u0e49\u0e19\u0e01\u0e32\u0e23\u0e14\u0e39\u0e19\u0e01 \u0e01\u0e32\u0e23\u0e43\u0e2b\u0e49\u0e04\u0e27\u0e32\u0e21\u0e23\u0e39\u0e49\u0e14\u0e49\u0e32\u0e19\u0e18\u0e23\u0e23\u0e21\u0e0a\u0e32\u0e15\u0e34 \u0e42\u0e04\u0e23\u0e07\u0e01\u0e32\u0e23\u0e2d\u0e19\u0e38\u0e23\u0e31\u0e01\u0e29\u0e4c \u0e41\u0e25\u0e30\u0e01\u0e32\u0e23\u0e21\u0e35\u0e2a\u0e48\u0e27\u0e19\u0e23\u0e48\u0e27\u0e21\u0e02\u0e2d\u0e07\u0e0a\u0e38\u0e21\u0e0a\u0e19\u0e40\u0e1e\u0e37\u0e48\u0e2d\u0e2a\u0e48\u0e07\u0e40\u0e2a\u0e23\u0e34\u0e21\u0e01\u0e32\u0e23\u0e1b\u0e01\u0e1b\u0e49\u0e2d\u0e07\u0e19\u0e01\u0e41\u0e25\u0e30\u0e2a\u0e23\u0e49\u0e32\u0e07\u0e04\u0e27\u0e32\u0e21\u0e15\u0e23\u0e30\u0e2b\u0e19\u0e31\u0e01\u0e14\u0e49\u0e32\u0e19\u0e2a\u0e34\u0e48\u0e07\u0e41\u0e27\u0e14\u0e25\u0e49\u0e2d\u0e21\u0e17\u0e31\u0e48\u0e27\u0e1b\u0e23\u0e30\u0e40\u0e17\u0e28\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22","lg":"th"}]

FREC Bangkok, 3rd Floor, 77 Lan Luang Rd., Sommanat Pom Prap Sattru Phai
🇹🇭 Thailand
📞 Array
[{"title":"Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection Germany (BMUV)"},{"title":"Bundesministerium f\u00fcr Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV)","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) is responsible for a range of government policies that are reflected in the name of the ministry itself. The ministry has been working over 30 years to protect the public from environmental toxins and radiation, to promote the wise and efficient use of raw materials, to advance climate action and to ensure that natural resources are used in a way that protects the diversity of animal and plant species and preserves their habitats.\n\nThe structure and name of the ministry was changed by the organisational decree of the Federal Chancellor of 8 December 2021. Since then, the BMUV has been responsible not only for environmental protection and nature conservation, but also consumer protection policy. The BMUV therefore shapes core issues for the future that focus on people and their living environments. It drives economic, environmental and social modernisation. Climate action also remains a key issue for the BMUV with a focus on natural climate solutions, climate adaptation and resource policy."},{"description":"Die vielf\u00e4ltigen Politikbereiche, f\u00fcr die das Bundesministerium f\u00fcr Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV) innerhalb der Bundesregierung zust\u00e4ndig ist, spiegeln sich bereits im Namen des Ministeriums wider. Seit mehr als 30 Jahren arbeitet das Ministerium f\u00fcr den Schutz der B\u00fcrgerinnen und B\u00fcrger vor Umweltgiften und Strahlung, f\u00fcr einen klugen und sparsamen Umgang mit Rohstoffen, den Klimaschutz sowie f\u00fcr eine Nutzung der nat\u00fcrlichen Lebensgrundlagen, bei der die Vielfalt von Tier-, und Pflanzenarten und der Erhalt ihrer Lebensr\u00e4ume sichergestellt wird.\n\nMit dem Organisationserlass des Bundeskanzlers vom 8. Dezember 2021 wurde der Zuschnitt und Name des Ministeriums ge\u00e4ndert. Neben den Schwerpunkten Umweltschutz und Naturschutz ist das BMUV seitdem auch f\u00fcr die Verbraucherschutzpolitik zust\u00e4ndig. Damit gestaltet das BMUV zentrale Zukunftsthemen, die auf die Menschen und ihre Lebenswelt abzielen. Es ist Treiberin einer \u00f6konomischen, \u00f6kologischen und gesellschaftlichen Modernisierung. Auch das Thema Klimaschutz bleibt mit den Schwerpunkten Nat\u00fcrlicher Klimaschutz, Klimaanpassung und Ressourcenpolitik ein zentrales Thema des BMUV.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Stresemannstraße 128 - 130 10117
🇩🇪 Germany
Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust

Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust (BTLT) is a non-profit organization working to preserve, protect, and enhance the natural, scenic, and cultural heritage of Brunswick, Topsham, and Bowdoin, Maine. Founded in 1985, BTLT focuses on land conservation, community agriculture, and environmental education, connecting people with the natural world through inclusive programs and conserving vital ecosystems.

P.O. Box 120
🇺🇸 United States
Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG)

[{"description":"Today the Baltic Sea is in critical condition \u2013 it is considered one of the most polluted seas in the world. It can still be saved but actions should be taken immediately.\n\nThe most severe problems of the Baltic Sea are eutrophication, hazardous substances, risks of the maritime traffic and the loss of biodiversity. The environmental problems are interwoven. When we are talking about climate change, we are also talking about the state of the Baltic Sea.\n\nBSAG, The Baltic Sea Action Group, (officially \u201cFoundation for a Living Baltic Sea\u201d) is an independent non-profit foundation (2008) based in Finland. BSAG works to find solutions and right actors to restore the good ecological balance of the Baltic Sea.\n\nThe work is based on constructive cooperation among all levels of society, including the highest political level in all the Baltic Sea countries, public authorities, and the private sector. BSAG works as a matchmaker, bringing research findings to the use of the decision makers, activating companies to find and implement solutions, and bringing together the parties needed to save the Baltic Sea."},{"description":"Baltic Sea Action Group eli BSAG on voittoa tavoittelematon s\u00e4\u00e4ti\u00f6, joka tekee vaikuttavaa ty\u00f6t\u00e4 It\u00e4meren pelastamiseksi. Tavoitteemme on palauttaa It\u00e4meren hyv\u00e4 ekologinen tasapaino muuttuvissa ilmasto-olosuhteissa. Suojelemme It\u00e4merta, torjumme luontokatoa ja hillitsemme ilmastonmuutosta laajassa yhteisty\u00f6ss\u00e4 tutkijoiden, yritysten, p\u00e4\u00e4tt\u00e4jien, viranomaisten ja viljelij\u00f6iden kanssa.\nAuringon valo siivil\u00f6ityy veden pinnan l\u00e4pi.\n\nIt\u00e4meri on erityisen haavoittuvainen sen mataluuden ja veden alhaisen suolapitoisuuden vuoksi, mink\u00e4 lis\u00e4ksi se on yksi maailman saastuneimmista merist\u00e4. Ilmastonmuutos ja rehev\u00f6ityminen ovat It\u00e4meren suurimmat ongelmat, jotka ovat saattaneet meren ekosysteemin kriittiseen tilaan. \n\nApua tarvitaan heti, ja siksi teemme laajan kumppaniverkostomme kanssa elint\u00e4rke\u00e4\u00e4 ty\u00f6t\u00e4 It\u00e4meren pelastamiseksi.\n\nEkosysteemiss\u00e4 kaikki on yhteydess\u00e4. Siksi It\u00e4meren suojelu, sek\u00e4 ilmastonmuutoksen ja luontokadon hillint\u00e4 ovat samalla ihmisten ja el\u00e4m\u00e4n suojelua.","lg":"fi","primary":true}]

Keilaranta 5 02150
🇫🇮 Finland
[{"title":"BUND e.V. - Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany"},{"title":"BUND e.V. - Bund f\u00fcr Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"BUND sees itself as the driving social force for an ecological and social sustainable development in Germany. Its vision is a future-proof country in a socially just and peaceful world \u2013 a goal it pursues on a local, regional, national and international level.\n\nAmong other things, BUND campaigns for ecological agriculture and healthy food, climate protection and the expansion of renewable energies, the protection of endangered species, forests and water.\n\nIt also raises public awareness of environmental protection and nature conservation issues and explains the environmental and health impacts of products and services."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"BUND sees itself as the driving social force for an ecological and social sustainable development in Germany. Its vision is a future-proof country in a socially just and peaceful world \u2013 a goal it pursues on a local, regional, national and international level.\n\nAmong other things, BUND campaigns for ecological agriculture and healthy food, climate protection and the expansion of renewable energies, the protection of endangered species, forests and water.\n\nIt also raises public awareness of environmental protection and nature conservation issues and explains the environmental and health impacts of products and services."}]

Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 5 10553
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Combat Monsanto France"},{"title":"Combat Monsanto","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Combat Monsanto association was created in 2008, with the aim of sharing journalistic and scientific investigations into Monsanto's practices, in particular Marie-Monique Robin's The World According to Monsanto survey. This firm, now merged with Bayer, remains a symbol of chemical agriculture (synthetic pesticides) and biotechnologies (GMOs), threatening the health of all living beings, ecosystems and seed heritage."},{"description":"L\u2019association Combat Monsanto a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 2008, dans l\u2019objectif de partager des investigations journalistiques et scientifiques sur les pratiques de Monsanto, en particulier l\u2019enqu\u00eate Le Monde selon Monsanto de Marie-Monique Robin. Cette firme, aujourd\u2019hui fusionn\u00e9e avec Bayer, reste un symbole de l\u2019agriculture chimique (pesticides de synth\u00e8se) et des biotechnologies (OGM), mena\u00e7ant la sant\u00e9 de tous les \u00eatres vivants, des \u00e9cosyst\u00e8mes et du patrimoine semencier.","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

72 rue du Faubourg-Poissonnière 75010
🇫🇷 France
[{"title":"Conservation International Mexico","primary":true},{"title":"Conservaci\u00f3n Internacional M\u00e9xico","lg":"es","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Conservaci\u00f3n Internacional M\u00e9xico (CI M\u00e9xico) is a nature protection organization dedicated to biodiversity conservation, combating climate change, and promoting human well-being. With over 30 years of presence in Mexico, CI M\u00e9xico focuses on sustainable resource management and the protection of natural habitats. The organization aims to demonstrate how the sustainable use of natural resources benefits humanity by providing water, food, climate stability, and income sources.","primary":true},{"description":"Conservaci\u00f3n Internacional M\u00e9xico (CI M\u00e9xico) es una organizaci\u00f3n de protecci\u00f3n de la naturaleza dedicada a la conservaci\u00f3n de la biodiversidad, la lucha contra el cambio clim\u00e1tico y la promoci\u00f3n del bienestar humano. Con m\u00e1s de 30 a\u00f1os de presencia en M\u00e9xico, CI M\u00e9xico se enfoca en la gesti\u00f3n sostenible de los recursos y la protecci\u00f3n de los h\u00e1bitats naturales. La organizaci\u00f3n busca demostrar c\u00f3mo el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales beneficia a la humanidad proporcionando agua, alimentos, estabilidad clim\u00e1tica y fuentes de ingresos.","lg":"es","primary":true}]

El Oro 23, Roma Nte., Cuauhtémoc, 06700
Ciudad de México
🇲🇽 Mexico
Conserving Carolina

Land trust working to protect and restore the natural resources of western North Carolina and the South Carolina Upstate.

847 Case Street
🇺🇸 United States
[{"title":"German Wildlife Foundation"},{"title":"Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"German Wildlife Foundation - more than 50 years for red deer, dormice, hare and all other native wild animals.\n\nLong before the official beginnings of the German Wildlife Foundation, the commitment of its later founder, Haymo G. Rethwisch, to wildlife protection was growing. As early as 1960, the Hamburg entrepreneur acquired the first areas in Fintel, Lower Saxony, which he consistently converted into habitats for wild animals. Even then, Rethwisch was thinking in ecological terms and relied on wildlife-friendly agriculture and forestry. That puts him way ahead of his time 50 years ago.\n\nToday, more than 50 employees of the foundation at three locations are involved in numerous projects for the preservation and creation of habitats for our native wild animals. The active implementation of species protection projects is just as much a part of their tasks as nature education projects to counteract alienation from nature, especially among children and young people."},{"description":"Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung \u2013 \u00fcber 50 Jahre f\u00fcr Rotwild, Siebenschl\u00e4fer, Feldhase und alle anderen heimischen Wildtiere.\n\nSchon lange vor den offiziellen Anf\u00e4ngen der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung w\u00e4chst das Engagement ihres sp\u00e4teren Stifters, Haymo G. Rethwisch, im Wildtierschutz. Bereits 1960 erwirbt der Hamburger Unternehmer im nieders\u00e4chsischen Fintel erste Fl\u00e4chen, die er konsequent in Lebensr\u00e4ume f\u00fcr Wildtiere umgestaltet. Rethwisch denkt schon damals in \u00f6kologischen Zusammenh\u00e4ngen und setzt auf eine wildtierfreundliche Land- und Forstwirtschaft. Damit ist er vor 50 Jahren seiner Zeit schon weit voraus.\n\nHeute setzen sich \u00fcber 50 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Stiftung an drei Standorten in zahlreichen Projekten f\u00fcr den Erhalt und die Schaffung von Lebensr\u00e4umen unserer heimischen Wildtiere ein. Die aktive Durchf\u00fchrung von Artenschutzprojekten geh\u00f6rt genauso zu ihren Aufgaben wie Projekte aus der Naturbildung, um der Naturentfremdung, insbesondere bei Kindern und Jugendlichen, entgegenzuwirken.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Christoph-Probst-Weg 4 20251
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"German nature conservation ring (DNR)"},{"title":"Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR)","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Upper Association of German Nature, Animal and Environmental Protection Organizations. We arise for the protection of biological diversity, for sustainability, resource and climate protection.\n\nThe Environmental umbrella Association of German Nature Conservation (DNR) was founded in 1950 and today bundles the interests of almost 100 German nature, animal and environmental protection organizations, natural sports organizations, producer associations, foundations and institutes that together reach more than eleven million people.\n\nTogether they are the goal of protecting nature and habitats in order to preserve the beauty of the landscape and the resources of our planet for our descendants. Founded as a constructive-critical partner to the state instance, the umbrella organization acts as coordinator, mediator and representative in the political field for its members. With their membership in the DNR, the organizations are supported and strengthened in their concerns and tasks."},{"description":"Dachverband der deutschen Natur-, Tier- und Umweltschutzorganisationen. Wir treten ein f\u00fcr den Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt, f\u00fcr Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourcen- und Klimaschutz.\n\nDer Umweltdachverband Deutscher Naturschutzring e.V. (DNR) wurde 1950 gegr\u00fcndet und b\u00fcndelt heute die Interessen von knapp 100 deutschen Natur-, Tier- und Umweltschutzorganisationen, Natursportorganisationen, Erzeugerverb\u00e4nden, Stiftungen und Instituten, die zusammen mehr als elf Millionen Menschen erreichen.\n\nIhnen gemeinsam ist das Ziel, Natur und Lebensr\u00e4ume zu sch\u00fctzen, um die Sch\u00f6nheit der Landschaft und die Ressourcen unseres Planeten auch f\u00fcr unsere Nachkommen zu bewahren. Gegr\u00fcndet als konstruktiv-kritischer Partner zur staatlichen Instanz fungiert der Dachverband f\u00fcr seine Mitglieder als Koordinator, Vermittler und Vertreter im politischen Bereich. Durch ihre Mitgliedschaft im DNR werden die Organisationen in ihren Anliegen und Aufgaben unterst\u00fctzt und best\u00e4rkt.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Marienstraße 19-20 10117
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Society for the Observation and Study of Birds of Slovenia","lg":"en"},{"title":"Dru\u0161tvo za Opazovanje in Prou\u010devanje Ptic Slovenije","lg":"sl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Dru\u0161tvo za Opazovanje in Prou\u010devanje Ptic Slovenije (DOPPS), also known as BirdLife Slovenia, is a prominent non-governmental organization dedicated to bird conservation and research in Slovenia. Established in 1979, DOPPS has grown to become the largest conservation non-profit organization in the country, with a mission to protect birds and their habitats through various conservation, research, and educational activities.","lg":"en"},{"description":"Dru\u0161tvo za opazovanje in prou\u010devanje ptic Slovenije (DOPPS) je nacionalno dru\u0161tvo, ki deluje v javnem interesu na podro\u010dju ohranjanja narave in varstva okolja. Poslanstvo DOPPS je varovanje ptic in njihovih habitatov z naravovarstvenim delom, raziskovanjem, izobra\u017eevanjem, popularizacijo in sodelovanjem.","lg":"sl","primary":true}]

Tržaška cesta 2
🇸🇮 Slovenia
[{"title":"Earth Foundation (EarthTrust)"},{"title":"EarthTrust","lg":"en","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"ET is the \u201cImpossible Missions\u201d team for environmental crises. ET is a one-of-a-kind resource for \u201cimpossible\u201d tasks, because its leadership analyzes issues in ways which simply wouldn\u2019t occur to most people. We strive to make the earth a better place for wildlife and mankind by tackling \u201cimpossible\u201d environmental issues that others have given up on, repeatedly failed at, or never properly understood in the first place. We do this by bringing together donors who are passionate about wildlife saving with equally passionate, experienced and innovative strategists and advocates. The formation of these \u201cimpossible missions\u201d teams often creates a better, more whole future."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"ET is the \u201cImpossible Missions\u201d team for environmental crises. ET is a one-of-a-kind resource for \u201cimpossible\u201d tasks, because its leadership analyzes issues in ways which simply wouldn\u2019t occur to most people. We strive to make the earth a better place for wildlife and mankind by tackling \u201cimpossible\u201d environmental issues that others have given up on, repeatedly failed at, or never properly understood in the first place. We do this by bringing together donors who are passionate about wildlife saving with equally passionate, experienced and innovative strategists and advocates. The formation of these \u201cimpossible missions\u201d teams often creates a better, more whole future."}]

Windward Environmental Center 1118 Maunawili Road 96734
Kailua, HI
🇺🇸 United States
[{"title":"EuroNatur - Nature conservation in Europe"},{"title":"EuroNatur Stiftung - Naturschutz in Europa","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Nature conservation in Europe \u2013 that's what EuroNatur stands for. Protecting Europe's wild animals, preserving their habitats and offering the local people a nature-friendly economic perspective: this is what the employees of EuroNatur are committed to. Since the foundation was established, we have built up a powerful network of partner organisations, scientists and nature conservation practitioners in Europe.\n\nIn accordance with our motto \"Connecting people and nature\", we promote the sustainable development of rural areas, especially in the regions of Europe that are often not the focus of reporting. We create acceptance and awareness for nature conservation and work on long-term relationships and successes in our project areas."},{"description":"Naturschutz in Europa \u2013 daf\u00fcr steht EuroNatur. Europas wilde Tiere sch\u00fctzen, ihre Lebensr\u00e4ume bewahren und den Menschen vor Ort eine naturvertr\u00e4gliche wirtschaftliche Perspektive bieten: Daf\u00fcr setzen sich die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter von EuroNatur ein. Seit Gr\u00fcndung der Stiftung haben wir ein schlagkr\u00e4ftiges Netzwerk aus Partnerorganisationen, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Naturschutzpraktikern in Europa aufgebaut.\n\nGem\u00e4\u00df unserem Motto \u201eMenschen und Natur verbinden\u201c f\u00f6rdern wir die nachhaltige Entwicklung des l\u00e4ndlichen Raums, insbesondere in den Regionen Europas, die h\u00e4ufig nicht im Fokus der Berichterstattung stehen. Wir schaffen Akzeptanz und Bewusstsein f\u00fcr den Naturschutz und arbeiten in unseren Projektgebieten an langfristigen Beziehungen und Erfolgen.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Westendstraße 3 78315
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"The Danish Outdoor Council","lg":"en"},{"title":"Friluftsr\u00e5det","lg":"da","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Friluftsr\u00e5det is an umbrella organization for outdoor recreation and nature protection associations in Denmark. Founded in 1942, it serves as a non-profit entity that unites various outdoor and nature-related associations across the country. The organization focuses on promoting outdoor activities, ensuring access to nature, and providing environmental education.","lg":"en"},{"description":"Friluftsr\u00e5det er en paraplyorganisation for friluftsliv og naturbeskyttelsesforeninger i Danmark. Grundlagt i 1942 fungerer det som en non-profit enhed, der forener forskellige frilufts- og naturrelaterede foreninger i hele landet. Organisationen fokuserer p\u00e5 at fremme udend\u00f8rsaktiviteter, sikre adgang til naturen og tilbyde milj\u00f8uddannelse.","lg":"da","primary":true}]

Scandiagade 13 2450
København SV
🇩🇰 Denmark
[{"title":"Fundaci\u00f3n Corcovado","lg":"es","primary":true},{"title":"Corcovado Foundation","lg":"en"}]

[{"description":"Fundaci\u00f3n Corcovado es una organizaci\u00f3n de protecci\u00f3n de la naturaleza en Costa Rica que se enfoca en la conservaci\u00f3n del Parque Nacional Corcovado. Trabajan con comunidades locales, brindan educaci\u00f3n ambiental y promueven pr\u00e1cticas sostenibles. La fundaci\u00f3n se dedica a proteger el patrimonio natural de Costa Rica para las generaciones futuras a trav\u00e9s del desarrollo sostenible, la educaci\u00f3n y el fortalecimiento de las \u00e1reas de vida silvestre protegidas.","lg":"es","primary":true},{"description":"Fundaci\u00f3n Corcovado is a nature protection organization in Costa Rica that focuses on the conservation of Corcovado National Park. They work with local communities, provide environmental education, and promote sustainable practices. The foundation is dedicated to protecting Costa Rica's natural heritage for future generations through sustainable development, education, and the strengthening of protected wildlife areas.","lg":"en"}]

Corcovado Foundation Moravia, San José
San José
🇨🇷 Costa Rica
📞 Array
[{"title":"Fundaci\u00f3n FUNDEPREDI","lg":"es","primary":true},{"title":"FUNDEPREDI Foundation","lg":"en"}]

[{"description":"Fundaci\u00f3n FUNDEPREDI es una organizaci\u00f3n de protecci\u00f3n de la naturaleza basada en Costa Rica. Se enfoca en la educaci\u00f3n ambiental y los esfuerzos de conservaci\u00f3n.","lg":"es","primary":true},{"description":"Fundaci\u00f3n FUNDEPREDI is a nature protection organization based in Costa Rica. It focuses on environmental education and conservation efforts.","lg":"en"}]

De la Rotonda La Betania 500m al este, Carretera a Sabanilla
San José
🇨🇷 Costa Rica
[{"title":"Fundaci\u00f3n para la Conservaci\u00f3n y el Estudio de la Naturaleza","lg":"es","primary":true},{"title":"Foundation for the Conservation and Study of Nature","lg":"en"}]

[{"description":"La Fundaci\u00f3n para la Conservaci\u00f3n y el Estudio de la Naturaleza es una organizaci\u00f3n dedicada a la conservaci\u00f3n de la biodiversidad y la investigaci\u00f3n ambiental en Argentina. Su misi\u00f3n es proteger y estudiar los ecosistemas naturales del pa\u00eds, contribuyendo al conocimiento cient\u00edfico y a la preservaci\u00f3n de la naturaleza para las generaciones futuras.","lg":"es","primary":true},{"description":"The Foundation for the Conservation and Study of Nature is an organization dedicated to biodiversity conservation and environmental research in Argentina. Its mission is to protect and study the country's natural ecosystems, contributing to scientific knowledge and the preservation of nature for future generations.","lg":"en"}]

Av. Ejemplo 1234
Buenos Aires
🇦🇷 Argentina
[{"title":"Fundaci\u00f3n Restauraci\u00f3n de la Naturaleza Costa Rica","lg":"es","primary":true},{"title":"Nature Restoration Foundation Costa Rica","lg":"en"}]

[{"description":"Fundaci\u00f3n Restauraci\u00f3n de la Naturaleza es una organizaci\u00f3n de protecci\u00f3n de la naturaleza en Costa Rica que se enfoca en la restauraci\u00f3n de ecosistemas. Aunque la informaci\u00f3n espec\u00edfica sobre la organizaci\u00f3n es limitada, trabaja para proteger y restaurar la biodiversidad y los h\u00e1bitats naturales de Costa Rica.","lg":"es","primary":true},{"description":"Fundaci\u00f3n Restauraci\u00f3n de la Naturaleza is a nature protection organization in Costa Rica that focuses on ecosystem restoration. While specific information about the organization is limited, it works to protect and restore Costa Rica's biodiversity and natural habitats.","lg":"en"}]

🇨🇷 Costa Rica
[{"title":"Swiss Alliance GMO Free (SAG)"},{"title":"Schweizer Allianz Gentechfrei (SAG)","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Swiss Alliance Gentechfrei SAG sees itself as a critical forum on questions of genetic engineering. It is a platform for discussion, information and action for organizations and individual members who are critical of genetic engineering. Today, the SAG acts as the umbrella organization for around 25 Swiss associations from the fields of environment, nature conservation, animal welfare, medicine, development cooperation, organic farming and consumer protection."},{"description":"Die Schweizer Allianz Gentechfrei SAG versteht sich als kritisches Forum zu Fragen der Gentechnologie. Sie ist eine Plattform der Diskussion, Information und Aktion f\u00fcr Organisationen und Einzelmitglieder, die der Gentechnologie kritisch gegen\u00fcberstehen. Heute wirkt die SAG als Dachorganisation von rund 25 Schweizer Verb\u00e4nden aus den Bereichen Umwelt, Naturschutz, Tierschutz, Medizin, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, biologischer Landbau und KonsumentInnenschutz.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Hottingerstr. 32 8032
🇨🇭 Switzerland
[{"title":"GMO-free initiative Switzerland"},{"title":"Gentechfrei-Initiative Schweiz","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The main goal of the GMO-free initiative is to stop commercial use of genetically modified plants and animals in the environment. Swiss agriculture should remain GMO-free, which is also what the vast majority of consumers and farmer organizations want."},{"description":"Das Hauptziel der Gentechfrei-Initiative ist ein Verzicht auf kommerzielle Anwendungen von gentechnisch ver\u00e4nderten Pflanzen und Tieren in der Umwelt. Die Schweizer Landwirtschaft soll gentechnikfrei bleiben, das entspricht auch dem Wunsch der grossen Mehrheit der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten und der Bauernorganisationen.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Hottingerstr. 32 8032
🇨🇭 Switzerland
[{"title":"Global Nature Fund (GNF)"},{"title":"Global Nature Fund (GNF)","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The GNF strives for sustainable global development within the planetary boundaries for present and future generations, which ensures the health of our planet and preserves and restores biological diversity as the basis of our livelihoods\n\nThe Global Nature Fund (GNF) is an international foundation for the environment and nature. The foundation is independent of the state and pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes."},{"description":"Der GNF strebt eine nachhaltige globale Entwicklung innerhalb der planetarischen Grenzen f\u00fcr heutige und zuk\u00fcnftige Generationen an, welche die Gesundheit unseres Planeten sicherstellt und biologische Vielfalt als Basis unserer Lebensgrundlagen erh\u00e4lt und wiederherstellt.\n \nDer Global Nature Fund (GNF) ist eine internationale Stiftung f\u00fcr Umwelt und Natur. Die Stiftung ist staatlich unabh\u00e4ngig und verfolgt ausschlie\u00dflich und unmittelbar gemeinn\u00fctzige Zwecke.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4 78315
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"GMO Free Finland"},{"title":"Gmo-vapaa Suomi","lg":"fi","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"GMO-free Finland is a campaign launched by four Finnish NGO's. The Union of Organic Farmers in Finland, The Biodynamic Association in Finland, Friends of the Earth Finland and People's Biosafety Association in Finland were the first to join the movement. Others are warmly welcomed.\n\nAlthough the Finnish Government has been one of the foremost supporters of the EU Commission on GMOs there are only two test fields of gm-plants and no commercial growing of gmo's in Finland.\n\nThe campaign has a clear vision to encourage people to stand up for their GMO-free environment. We offer Finnish farms, gardens, food stores, restaurants, food manufacturers, municipalities and other communities a forum to register themselves as GMO-free and get involved, explains campaign coordinator Hannes Tuohiniitty.\n\nThe NGOs started by demanding a thorough discussion on gmo's in agriculture once the Government review on agricultural policy is presented to the Finnish Parliament next week.\n\nLocal initiatives, influencing the decision making process and gaining public support for the strategy without gmo's are some of the objectives of the campaign."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"GMO-free Finland is a campaign launched by four Finnish NGO's. The Union of Organic Farmers in Finland, The Biodynamic Association in Finland, Friends of the Earth Finland and People's Biosafety Association in Finland were the first to join the movement. Others are warmly welcomed.\n\nAlthough the Finnish Government has been one of the foremost supporters of the EU Commission on GMOs there are only two test fields of gm-plants and no commercial growing of gmo's in Finland.\n\nThe campaign has a clear vision to encourage people to stand up for their GMO-free environment. We offer Finnish farms, gardens, food stores, restaurants, food manufacturers, municipalities and other communities a forum to register themselves as GMO-free and get involved, explains campaign coordinator Hannes Tuohiniitty.\n\nThe NGOs started by demanding a thorough discussion on gmo's in agriculture once the Government review on agricultural policy is presented to the Finnish Parliament next week.\n\nLocal initiatives, influencing the decision making process and gaining public support for the strategy without gmo's are some of the objectives of the campaign."}]

[{"translate":true,"title":"Greenpeace International"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Greenpeace International"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Greenpeace is a global network of independent national and regional Greenpeace organisations (NROs) and Greenpeace International as a coordinating organisation.\n\nWe want to live on a healthy, peaceful planet. A planet where forests flourish, oceans are full of life and where once-threatened animals safely roam.\n\nGreenpeace uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Greenpeace is a global network of independent national and regional Greenpeace organisations (NROs) and Greenpeace International as a coordinating organisation.\n\nWe want to live on a healthy, peaceful planet. A planet where forests flourish, oceans are full of life and where once-threatened animals safely roam.\n\nGreenpeace uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment."}]

Surinameplein 118 1058 GV
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"translate":true,"title":"Greenpeace France"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Greenpeace France"}]

[{"description":"Greenpeace's mission: to give a voice to the planet and protect our future.\n\nSince its creation some fifty years ago, Greenpeace has carried out actions on land and at sea according to the principles of non-violence to protect the environment and promote peace. Today, we remain faithful to the initial mission of the founders of Greenpeace, as well as to our total financial and ideological independence."},{"description":"La mission de Greenpeace : donner une voix \u00e0 la plan\u00e8te et prot\u00e9ger notre avenir.\n\nDepuis sa cr\u00e9ation il y a une cinquantaine d\u2019ann\u00e9es, Greenpeace m\u00e8ne des actions sur terre et en mer selon les principes de non-violence pour prot\u00e9ger l\u2019environnement et promouvoir la paix. Aujourd\u2019hui, nous restons fid\u00e8les \u00e0 la mission initiale des fondateurs de Greenpeace, ainsi qu'\u00e0 notre totale ind\u00e9pendance financi\u00e8re et id\u00e9ologique.","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

13 rue d’Enghien 75010
🇫🇷 France
[{"title":"Hungarian National Parks","primary":true},{"title":"Magyar Nemzeti Parkok","lg":"hu"}]

[{"description":"The Hungarian National Parks is a government organization dedicated to preserving natural habitats and biodiversity in Hungary. It is responsible for managing and overseeing the country's ten national parks, which cover approximately 10 percent of Hungary's territory. These parks are dedicated to protecting the natural environment, forests, and authentic villages of Hungary, offering diverse landscapes, vegetation, and wildlife.","primary":true},{"description":"A Magyar Nemzeti Parkok egy korm\u00e1nyzati szervezet, amely Magyarorsz\u00e1g term\u00e9szetes \u00e9l\u0151helyeinek \u00e9s biodiverzit\u00e1s\u00e1nak meg\u0151rz\u00e9s\u00e9re hivatott. Felel\u0151s az orsz\u00e1g t\u00edz nemzeti parkj\u00e1nak kezel\u00e9s\u00e9\u00e9rt \u00e9s fel\u00fcgyelet\u00e9\u00e9rt, amelyek Magyarorsz\u00e1g ter\u00fclet\u00e9nek k\u00f6r\u00fclbel\u00fcl 10 sz\u00e1zal\u00e9k\u00e1t fedik le. Ezek a parkok a term\u00e9szeti k\u00f6rnyezet, az erd\u0151k \u00e9s az autentikus falvak v\u00e9delm\u00e9re hivatottak, v\u00e1ltozatos t\u00e1jakat, n\u00f6v\u00e9nyzetet \u00e9s vadvil\u00e1got k\u00edn\u00e1lva.","lg":"hu"}]

[{"title":"Inf\u2019OGM - Citizen information watchdog on GMOs and seeds"},{"title":"Inf\u2019OGM - vigilancia ciudadana de informaci\u00f3n sobre los transg\u00e9nicos (OMG) y las semillas","lg":"es"},{"title":"Inf\u2019OGM - veille citoyenne d'information sur les OGM et les semences","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Inf'OGM is an association created in 1999 that publishes independent and critical information on GMOs, biotechnologies and seeds.\n\nAssociation law of 1901, Inf'OGM is a citizen watch that deciphers world news and offers a unique French-speaking information service on GMOs, biotechnologies and, since 2013, also on seeds. Its mission is to promote and nurture democratic debate through critical, independent information that is accessible to all audiences. Inf'OGM works for real transparency in the GMO debate.\n\nGenetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) first appeared in the United States in the early 1990s and on the European market in 1996. Since that time, many questions about economic, health, environmental and ethical impacts have arisen. To respond to this, the European Union first decided to put in place a de facto moratorium in 1999 on new authorizations of GMOs. For five years, many scientific and political elements have shed new light on this issue. The debate continues today within French society and at the international level on the merits of the choice to develop and market this technology and on the legislative framework that must prevail."},{"description":"Inf'OGM is an association created in 1999 that publishes independent and critical information on GMOs, biotechnologies and seeds.\n\nAssociation loi de 1901, Inf\u2019OGM est une veille citoyenne qui d\u00e9crypte l\u2019actualit\u00e9 mondiale et propose un service unique d\u2019information francophone sur les OGM, les biotechnologies et, depuis 2013, \u00e9galement sur les semences. Sa mission est de favoriser et de nourrir le d\u00e9bat d\u00e9mocratique par une information critique, ind\u00e9pendante et accessible \u00e0 tout public. Inf\u2019OGM \u0153uvre pour une v\u00e9ritable transparence du d\u00e9bat OGM.\n\nLes Organismes G\u00e9n\u00e9tiquement Modifi\u00e9s (OGM) ont fait leur apparition aux \u00c9tats-Unis au d\u00e9but des ann\u00e9es 90 et sur le march\u00e9 europ\u00e9en en 1996. Depuis cette p\u00e9riode, de nombreuses questions sur les impacts \u00e9conomiques, sanitaires, environnementaux et \u00e9thiques se sont faits jour. Pour y r\u00e9pondre, l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne a d\u2019abord d\u00e9cid\u00e9 de mettre en place un moratoire de facto en 1999 sur les nouvelles autorisations d\u2019OGM. Durant cinq ans, de nombreux \u00e9l\u00e9ments scientifiques et politiques ont apport\u00e9 un \u00e9clairage nouveau sur cette probl\u00e9matique. Le d\u00e9bat continue aujourd\u2019hui encore au sein de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 fran\u00e7aise comme au niveau international sur le bien fond\u00e9 du choix de d\u00e9velopper et commercialiser cette technologie et sur l\u2019encadrement l\u00e9gislatif qui doit pr\u00e9valoir.","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

38, rue Saint Sabin 75011
🇫🇷 France
[{"translate":true,"title":"International Rivers"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"International Rivers"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"International Rivers protects rivers and defends the rights of communities that depend on them. We seek a world where healthy rivers and the rights of local river communities are valued and protected. We envision a world where water and energy needs are met without degrading nature or increasing poverty, and where people have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"International Rivers protects rivers and defends the rights of communities that depend on them. We seek a world where healthy rivers and the rights of local river communities are valued and protected. We envision a world where water and energy needs are met without degrading nature or increasing poverty, and where people have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives."}]

344 20th Street' '94612
Oakland, CA
🇺🇸 United States
[{"title":"Japan committee for IUCN (IUCN-J)"},{"title":"IUCN\u65e5\u672c\u59d4\u54e1\u4f1a (IUCN-J)","lg":"ja","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Japan committee for IUCN (IUCN-J) was established in 1980, when the World Conservation Strategy was launched in Japan, for the purpose of exchanging information on IUCN and facilitating cooperation among IUCN members in Japan.\n\nSome of the major works conducted by the Japan Committee is the launching of the IUCN regional member meeting in northeast Asia in 1995 and the international symposium called \"Fontainebleau in Kyoto\uff0dWorld Heritage and Japanese Tradition\" memorizing the 50th Anniversary of IUCN in 1998. In addition, member organizations related to the protected area established the Japan Committee for the World Commission on Protection Areas in East Asia (WCPA-EA-J) and held the 2nd East Asia Protected Area conference in Kushiro in 1996.\n\nThe Committee was officially recognized as a national committee by the IUCN Council in October 2001. As of April 2010, the committee comprises about 20 member organizations including Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of the Environment. It is chaired by Mr Tsunao Watanabe, Japan Wildlife Research Centre, United Nations University. The office is situated in the Nature Conservation Society of Japan."},{"description":"IUCN\u65e5\u672c\u59d4\u54e1\u4f1a(Japan Committee for IUCN)\u306f\u3001IUCN\u306b\u52a0\u76df\u3059\u308b\u56fd\u5185\u56e3\u4f53\u30fb\u5c02\u9580\u5bb6\u30fb\u4e8b\u52d9\u5c40\u306e\u9023\u7d61\u5354\u8b70\u306e\u305f\u3081\u306e\u56fd\u5185\u59d4\u54e1\u4f1a\u3067\u3059\u30021980\u5e74\u306b\u65e5\u672c\u306b\u304a\u3044\u3066\u300c\u4e16\u754c\u81ea\u7136\u4fdd\u8b77\u6226\u7565\uff08World Conservation Strategy\uff09\u300d\u304c\u767a\u8868\u3055\u308c\u305f\u306e\u3092\u6a5f\u306b\u3001IUCN\u306b\u52a0\u76df\u3059\u308b\u56fd\u5185\u306e\u56e3\u4f53\u9593\u306e\u9023\u7d61\u5354\u8b70\u3092\u76ee\u7684\u3068\u3057\u3066\u8a2d\u7acb\u3055\u308c\u307e\u3057\u305f\u30022001\u5e7410\u6708\u306b\u306f\u3001IUCN\u7406\u4e8b\u4f1a\u306b\u304a\u3044\u3066\u6b63\u5f0f\u306a\u56fd\u5185\u59d4\u54e1\u4f1a\u3068\u3057\u3066\u627f\u8a8d\u3055\u308c\u307e\u3057\u305f\u3002\n\nIUCN\u65e5\u672c\u59d4\u54e1\u4f1a\u306f\u3001\u56fd\u5bb6\u4f1a\u54e1\uff11(\u5916\u52d9\u7701)\u3001\u653f\u5e9c\u6a5f\u95a2\uff11(\u74b0\u5883\u7701)\u304a\u3088\u3073\u6c11\u9593\u56e3\u4f53\uff11\uff18\u56e3\u4f53\u304b\u3089\u306a\u3063\u3066\u304a\u308a\u3001\u4f1a\u9577\u306f\u6e21\u9089\u7db1\u7537(\u4e00\u822c\u8ca1\u56e3\u6cd5\u4eba\u3000\u81ea\u7136\u74b0\u5883\u7814\u7a76\u30bb\u30f3\u30bf\u30fc\u4e0a\u7d1a\u7814\u7a76\u54e1)\u3067\u3001\u4e8b\u52d9\u5c40\u306f1988\u5e74\u304b\u3089(\u516c\u8ca1)\u65e5\u672c\u81ea\u7136\u4fdd\u8b77\u5354\u4f1a\u5185\u306b\u304a\u304b\u308c\u3066\u3044\u307e\u3059\u3002(2017\u5e747\u6708\u73fe\u5728)","lg":"ja","primary":true}]

1-16-10 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku 104-0033
🇯🇵 Japan
[{"title":"IUCN Thailand","primary":true},{"title":"\u0e2a\u0e33\u0e19\u0e31\u0e01\u0e07\u0e32\u0e19\u0e1b\u0e23\u0e30\u0e40\u0e17\u0e28\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22 \u0e2a\u0e2b\u0e20\u0e32\u0e1e\u0e2a\u0e32\u0e01\u0e25\u0e27\u0e48\u0e32\u0e14\u0e49\u0e27\u0e22\u0e01\u0e32\u0e23\u0e2d\u0e19\u0e38\u0e23\u0e31\u0e01\u0e29\u0e4c","lg":"th"}]

IUCN Thailand is the Thai branch of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, working on various conservation projects and policy initiatives in the country. The organization focuses on nature conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, addressing issues such as climate change adaptation, marine protected area management, wetlands conservation, forest restoration, marine plastics, and World Heritage site management.

[{"title":"Netherlands - International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)"},{"title":"IUCN NL - Internationale Unie voor het behoud van de natuur (IUCN)","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Our vision is a just world in which nature is valued and protected. Our goal? Securing nature as the basis for all life on earth. We pay particular attention to areas with high natural value and special biodiversity that are under pressure, and to the people who depend on that nature.\n\nIUCN NL is an international nature organization that operates from Amsterdam. We are part of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the world's largest union for nature conservation."},{"description":"Onze visie is een rechtvaardige wereld waarin natuur wordt gewaardeerd en beschermd. Ons doel? De natuur veiligstellen als basis voor al het leven op aarde. Daarbij besteden we bijzondere aandacht aan gebieden met een hoge natuurwaarde en bijzondere biodiversiteit die onder druk staan, \u00e9n aan de mensen die van die natuur afhankelijk zijn.\n\nIUCN NL is een internationale natuurorganisatie die opereert vanuit Amsterdam. We maken onderdeel uit van de International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), \u2018s werelds grootste unie voor natuurbescherming.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Plantage Middenlaan 2K 1018 DD
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"title":"No genetic engineering through the back door! A campaign against new GMOs (GMO 2.0)"},{"title":"Keine Gentechnik durch die Hintert\u00fcr! Eine Kampagne gegen neue GVO (GVO 2.0)","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The No GMOs by the Back Door campaign was launched by SAG \/ StopOGM, GeneWatch UK and IG Saatgut. It is actively supported by the supporting organizations of the Swiss Alliance Gentechfrei.\n\nWe warn that short-term profit interests could mean that the new genetic engineering processes and products developed from them could end up on the field and on the plate without a comprehensive risk assessment.\n\nWhich novel genetically modified products and organisms are to come onto the market in the next few years?\n\nUsing various examples - such as apples, bees, pigs and cows - we explain what was technically done, what goals are being pursued with the changes, what risks the technical interventions entail and what consequences a release could have for agriculture and the environment."},{"description":"Die Kampagne \u201eKeine Gentechnik durch die Hintert\u00fcr\u201c wurde von SAG \/ StopOGM, GeneWatch UK und IG Saatgut lanciert. Sie wird aktiv unterst\u00fctzt von den Tr\u00e4gerorganisationen der Schweizer Allianz Gentechfrei.\n\nWir warnen davor, dass kurzfristige Profitinteressen dazu f\u00fchren k\u00f6nnten, dass die neuen gentechnischen Verfahren und daraus entwickelte Produkte ohne umfassende Risikobewertung auf dem Acker und dem Teller landen k\u00f6nnten.\n\nWelche neuartigen gentechnisch ver\u00e4nderten Produkte und Organismen sollen in den n\u00e4chsten Jahren auf den Markt kommen? \n\nAnhand verschiedener Beispiele \u2013 wie \u00c4pfel, Bienen, Schweine und K\u00fche \u2013 erkl\u00e4ren wir, was technisch gemacht wurde, welche Ziele mit den Ver\u00e4nderungen verfolgt werden, welche Risiken die technischen Eingriffe haben und welche Folgen eine Freisetzung f\u00fcr die Landwirtschaft und die Umwelt haben k\u00f6nnte.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Hottingerstr. 32 8032
🇨🇭 Switzerland
[{"title":"State Association for Bird Protection in Bavaria"},{"title":"Landesbund f\u00fcr Vogelschutz in Bayern e.V.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Landesbund f\u00fcr Vogelschutz in Bayern e.V. (LBV) is Bavaria's oldest nature conservation association, founded in 1909. It focuses on comprehensive nature protection, with emphasis on species and habitat conservation, biodiversity promotion, and environmental education. The LBV engages in various conservation projects, community engagement, and advocacy efforts across Bavaria.","lg":"en"},{"description":"Der Landesbund f\u00fcr Vogelschutz in Bayern e.V. (LBV) ist Bayerns \u00e4ltester Naturschutzverband, gegr\u00fcndet 1909. Er konzentriert sich auf umfassenden Naturschutz, mit Schwerpunkt auf Arten- und Lebensraumschutz, F\u00f6rderung der Biodiversit\u00e4t und Umweltbildung. Der LBV engagiert sich in verschiedenen Naturschutzprojekten, Gemeinschaftsengagement und Interessenvertretung in ganz Bayern.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Eisvogelweg 1, 91161
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Luxembourg Nature and Bird Protection League","primary":true},{"title":"L\u00ebtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga","lg":"lb","primary":false}]

[{"description":"The L\u00ebtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga (LNVL) is Luxembourg's leading nature and bird protection organization. Founded in 1920, it has been at the forefront of conservation efforts for over a century. LNVL is dedicated to preserving biodiversity, protecting endangered species, and promoting sustainable environmental practices across Luxembourg. With around 14,000 members and over 30 local sections, LNVL plays a crucial role in environmental advocacy, education, and hands-on conservation work.","primary":true},{"description":"D'L\u00ebtzebuerger Natur- a Vulleschutzliga (LNVL) ass L\u00ebtzebuergs f\u00e9ierende Natur- a Vulleschutzorganisatioun. Gegr\u00ebnnt am Joer 1920, steet si z\u00ebnter iwwer engem Joerhonnert un der Sp\u00ebtzt vun den Erhaalungsefforten. D'LNVL engag\u00e9iert sech fir d'Erhale vun der Biodiversit\u00e9it, de Schutz vu bedrote Spezien an d'F\u00ebrderung vu nohaltege Praktiken am \u00cbmweltber\u00e4ich a ganz L\u00ebtzebuerg. Mat ronn 14.000 Memberen an iwwer 30 lokale Sektiounen spillt d'LNVL eng entscheedend Roll an der \u00cbmweltdefense, der Bildung an der praktescher Naturschutzaarbecht.","lg":"lb"}]

Haus vun der Natur, Kräizhaff, route de Luxembourg, L-1899
🇱🇺 Luxembourg
[{"translate":true,"title":"Maan yst\u00e4v\u00e4t - Friends of the Earth Finland"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Maan yst\u00e4v\u00e4t - Friends of the Earth Finland"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Friends of the Earth Finland, established in 1996, is an environmental NGO with a social perspective. We belong to the Friends of the Earth International network, which has more than two million members in 75 countries from all over the world. Friends of the Earth from Brazil to United States, and Sierra Leone to Finland share a common vision of a more just and sustainable world.\n\nOur scale of activities varies from grassroot level to international environmental meetings, from the streets to the cabinets. We work to halt climate change, to transform the unequal globalization process, and to promote human rights and democracy. We are also involved in issues related to development, preservation of forests and the global water crisis, as well as mining, energy and food issues.\n\nFriends of the Earth Finland has a few local groups in Helsinki, Tampere and Porvoo. You can participate by joining our mailing lists, becoming a member, joining a campaign or a local group, or by establishing a new local group. You can also contact our international section at kv (at) for more information."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Friends of the Earth Finland, established in 1996, is an environmental NGO with a social perspective. We belong to the Friends of the Earth International network, which has more than two million members in 75 countries from all over the world. Friends of the Earth from Brazil to United States, and Sierra Leone to Finland share a common vision of a more just and sustainable world.\n\nOur scale of activities varies from grassroot level to international environmental meetings, from the streets to the cabinets. We work to halt climate change, to transform the unequal globalization process, and to promote human rights and democracy. We are also involved in issues related to development, preservation of forests and the global water crisis, as well as mining, energy and food issues.\n\nFriends of the Earth Finland has a few local groups in Helsinki, Tampere and Porvoo. You can participate by joining our mailing lists, becoming a member, joining a campaign or a local group, or by establishing a new local group. You can also contact our international section at kv (at) for more information."}]

Vellamonkatu 30 B 3. krs. 00550
🇫🇮 Finland
[{"title":"Magosfa Environmental Education and Ecotourism Foundation","lg":"en"},{"title":"Magosfa K\u00f6rnyezeti Nevel\u00e9si \u00e9s \u00d6koturisztikai Alap\u00edtv\u00e1ny","lg":"hu","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Magosfa Environmental Education and Ecotourism Foundation is an organization promoting environmental education and sustainable tourism in Hungary. They focus on organizing educational programs, developing resources, operating an environmental education center, and conducting various environmental initiatives.","lg":"en"},{"description":"A Magosfa K\u00f6rnyezeti Nevel\u00e9si \u00e9s \u00d6koturisztikai Alap\u00edtv\u00e1ny egy szervezet, amely a k\u00f6rnyezeti nevel\u00e9st \u00e9s a fenntarthat\u00f3 turizmust t\u00e1mogatja Magyarorsz\u00e1gon. Oktat\u00e1si programokat szerveznek, er\u0151forr\u00e1sokat fejlesztenek, k\u00f6rnyezeti nevel\u00e9si k\u00f6zpontot m\u0171k\u00f6dtetnek, \u00e9s k\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6z\u0151 k\u00f6rnyezetv\u00e9delmi kezdem\u00e9nyez\u00e9seket hajtanak v\u00e9gre.","lg":"hu","primary":true}]

Láng u. 4
🇭🇺 Hungary
[{"title":"Hungarian Environmental Education Association","primary":true},{"title":"Magyar K\u00f6rnyezeti Nevel\u00e9si Egyes\u00fclet","lg":"hu","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Magyar K\u00f6rnyezeti Nevel\u00e9si Egyes\u00fclet (Hungarian Environmental Education Association) is an organization focused on promoting environmental education and awareness in Hungary. They offer various activities, workshops, and training programs related to sustainability for different age groups, ranging from children to adults. The organization aims to develop the knowledge, environmental consciousness, and responsibility of Hungarian society.","primary":true},{"description":"A Magyar K\u00f6rnyezeti Nevel\u00e9si Egyes\u00fclet egy olyan szervezet, amely a k\u00f6rnyezeti nevel\u00e9s \u00e9s tudatoss\u00e1g el\u0151mozd\u00edt\u00e1s\u00e1ra \u00f6sszpontos\u00edt Magyarorsz\u00e1gon. K\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6z\u0151 koroszt\u00e1lyok sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra k\u00edn\u00e1lnak fenntarthat\u00f3s\u00e1ggal kapcsolatos tev\u00e9kenys\u00e9geket, m\u0171helyeket \u00e9s k\u00e9pz\u00e9si programokat, gyermekekt\u0151l feln\u0151ttekig. A szervezet c\u00e9lja a magyar t\u00e1rsadalom tud\u00e1s\u00e1nak, k\u00f6rnyezettudatoss\u00e1g\u00e1nak \u00e9s felel\u0151ss\u00e9g\u00e9rzet\u00e9nek fejleszt\u00e9se.","lg":"hu","primary":true}]

1113 Budapest, Zsombolyai utca 6
🇭🇺 Hungary
[{"title":"Misina Society for Nature and Animal Protection","primary":true},{"title":"Misina Term\u00e9szet- \u00c9s \u00c1llatv\u00e9d\u0151 Egyes\u00fclet","lg":"hu"}]

[{"description":"The Misina Society for Nature and Animal Protection is a regional organization dedicated to protecting nature and animals in the Misina area of Hungary. They focus on environmental protection, pet care, equine welfare, bird conservation, farm animal protection, and operate an animal sanctuary.","primary":true},{"description":"A Misina Term\u00e9szet- \u00c9s \u00c1llatv\u00e9d\u0151 Egyes\u00fclet egy region\u00e1lis szervezet, amely a Misina k\u00f6rny\u00e9k\u00e9n l\u00e9v\u0151 term\u00e9szet \u00e9s \u00e1llatok v\u00e9delm\u00e9re \u00f6sszpontos\u00edt. Tev\u00e9kenys\u00e9g\u00fck kiterjed a k\u00f6rnyezetv\u00e9delemre, h\u00e1zi\u00e1llatok gondoz\u00e1s\u00e1ra, l\u00f3v\u00e9delemre, mad\u00e1rv\u00e9delemre, haszon\u00e1llatok v\u00e9delm\u00e9re, \u00e9s \u00e1llatmenhelyet is m\u0171k\u00f6dtetnek.","lg":"hu"}]

Pajtás utca 17
🇭🇺 Hungary
📞 Array
[{"title":"NABU - Nature Conservation Association Germany"},{"title":"NABU - Naturschutzbund Deutschland","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The NABU is the oldest and with more than 875,000 members and sponsoring (as of January 2022) the environmental environment with the highest membership in Germany. The NABU was founded in 1899 by Lina H\u00e4hnle as a \"Bund f\u00fcr bird protection\".\n\nOur approximately 70,000 volunteers play an enormously important role in the practical nature conservation work of NABU all over Germany. Because in 2,000 local NABU groups, the volunteers take care of the practical species and biotope protection on site, interfere and with their expertise, are asked for all questions of nature and environmental protection."},{"description":"Der NABU ist der \u00e4lteste und mit mehr als 875.000 Mitgliedern und F\u00f6rdernden (Stand Januar 2022) der mitgliederst\u00e4rkste Umweltverband in Deutschland. Der NABU wurde 1899 von Lina H\u00e4hnle als \u201eBund f\u00fcr Vogelschutz\u201c gegr\u00fcndet. \n\nUnsere rund 70.000 ehrenamtlich Aktiven spielen eine enorm wichtige Rolle bei der praktischen Naturschutzarbeit des NABU \u00fcberall in Deutschland. Denn in 2.000 lokalen NABU-Gruppen k\u00fcmmern sich die Ehrenamtlichen um den praktischen Arten- und Biotopschutz vor Ort, mischen sich ein und sind mit ihrer Expertise gefragte Ratgeber*innen zu allen Fragen des Natur- und Umweltschutzes.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Charitéstraße 3 10117
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Federal volunteer service in nature conservation"},{"title":"Federal Volunteer Service in Nature Conservation","lg":"en"},{"title":"Bundesfreiwilligendienst im Naturschutz","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Nationwide, from Sylt to Lake Constance, nature conservationists take care of valuable biotopes, endangered plants and animals. Federal volunteers map nature that is worthy of protection, convey exciting nature experiences to children and young people and develop local environmental projects. Anyone can participate!\n\nThe path to a federal voluntary service first leads to one of almost 400 deployment sites under the umbrella of NABU. Together they agree on the terms of the agreement, which is then approved by the NABU central office and finally by the Federal Office for Civil Society Tasks. During the period of service, we at NABU then take care of the educational support of the volunteers."},{"description":"Bundesweit, von Sylt bis zum Bodensee, k\u00fcmmern sich Natursch\u00fctzer*innen um wertvolle Biotope, bedrohte Pflanzen und Tiere. Bundesfreiwillige kartieren sch\u00fctzenswerte Natur, vermitteln Kindern und Jugendlichen spannende Natur-Erlebnisse und entwickeln lokale Umweltprojekte. Mitmachen kann jeder!\n\nDer Weg zu einem Bundesfreiwilligendienst f\u00fchrt zuerst zu einer von fast 400 Einsatzstellen unter dem Schirm des NABU. Gemeinsam einigen Sie sich auf die Konditionen der Vereinbarung, welche im Anschluss von der NABU Zentralstelle und schlie\u00dflich dem Bundesamt f\u00fcr zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben genehmigt wird. W\u00e4hrend der Dienstzeit k\u00fcmmern wir uns als NABU dann um die p\u00e4dagogische Begleitung der Freiwilligen.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Charitéstraße 3 10117
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"International Foundation for Conservation of Nature - Worldwide for people and nature"},{"title":"Internationale Naturschutzstiftung - Weltweit f\u00fcr Mensch und Natur","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Globalization, climate change, population growth: the nature of the planet faces many challenges. Intact natural areas such as forests or moors are being lost all over the world - and with them a unique flora and fauna. Local destruction often has global effects, and migratory species know no borders.\n\nThe NABU International Nature Conservation Foundation supports people and nature worldwide. We preserve the diverse ecosystems, also because nature conservation is climate protection at the same time.\n\nThe foundation is active wherever intact natural areas are preserved, but are increasingly coming under human pressure, such as in the mountain cloud forests of Ethiopia, the tiger reserves of India or the moors of Russia. We always work closely with the people in our project regions, because in order to face the urgent challenges of our time, we have to think and act globally together."},{"description":"Globalisierung, Klimawandel, Bev\u00f6lkerungswachstum: die Natur des Planeten hat mit vielen Herausforderungen zu k\u00e4mpfen. Intakte Naturr\u00e4ume wie W\u00e4lder oder Moore gehen auf der ganzen Welt verloren \u2013 und mit ihnen eine einzigartige Tier- und Pflanzenwelt. Lokale Zerst\u00f6rung hat oft globale Auswirkungen und wandernde Tierarten machen nicht vor Grenzen Halt.\n\nDie NABU International Naturschutzstiftung setzt sich weltweit f\u00fcr Mensch und Natur ein. Wir bewahren die vielf\u00e4ltigen \u00d6kosysteme, auch weil Naturschutz gleichzeitig Klimaschutz ist.\n\nDie Stiftung ist \u00fcberall dort aktiv, wo intakte Naturr\u00e4ume erhalten sind, diese aber zunehmend unter menschlichen Druck geraten, wie in den Bergnebelw\u00e4ldern \u00c4thiopiens, den Tigerreservaten Indiens oder den Mooren Russlands. Dabei arbeiten wir stets eng mit den Menschen in unseren Projektregionen zusammen, denn um den dr\u00e4ngenden Herausforderungen unserer Zeit entgegenzutreten, m\u00fcssen wir gemeinsam global denken und handeln.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Charitéstraße 3 10117
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"The Nature Conservation Society of Japan (NACS-J)"},{"title":"\u516c\u76ca\u8ca1\u56e3\u6cd5\u4eba\u3000\u65e5\u672c\u81ea\u7136\u4fdd\u8b77\u5354\u4f1a (NACS-J)","lg":"ja","primary":true}]

[{"description":"De Japan Nature Protection Association is een natuurbeschermingsorganisatie die is opgericht door leden met een geschiedenis van meer dan 70 jaar sinds de oprichting. We bevorderen natuurbeschermingsoefeningen vanuit een historisch en wetenschappelijk perspectief.\n\nOnze missie is het beschermen van de rijkdom van de natuur die het leven ondersteunt, die de waarde verspreidt en die een samenleving met de natuur realiseert. Onze slogan is \"Van de onderkant van de natuur, morgen open.\""},{"description":"\u65e5\u672c\u81ea\u7136\u4fdd\u8b77\u5354\u4f1a\u306f\u3001\u5275\u8a2d\u304b\u308970\u5e74\u4ee5\u4e0a\u306e\u6b74\u53f2\u3092\u3082\u3064\u4f1a\u54e1\u304c\u3064\u304f\u308b\u81ea\u7136\u4fdd\u8b77\u56e3\u4f53\u3067\u3059\n\n\u79c1\u305f\u3061\u306f\u6b74\u53f2\u7684\u8996\u70b9\u3068\u79d1\u5b66\u7684\u8996\u70b9\u306b\u7acb\u3063\u3066\u81ea\u7136\u4fdd\u8b77\u306e\u904b\u52d5\u3092\u3059\u3059\u3081\u3066\u3044\u307e\u3059\n\n\u308f\u305f\u3057\u305f\u3061\u306e\u30df\u30c3\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\n\n\u66ae\u3089\u3057\u3092\u652f\u3048\u308b\u81ea\u7136\u306e\u8c4a\u304b\u3055\u3092\u5b88\u308a\u3001\u305d\u306e\u4fa1\u5024\u3092\u5e83\u3081\u3001\u81ea\u7136\u3068\u3068\u3082\u306b\u3042\u308b\u793e\u4f1a\u3092\u5b9f\u73fe\u3059\u308b\u3002\n\n\u308f\u305f\u3057\u305f\u3061\u306e\u30b9\u30ed\u30fc\u30ac\u30f3\n\n\u300c\u81ea\u7136\u306e\u3061\u304b\u3089\u3067\u3001\u660e\u65e5\u3092\u3072\u3089\u304f\u3002\u300d","lg":"ja","primary":true}]

1-16-10 Shinkawa, Chuo-Ku Mitoyo Building 2F 104-0033
🇯🇵 Japan
[{"title":"Nagykov\u00e1csi Nature and Environmental Protection Association","lg":"en"},{"title":"Nagykov\u00e1csi Term\u00e9szet- \u00e9s K\u00f6rnyezetv\u00e9d\u0151 Egyes\u00fclet","lg":"hu","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Nagykov\u00e1csi Nature and Environmental Protection Association is a local organization focused on preserving the natural environment and promoting sustainability in Nagykov\u00e1csi, Hungary. The association works to protect the area's rich biodiversity, including the nearby Budai T\u00e1jv\u00e9delmi K\u00f6rzet (Buda Land Protection Area), which is home to several rare species of flora.","lg":"en"},{"description":"A Nagykov\u00e1csi Term\u00e9szet- \u00e9s K\u00f6rnyezetv\u00e9d\u0151 Egyes\u00fclet egy helyi szervezet, amely a term\u00e9szeti k\u00f6rnyezet meg\u0151rz\u00e9s\u00e9re \u00e9s a fenntarthat\u00f3s\u00e1g el\u0151mozd\u00edt\u00e1s\u00e1ra \u00f6sszpontos\u00edt Nagykov\u00e1csin. Az egyes\u00fclet c\u00e9lja a t\u00e9rs\u00e9g gazdag biodiverzit\u00e1s\u00e1nak v\u00e9delme, bele\u00e9rtve a k\u00f6zeli Budai T\u00e1jv\u00e9delmi K\u00f6rzetet, amely t\u00f6bb ritka n\u00f6v\u00e9nyfajnak ad otthont.","lg":"hu","primary":true}]

Telki út 3
🇭🇺 Hungary
[{"title":"NAJU - Nature Conservation Youth in the NABU"},{"title":"NAJU - Naturschutzjugend im NABU","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The NAJU (nature conservation youth in NABU) is the independent, non-profit youth organization of NABU and Germany's largest children's and youth association in nature and environmental protection. It was founded in 1982 and has set itself the goal of preserving the natural basis of human life and biological diversity through active nature and environmental protection.\n\nWith over 100,000 members and over 1000 groups throughout Germany, NAJU is the leading children's and youth association in extracurricular environmental education, environmental protection and practical nature conservation. Through projects and cooperations in Germany and abroad, the association also maintains a large network."},{"description":"Die NAJU (Naturschutzjugend im NABU) ist die unabh\u00e4ngige, gemeinn\u00fctzige Jugendorganisation des NABU und deutschlandweit der gr\u00f6\u00dfte Kinder- und Jugendverband im Natur- und Umweltschutz. Sie wurde 1982 gegr\u00fcndet und hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, durch aktiven Natur- und Umweltschutz die nat\u00fcrlichen Lebensgrundlagen des Menschen und die biologische Vielfalt zu erhalten.\n\nMit \u00fcber 100.000 Mitgliedern und \u00fcber 1000 Gruppen in ganz Deutschland ist die NAJU der f\u00fchrende Kinder- und Jugendverband in der au\u00dferschulischen Umweltbildung, im Umweltschutz und im praktischen Naturschutz. Durch Projekte und Kooperationen im In- und Ausland pflegt der Verband dar\u00fcber hinaus ein gro\u00dfes Netzwerk.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Bundesgeschäftsstelle Karlplatz 7 10117
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Natureza em Forma","lg":"pt","primary":true},{"title":"Nature in Shape","lg":"en"}]

[{"description":"Natureza em Forma \u00e9 uma organiza\u00e7\u00e3o de educa\u00e7\u00e3o ambiental baseada no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Fundada em 2008, a organiza\u00e7\u00e3o se dedica a promover a conscientiza\u00e7\u00e3o ambiental e a conserva\u00e7\u00e3o da natureza. Atrav\u00e9s de programas educacionais e parcerias com outras organiza\u00e7\u00f5es, a Natureza em Forma trabalha para educar e engajar indiv\u00edduos na compreens\u00e3o da import\u00e2ncia da natureza e na necessidade de sua prote\u00e7\u00e3o.","lg":"pt","primary":true},{"description":"Natureza em Forma is an environmental education organization based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Founded in 2008, the organization is dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and nature conservation. Through educational programs and partnerships with other organizations, Natureza em Forma works to educate and engage individuals in understanding the importance of nature and the need for its protection.","lg":"en"}]

Endereço não disponível
Rio de Janeiro
🇧🇷 Brazil
[{"title":"Naturschutzbund Ober\u00f6sterreich","lg":"de","primary":true},{"title":"Nature Conservation Association Upper Austria","lg":"en"}]

[{"description":"Der Naturschutzbund Ober\u00f6sterreich ist eine regionale Naturschutzorganisation mit Sitz in Linz, Ober\u00f6sterreich. Die Organisation konzentriert sich auf Naturschutz- und Erhaltungsprojekte in der Region und ist Teil des gr\u00f6\u00dferen Naturschutzbundes \u00d6sterreich, der seit 1913 aktiv f\u00fcr den Umweltschutz t\u00e4tig ist.","lg":"de","primary":true},{"description":"The Naturschutzbund Ober\u00f6sterreich is a regional nature conservation organization based in Linz, Upper Austria. The organization focuses on nature protection and conservation projects in the region and is part of the larger Naturschutzbund \u00d6sterreich, which has been actively working to protect the environment since 1913.","lg":"en"}]

Altstadt 30 4020
🇦🇹 Austria
[{"title":"Naturschutzbund Steiermark","lg":"de","primary":true},{"title":"Nature Conservation Association Styria","lg":"en"}]

[{"description":"Der Naturschutzbund Steiermark ist eine regionale Naturschutzorganisation mit Sitz in Graz, Steiermark, \u00d6sterreich. Seit 1958 setzt sich der Verein f\u00fcr den Schutz und die Erhaltung der Natur in der Steiermark ein. Als Teil des \u00d6sterreichischen Naturschutzbundes arbeitet die Organisation an verschiedenen Projekten zum Arten- und Lebensraumschutz und fungiert als Anwalt f\u00fcr die Natur. Der Naturschutzbund Steiermark betreibt 9 Bezirksstellen, zahlreiche Orts- und Bezirksgruppen sowie die Naturschutzjugend.","lg":"de","primary":true},{"description":"The Naturschutzbund Steiermark is a regional nature conservation organization based in Graz, Styria, Austria. Since 1958, the association has been committed to protecting and preserving nature in Styria. As part of the Austrian League for Nature Conservation, the organization works on various species and habitat protection projects and acts as an advocate for nature. The Naturschutzbund Steiermark operates 9 district offices, numerous local and district groups, and the Nature Conservation Youth.","lg":"en"}]

Herdergasse 3 8010
🇦🇹 Austria
[{"title":"Nature Protection Center Wenningstedt"},{"title":"Naturschutzcenter Wenningstedt","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Naturschutzcenter Wenningstedt is a nature and animal protection organization located on the island of Sylt, Germany. It focuses on coastal and marine protection, with an emphasis on preserving the unique natural habitats and biodiversity of the region, particularly the heathlands and coastal areas."},{"description":"Das Naturschutzcenter Wenningstedt ist eine Natur- und Tierschutzorganisation auf der Insel Sylt in Deutschland. Es konzentriert sich auf K\u00fcsten- und Meeresschutz mit Schwerpunkt auf der Erhaltung der einzigartigen nat\u00fcrlichen Lebensr\u00e4ume und der biologischen Vielfalt der Region, insbesondere der Heidelandschaften und K\u00fcstengebiete.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

M.-T. Buchholz Stich 8
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"translate":true,"title":"Swedish Environmental Protection Agency"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Swedish Environmental Protection Agency"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency promotes and coordinates actions in order to ensure a good living environment in collaboration with others. We are a public agency that carries out assignments on behalf of the Swedish Government. Our vision is a good environment for people and all living things, now and for future generations."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency promotes and coordinates actions in order to ensure a good living environment in collaboration with others. We are a public agency that carries out assignments on behalf of the Swedish Government. Our vision is a good environment for people and all living things, now and for future generations."}]

Virkesvägen 2 Hammarby Sjöstad
🇸🇪 Sweden
[{"translate":true,"title":"The Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"The Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Strives to protect nature and the environment in such a way that human activity does not exceed the carrying capacity of nature. Will work for a society where people live in harmony with nature. This is a society where the basis and diversity of life is secured for future generations, and where nature\u2019s own values are the foundation of the work to increase man\u2019s respect for, and love of, life and landscape."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Strives to protect nature and the environment in such a way that human activity does not exceed the carrying capacity of nature. Will work for a society where people live in harmony with nature. This is a society where the basis and diversity of life is secured for future generations, and where nature\u2019s own values are the foundation of the work to increase man\u2019s respect for, and love of, life and landscape."}]

Mariboes gate 8, 0183
🇳🇴 Norway
[{"title":"Nature & Environment"},{"title":"Natuur & Milieu","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Nature & Environment is an environmental organization that works on solutions for climate and nature problems in the Netherlands. We are driving change in every corner of our society: in government policy, in business and in people's behaviour. We do this by working together with many involved partners. In this way we achieve the change that is badly needed for the climate and nature.\n\nThe biggest change must take place in laws and regulations. We exert pressure on the national government, the House of Representatives and the Senate and sometimes at a local or European level. We convince policymakers and politicians to establish sustainable measures and to ban, limit or price pollution. We do this through personal conversations or through campaigns. We also communicate our views through the media with our surveys and opinion articles."},{"description":"Natuur & Milieu is een milieuorganisatie die werkt aan oplossingen voor klimaat- en natuurproblemen in Nederland. Wij brengen veranderingen teweeg in elke hoek van onze samenleving: in overheidsbeleid, in het bedrijfsleven en in het gedrag van mensen. Dat doen we door samen te werken met vele betrokken partners. Op die manier bereiken we de verandering die hard nodig is voor het klimaat en de natuur.\n\nDe grootste verandering moet plaatsvinden in wet- en regelgeving. We oefenen druk uit op de Rijksoverheid, de Tweede en Eerste Kamer en soms op lokaal of Europees niveau. Beleidsmakers en politici overtuigen we om duurzame maatregelen vast te leggen, en vervuiling te verbieden, beperken of beprijzen. Dit doen we via persoonlijke gesprekken of met campagnes. Ook dragen we onze standpunten uit via de media met onze onderzoeken en opinieartikelen.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Arthur van Schendelstraat 600 3511 MJ
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"title":"Nature and Environment Gelderland"},{"title":"Natuur en Milieu Gelderland","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Nature and Environment Gelderland is an association of local organizations and individuals. Together with residents, municipalities, provinces, water boards and other nature organizations, we are working on a beautiful, sustainable Gelderland.\n\nWe stand for a province with an attractive landscape, rich biodiversity and a healthy living environment for people, plants and animals. For now and for generations to come. Our province is energy neutral and circular. Residents are actively involved in their living environment. We can enjoy a beautiful, vital and healthy Gelderland."},{"description":"Natuur en Milieu Gelderland is een vereniging van lokale organisaties en particulieren. Samen met inwoners, gemeentes, provincie, waterschappen en andere natuurorganisaties werken we aan een mooi, duurzaam Gelderland.\n\nWij staan voor een provincie met een aantrekkelijk landschap, een rijke biodiversiteit en een gezonde leefomgeving voor mens, plant en dier. Voor nu en voor generaties na ons. Onze provincie is energieneutraal en circulair. Inwoners zijn actief betrokken bij hun leefomgeving. We kunnen genieten van een mooi, vitaal en gezond Gelderland.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Oude Kraan 72 6811 LL
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"title":"Natuurpunt (Nature Point)"},{"title":"Natuurpunt","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Nature Point is an independent voluntary association with more than 133,000 members. We protect vulnerable and endangered nature in Flanders.\n\nNature Point manages more than 26,000 hectares of Flemish nature in 500 different nature areas. The volunteers take the initiative: they take care of the purchase, management and opening up of nature areas. They are assisted by professional teams.\n\nWith a strong network of hiking trails, hides, benches, play forests and visitor centers, we give everyone the chance to enjoy nature. Departments and working groups are active in every Flemish municipality. Nature Point brings people together. Every year we organize thousands of activities: guided walks, management works, courses and workshops.\n\nWe keep an eye on the health of Flemish nature through the work in the more than 200 study working groups and In this way we provide the scientific basis for the government's nature policy."},{"description":"Natuurpunt is een onafhankelijke vrijwilligersvereniging met meer dan 133.000 leden. We beschermen kwetsbare en bedreigde natuur in Vlaanderen.\n\nNatuurpunt beheert meer dan 26.000 hectare Vlaamse natuur in 500 verschillende natuurgebieden. De vrijwilligers nemen het initiatief: ze zorgen voor aankoop, beheer en openstelling van natuurgebieden. Daarbij worden ze bijgestaan door professionele ploegen. \n\nMet een sterk netwerk van wandelpaden, kijkhutten zitbanken, speelbossen en bezoekerscentra geven we iedereen de kans van de natuur te genieten. In elke Vlaamse gemeente zijn afdelingen en werkgroepen actief. Natuurpunt brengt mensen samen. Elk jaar organiseren we duizenden activiteiten: gegidste wandelingen, beheerwerken, cursussen en workshops. \n\nVia het werk in de meer dan 200 studiewerkgroepen en houden de we de gezondheid van de Vlaamse natuur in de gaten. Zo leveren we de wetenschappelijke basis voor het natuurbeleid van de overheid.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Coxiestraat 11 2800
🇧🇪 Belgium

Navakara is an organization working on conservation and community development in eastern Indonesia. They focus on the preservation and protection of nature and animals in the region.

Not available
Not available
🇮🇩 Indonesia
[{"title":"GMO Dangers Association France"},{"title":"OGM dangers","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The purpose of the GMO dangers association is to fight against Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), particularly in agriculture and food, without any political or denominational ties. She defends radical theses, in the sense that she wants to attack the roots (radix, here in Latin) of the problems. The association intends to unmask the different aspects behind GMOs.\n\nWe are a 1901 association declared on May 4, 1999.\n\nSince then, we have participated in more than a hundred radio and television programs, and published several articles in major national newspapers. We were also heard by three parliamentary committees on the subject of GMOs or patents on living organisms.\n\nIn 2003, we organized a scientific symposium on GMOs and their alternatives. The main interventions were published in issue 11 of the journal L'Ecologiste. In 2009 we published a book. In 2018, we participated in the victory of the judgment of the CJEU of July 25, 2018. In 2020, we participated in the victory of the judgment at the Council of State.\n\nWe insist on the multifaceted nature of GMOs (hence the \"s\" for \"dangers\" in the name of the association) and we oppose both GMOs and the artificialization of living organisms which implies them and leads them."},{"description":"L'association OGM dangers a pour objectif de lutter contre les Organismes G\u00e9n\u00e9tiquement Modifi\u00e9s (OGM) notamment dans l'agriculture et l'alimentation, hors de toute attache politique ou confessionnelle. Elle d\u00e9fend des th\u00e8ses radicales, au sens o\u00f9 elle veut s'attaquer aux racines (radix, icis en latin) des probl\u00e8mes. L'association entend d\u00e9masquer les diff\u00e9rents aspects derri\u00e8re les OGM.\n\nNous sommes une association 1901 d\u00e9clar\u00e9e d\u00e8s le 4 mai 1999.\n\nDepuis, nous avons particip\u00e9 \u00e0 plus d'une centaine d'\u00e9mission de radio, t\u00e9l\u00e9vision, et publi\u00e9 plusieurs articles dans les grands journaux nationaux. Nous avons aussi \u00e9t\u00e9 auditionn\u00e9s par trois commissions parlementaires sur le sujet des OGM ou des brevets sur le vivant.\n\nEn 2003, nous avons organis\u00e9 un colloque scientifique sur les OGM et leurs alternatives. Les principales interventions ont \u00e9t\u00e9 publi\u00e9es dans le num\u00e9ro 11 de la revue L'Ecologiste. En 2009, nous avons publi\u00e9 un livre. En 2018, nous avons particip\u00e9 \u00e0 la victoire de l'arr\u00eat de la CJUE du 25 juillet 2018. En 2020, nous avons particip\u00e9 \u00e0 la victoire de l'arr\u00eat au Conseil d'Etat.\n\nNous insistons sur le caract\u00e8re multiforme des OGM (d'o\u00f9 le \"s\" \u00e0 \"dangers\" dans le nom de l'association) et nous nous opposons autant aux OGM qu'\u00e0 l'artificialisation du vivant qui les suppose et les entra\u00eene.","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

6, Avenue du Maine 75015
🇫🇷 France
[{"title":"National Plan for Nature Protection (PNPN3)","lg":"en"},{"title":"Plan National concernant la Protection de la Nature (PNPN3)","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Plan National concernant la Protection de la Nature (PNPN3) is the third national plan for nature protection in Luxembourg. It focuses on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management. The plan was presented by the Minister of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, Jolle Welfring, on February 2, 2023, and was adopted by the Government Council on January 20, 2023. The PNPN3 sets out actions and measurable targets to be achieved by mid-term (<2027) and by the end (2030) of the plan. It is based on the structure and content of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and is structured around four pillars.","lg":"en"},{"description":"Le Plan National concernant la Protection de la Nature (PNPN3) est le troisi\u00e8me plan national pour la protection de la nature au Luxembourg. Il se concentre sur la conservation de la biodiversit\u00e9 et la gestion des \u00e9cosyst\u00e8mes. Le plan a \u00e9t\u00e9 pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 par la Ministre de l'Environnement, du Climat et du D\u00e9veloppement durable, Jolle Welfring, le 2 f\u00e9vrier 2023, et a \u00e9t\u00e9 adopt\u00e9 par le Conseil de Gouvernement le 20 janvier 2023. Le PNPN3 d\u00e9finit des actions et des objectifs mesurables \u00e0 atteindre \u00e0 moyen terme (<2027) et \u00e0 la fin (2030) du plan. Il est bas\u00e9 sur la structure et le contenu de la Strat\u00e9gie de l'UE en faveur de la biodiversit\u00e9 \u00e0 l'horizon 2030 et est structur\u00e9 autour de quatre piliers.","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

[{"title":"R\u00e9s\u2019OGM Info - Citizen information on GMOs"},{"title":"R\u00e9s\u2019OGM Info - Information citoyenne sur les OGM","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

[{"description":"R\u00e9s\u2019OGM Info was born in 2005 from a meeting between about fifteen structures from the agricultural world and committed to the protection of the environment. The latter have noted the need to disseminate citizen and independent information on GMOs and have decided to join forces for this purpose.\n\nR\u00e9s\u2019OGM Info develops information projects on GMOs, as well as promotion of alternatives to them, through several media (newsletters, documentary films, conferences-debates, etc.)."},{"description":"R\u00e9s\u2019OGM Info est n\u00e9e en 2005 d\u2019une rencontre entre une quinzaine de structures issues du monde agricole et engag\u00e9es pour la protection de l\u2019environnement. Ces derni\u00e8res ont constat\u00e9 la n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 de diffuser une information citoyenne et ind\u00e9pendante sur les OGM et ont d\u00e9cid\u00e9 d\u2019unir leurs forces \u00e0 cet effet.\n\nR\u00e9s\u2019OGM Info d\u00e9veloppe des projets d\u2019information sur les OGM, ainsi que de valorisation des alternatives \u00e0 ces derniers, \u00e0 travers plusieurs supports (bulletins d\u2019information, films documentaires, conf\u00e9rences-d\u00e9bats, etc.).","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

58 rue Raulin 69007
🇫🇷 France
[{"translate":true,"title":"Rights of Rivers in South Asia"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Rights of Rivers in South Asia"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"RoRSA aims to foster dialogue and collaboration around the concept of Rights of Rivers, and to enable community empowerment, regeneration, conservation & responsible policymaking. Inspired by the worldviews of local and indigenous communities across South Asia and the world, we recognise that systemic changes that honour the deep interconnections between humans and nature are essential in order to transform destructive current paradigms of development."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"RoRSA aims to foster dialogue and collaboration around the concept of Rights of Rivers, and to enable community empowerment, regeneration, conservation & responsible policymaking. Inspired by the worldviews of local and indigenous communities across South Asia and the world, we recognise that systemic changes that honour the deep interconnections between humans and nature are essential in order to transform destructive current paradigms of development."}]

[{"title":"StopGMO - Swiss Alliance for agriculture without genetic engineering"},{"title":"StopOGM - Alliance suisse pour une agriculture sans g\u00e9nie g\u00e9n\u00e9tique","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"StopOGM - Swiss Alliance for Agriculture without Genetic Engineering - was formed in 1998 as part of the Swiss Working Group on Genetic Engineering (SAG), based in Z\u00fcrich.\n\nStopOGM is the coordination structure of organizations based in French-speaking Switzerland, defending either or at the same time the interests of consumers, producers, developing countries, animals and the environment. The association is part of a national and international network of organizations that all take a critical look at the development of agriculture and food, in particular. StopOGM carries out critical and independent work on the development and impacts of genetic engineering on agriculture, livestock, the environment and health. This work is entirely funded by membership dues and donations."},{"description":"StopOGM - Alliance suisse pour une agriculture sans g\u00e9nie g\u00e9n\u00e9tique - s'est constitu\u00e9 en 1998 en association au sens des articles 60 et ss du Code civil suisse et fait partie du Groupe suisse de travail sur le g\u00e9nie g\u00e9n\u00e9tique (SAG), bas\u00e9 \u00e0 Z\u00fcrich.\n\nStopOGM est la structure de coordination d'organisations bas\u00e9es en Suisse romande, d\u00e9fendant au choix ou tout \u00e0 la fois les int\u00e9r\u00eats des consommateurs, des producteurs, des pays en voie de d\u00e9veloppement, des animaux et de l'environnement. L'association s'inscrit dans un r\u00e9seau national et international d'organisations portant toutes un regard critique sur le d\u00e9veloppement de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation, en particulier. StopOGM r\u00e9alise un travail critique et ind\u00e9pendant sur le d\u00e9veloppement et les impacts du g\u00e9nie g\u00e9n\u00e9tique sur l'agriculture, l'\u00e9levage, l'environnement et la sant\u00e9. Ce travail est enti\u00e8rement financ\u00e9 par les cotisations des membres et les dons.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Fbg Philippe-Suchard 21 2017
🇨🇭 Switzerland
[{"title":"State forest management of The Netherlands"},{"title":"Staatsbosbeheer","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Staatsbosbeheer, founded in 1899, manages the green heritage of the Netherlands; 270,000 hectares of nature that we protect, that you can experience and that we use sustainably together with and for others.\n\nStaatsbosbeheer is committed to the quality of the living environment for people, plants and animals, to experience, protect and utilize. We manage more than 270,000 hectares of nature in the Netherlands and involve people in nature that affects them. As the largest site management organization in the Netherlands, we are closely involved in all kinds of matters that are of interest to the public, entrepreneurs, politicians and management."},{"description":"Staatsbosbeheer, opgericht in 1899, beheert het groene erfgoed van Nederland; 270.000 ha natuur die we beschermen, die je kunt beleven en die we samen met en voor anderen duurzaam benutten.\n\nStaatsbosbeheer zet zich in voor de kwaliteit van de leefomgeving voor mensen, planten en dieren, om die te beleven, beschermen en te benutten. We beheren ruim 270.000 ha natuur in Nederland en betrekken mensen bij natuur die hen raakt. Als grootste terreinbeherende organisatie van Nederland zijn we nauw betrokken bij allerlei zaken die in de belangstelling staan van publiek, ondernemers, politiek en bestuur.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Smallepad 5 3811 MG
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"title":"Stichting Steenbreek"},{"title":"Stichting Steenbreek","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Stichting Steenbreek is a Dutch organization dedicated to promoting green spaces in urban areas to enhance biodiversity and improve the living environment. The foundation aims to counteract the trend of urban hardscaping by promoting the greening of both public and private spaces in the Netherlands, focusing on four core themes: biodiversity, climate adaptation, social cohesion, and health.","lg":"en"},{"description":"Stichting Steenbreek is een Nederlandse organisatie die zich inzet voor het bevorderen van groene ruimtes in stedelijke gebieden om de biodiversiteit te vergroten en de leefomgeving te verbeteren. De stichting streeft ernaar de trend van verharding in stedelijke gebieden tegen te gaan door het vergroenen van zowel openbare als priv\u00e9ruimtes in Nederland te stimuleren, met focus op vier kernthema's: biodiversiteit, klimaatadaptatie, sociale cohesie en gezondheid.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Paulus Borstraat 41, 3812 TA
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"title":"Stiftung Naturlandschaften Brandenburg","lg":"de","primary":true},{"title":"Brandenburg Natural Landscapes Foundation"}]

[{"description":"Stiftung Naturlandschaften Brandenburg, auch bekannt als 'Die Wildnisstiftung', ist eine bedeutende Naturschutzorganisation mit Sitz in Brandenburg, Deutschland. Sie wurde im Jahr 2000 gegr\u00fcndet und widmet sich dem Schutz und der Entwicklung nat\u00fcrlicher Landschaften, insbesondere auf ehemaligen milit\u00e4rischen \u00dcbungspl\u00e4tzen. Die Stiftung verwaltet etwa 13.600 Hektar Land in vier Gebieten: J\u00fcterbog, Heidehof, Lieberose und Tangersdorf.","lg":"de","primary":true},{"description":"Stiftung Naturlandschaften Brandenburg, also known as 'Die Wildnisstiftung' (The Wilderness Foundation), is a prominent nature conservation organization based in Brandenburg, Germany. Established in 2000, it is dedicated to preserving and developing natural landscapes, particularly on former military training grounds. The foundation manages approximately 13,600 hectares of land across four areas: J\u00fcterbog, Heidehof, Lieberose, and Tangersdorf."}]

Schulstraße 6
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Transgenics (GMO) Fora Platform"},{"title":"Plataforma Transg\u00e9nicos Fora","lg":"pt","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Transgenics Fora Platform defends sustainable agriculture aimed at protecting biodiversity and the right of peoples to sovereignty over their common genetic heritage. This organization was created in 1999, following the first authorization to grow genetically modified maize in Portugal.\n\nThe objectives of the Transgenics Fora Platform are several:\n\n- Prevent the release of transgenics into the environment\n- Stop the commercialization of transgenics in Portugal\n- Supporting citizens to exercise informed consumption\n- Monitor scientific research and intervene in the evolution of\npolitical-legal framework"},{"description":"A Plataforma Transg\u00e9nicos Fora defende uma agricultura sustent\u00e1vel orientada para a protec\u00e7\u00e3o da biodiversidade e do direito dos povos \u00e0 soberania sobre o seu patrim\u00f3nio gen\u00e9tico comum. Esta organiza\u00e7\u00e3o foi criada em 1999, na sequ\u00eancia da primeira autoriza\u00e7\u00e3o de cultivo de milho geneticamente modificado em Portugal.\n\nOs objetivos da Plataforma Transg\u00e9nicos Fora s\u00e3o v\u00e1rios:\n\n- Impedir a liberta\u00e7\u00e3o de transg\u00e9nicos no ambiente\n- Travar a comercializa\u00e7\u00e3o de transg\u00e9nicos em Portugal\n- Apoiar os cidad\u00e3os para exercerem um consumo informado\n- Acompanhar a investiga\u00e7\u00e3o cient\u00edfica e intervir na evolu\u00e7\u00e3o do\nenquadramento pol\u00edtico-legal","lg":"pt","primary":true}]

Fbg Philippe-Suchard 21 2017
🇨🇭 Switzerland
[{"title":"Finnish Environment Institute"},{"title":"Suomen ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6keskus","lg":"fi","primary":true},{"title":"Finlands milj\u00f6central","lg":"sv"}]

[{"description":"At the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, we offer strong expertise and independent information on global phenomena such as climate change, biodiversity loss, overconsumption, pollution and eutrophication.\n\nWe enhance climate change mitigation and adaptation. We advance the transition to a sustainable circular economy. We support urban areas on their way to becoming forerunners of sustainability. We promote well-being through nature-based solutions and prevent biodiversity loss. We develop new approaches for reaching a good state of the seas and inland waters and achieving sustainable use of water resources."},{"description":"Me Suomen ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6keskuksessa tarjoamme vahvaa asiantuntemusta ja riippumatonta tietoa globaaleihin ilmi\u00f6ihin, kuten ilmastonmuutokseen, luontokatoon, ylikulutukseen, saastumiseen ja rehev\u00f6itymiseen.\n\nTarjoamme ratkaisuja ilmastonmuutoksen torjumiseen ja muutokseen sopeutumiseen. Kiihdyt\u00e4mme siirtym\u00e4\u00e4 kest\u00e4v\u00e4\u00e4n kiertotalouteen. Tuemme kaupunkiseutuja matkalla kest\u00e4vyyden edell\u00e4k\u00e4vij\u00f6iksi. Edist\u00e4mme hyvinvointia luontopohjaisilla ratkaisuilla. Kehit\u00e4mme uusia keinoja merten ja vesist\u00f6jen hyv\u00e4n tilan saavuttamiseksi ja vesivarojen kest\u00e4v\u00e4\u00e4n k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6n.\n\nYhteisty\u00f6kumppanit ja verkostomainen tapa toimia ovat meille kaikki kaikessa ja onnistumisen edellytys. Tuomme yhteisiin hankkeisiin ja verkostoihin ammattitaitomme ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6asioissa niin Suomessa kuin kansainv\u00e4lisesti.","lg":"fi","primary":true},{"description":"Vi p\u00e5 Finlands milj\u00f6central erbjuder stark expertis och oberoende information om globala fenomen som klimatf\u00f6r\u00e4ndring, naturf\u00f6rlust, \u00f6verkonsumtion, f\u00f6rorening och \u00f6verg\u00f6dning.\n\nVi p\u00e5skyndar bek\u00e4mpningen av och anpassningen till klimatf\u00f6r\u00e4ndringar. Vi p\u00e5skyndar \u00f6verg\u00e5ngen till en h\u00e5llbar cirkul\u00e4r ekonomi. Vi st\u00f6der stadsregionerna i deras utveckling som f\u00f6reg\u00e5ngare inom h\u00e5llbarhet. Vi fr\u00e4mjar v\u00e4lf\u00e4rd med hj\u00e4lp av naturbaserade l\u00f6sningar och f\u00f6rebygger naturf\u00f6rlusten. Vi utvecklar nya metoder f\u00f6r att uppn\u00e5 en god status p\u00e5 hav och vattendrag samt f\u00f6r att ut\u00f6va en h\u00e5llbar anv\u00e4ndning av vattenresurser.\n\nSamarbete med partners \u00e4r en f\u00f6ruts\u00e4ttning f\u00f6r v\u00e5r framg\u00e5ng. Vi tar med v\u00e5r milj\u00f6expertis i projekt och n\u00e4tverk b\u00e5de i Finland och internationellt.","lg":"sv"}]

Latokartanonkaari 11 00790
🇫🇮 Finland
[{"title":"Working Group on Nature and Environmental Education Germany"},{"title":"Arbeitsgemeinschaft Natur und Umweltbildung","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Working Group on Nature and Environmental Education is the umbrella and specialist association of around 1300 environmental centres, initiatives, freelancers\/self-employed and other individuals who are active in extracurricular environmental education. We represent the interests of our members at federal level. The federal association and state associations work together intensively and in a collegial manner."},{"description":"Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Natur und Umweltbildung ist der Dach- und Fachverband von inzwischen ca. 1300 Umweltzentren, Initiativen, FreiberuflerInnen\/Selbst\u00e4ndigen und weiteren Einzelpersonen, die in der au\u00dferschulischen Umweltbildung t\u00e4tig sind. Wir vertreten die Interessen unserer Mitglieder auf Bundesebene. Bundesverband und Landesverb\u00e4nde arbeiten dabei intensiv und kollegial zusammen.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Kasseler Str. 1a 60486
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Environmental Umbrella Organization of Austria","lg":"en"},{"title":"Umweltdachverband","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Umweltdachverband is an environmental umbrella organization in Austria that represents over 30 environmental and nature conservation organizations. Established in 1973 as the Austrian Society for Nature and Environmental Protection (GNU), it has grown to become a platform for 39 environmental agencies, nature conservation organizations, and alpine associations from all over Austria. The organization focuses on various areas of environmental protection, including sustainable protection of water resources, climate protection and renewable energies, efforts for protected areas in Austria, and the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems.","lg":"en"},{"description":"Der Umweltdachverband ist eine \u00fcberparteiliche Plattform f\u00fcr 39 Umwelt-, Natur- und Alpinorganisationen aus ganz \u00d6sterreich. Gegr\u00fcndet 1973 als \u00d6sterreichische Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Natur- und Umweltschutz (\u00d6GN), setzt sich der Verband f\u00fcr den Schutz der Umwelt durch Naturschutz-Initiativen ein und f\u00f6rdert das gesellschaftliche Bewusstsein durch die Unterst\u00fctzung seiner Mitgliedsorganisationen.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Strozzigasse 10/7-9
🇦🇹 Austria
[{"title":"Association for Nature and Bird Protection Ennepetal","lg":"en"},{"title":"Verein f\u00fcr Natur- und Vogelschutz Ennepetal e.V.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Verein f\u00fcr Natur- und Vogelschutz Ennepetal e.V. is a nature and bird protection organization based in Ennepetal, Germany. Founded in 1947, it focuses on habitat and species protection, public outreach, and environmental education. The organization undertakes various conservation projects, including those for barn owls, little owls, dippers, and swifts. They also manage and protect valuable landscapes in the Ennepe-Ruhr district.","lg":"en"},{"description":"Der Verein f\u00fcr Natur- und Vogelschutz Ennepetal e.V. ist eine Naturschutzorganisation mit Sitz in Ennepetal, Deutschland. Gegr\u00fcndet 1947, konzentriert sich der Verein auf Habitat- und Artenschutz, \u00d6ffentlichkeitsarbeit und Umweltbildung. Die Organisation f\u00fchrt verschiedene Naturschutzprojekte durch, einschlie\u00dflich solcher f\u00fcr Schleiereulen, Steink\u00e4uze, Wasseramseln und Mauersegler. Sie verwalten und sch\u00fctzen auch wertvolle Landschaften im Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Loher Str. 85
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Association for the Protection of the Mountain World"},{"title":"Verein zum Schutz der Bergwelt e.V.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Verein zum Schutz der Bergwelt e.V. (VzSB) is a nature conservation organization founded in 1900, dedicated to preserving the unique natural environment of the alpine region. It focuses on protecting alpine plants, animals, and the entire mountain ecosystem through conservation efforts, research, education, and advocacy."},{"description":"Der Verein zum Schutz der Bergwelt e.V. (VzSB) ist eine 1900 gegr\u00fcndete Naturschutzorganisation, die sich der Erhaltung der einzigartigen Naturumgebung der Alpenregion widmet. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Schutz alpiner Pflanzen, Tiere und des gesamten Berg\u00f6kosystems durch Naturschutzma\u00dfnahmen, Forschung, Bildung und Interessenvertretung.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Anni-Albers-Str. 7
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Wadden Sea Association","lg":"en"},{"title":"Waddenvereniging","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Waddenvereniging is a nature conservation organization dedicated to protecting and preserving the Wadden Sea area, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The organization works to safeguard the ecological, scenic, and cultural-historical values of the Wadden Sea region through various activities, including advocacy, education, and legal actions.","lg":"en"},{"description":"De Waddenvereniging is een natuurbeschermingsorganisatie die zich inzet voor de bescherming en het behoud van het Waddengebied, een UNESCO Werelderfgoed. De organisatie werkt aan het veiligstellen van de ecologische, landschappelijke en cultuurhistorische waarden van het Waddengebied door middel van diverse activiteiten, waaronder belangenbehartiging, educatie en juridische acties.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Droogstraat 3
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"title":"Ministry of the Environment Finland"},{"title":"Milj\u00f6ministeriet","lg":"fi","primary":true},{"title":"Finlands milj\u00f6ministeriet","lg":"sv"}]

[{"description":"The Ministry of the Environment wants to be an effective and influential player and a good cooperation partner in securing sustainable development, a good environment to live in and biodiversity, both for the present and future generations.\n\nThe three departments and two support units of the ministry \u2013 Department of the Natural Environment, Department of the Built Environment, Environmental Protection Department, Steering and International Cooperation and Communications \u2013 are responsible for legislative and policy preparation for the Government and Parliament concerning the climate, communities, built environment, housing, biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources, and environmental protection."},{"description":"Ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6ministeri\u00f6ss\u00e4 teemme parempaa elinymp\u00e4rist\u00f6\u00e4 tuleville sukupolville varmistamalla, \u200b\nett\u00e4 ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6n reunaehdot \u200bovat yhteiskunnallisen p\u00e4\u00e4t\u00f6ksenteon keski\u00f6ss\u00e4 talouden rinnalla.\n\nYmp\u00e4rist\u00f6ministeri\u00f6n kolme osastoa ja kaksi tulosaluetta \u2013 luontoymp\u00e4rist\u00f6osasto, rakennetun ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6n osasto, ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6nsuojeluosasto, ohjaus ja kansainv\u00e4linen yhteisty\u00f6 sek\u00e4 viestint\u00e4 \u2013 vastaavat valtioneuvoston ja eduskunnan k\u00e4sittelyyn tulevien asioiden valmistelusta, jotka koskevat yhdyskuntia, ilmastoa, rakennettua ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6\u00e4, asumista, luonnon monimuotoisuutta ja luonnonvarojen kest\u00e4v\u00e4\u00e4 k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00e4 sek\u00e4 ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6nsuojelua.","lg":"fi","primary":true},{"description":"Milj\u00f6ministeriet vill vara en samarbetsinriktad p\u00e5verkare som arbetar f\u00f6r att trygga en h\u00e5llbar utveckling, biologisk m\u00e5ngfald och en god livsmilj\u00f6 f\u00f6r nuvarande och kommande generationer.\n\nMilj\u00f6ministeriets tre avdelningar och tv\u00e5 resultatomr\u00e5den \u2013 naturmilj\u00f6avdelningen, avdelningen f\u00f6r den byggda milj\u00f6n, milj\u00f6v\u00e5rdsavdelningen, resultatomr\u00e5det f\u00f6r styrning och internationellt samarbete samt resultatomr\u00e5det f\u00f6r kommunikation \u2013 svarar f\u00f6r beredningen av s\u00e5dana \u00e4renden som ska behandlas av statsr\u00e5det och riksdagen och som g\u00e4ller samh\u00e4llen, klimatet, den byggda milj\u00f6n, boende, biologisk m\u00e5ngfald och h\u00e5llbart nyttjande av naturresurser samt milj\u00f6v\u00e5rd.","lg":"sv"}]

Aleksanterinkatu 7 00790
🇫🇮 Finland
[{"title":"Zero GMO Mission France"},{"title":"Objectif Z\u00e9ro OGM","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Objectif Z\u00e9ro GMO collective, an initiative of the Poitiers Appeal, is driven by the desire to see GMOs banned from fields, troughs and plates."},{"description":"Le collectif Objectif Z\u00e9ro OGM, une initiative de l\u2019Appel de Poitiers, est anim\u00e9 par la volont\u00e9 de voir les OGM bannis des champs, des auges et des assiettes.","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

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    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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