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An index with activism organizations in ๐ŸŒ International, with a focus on organizations that defend nature against GMO.

[{"translate":true,"title":"Canadian biotechnology action network (CBAN)"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Canadian biotechnology action network (CBAN)"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Brings together 15 groups to research, monitor and raise awareness about issues relating to genetic engineering in food and farming. Facilitate collaborative campaigning at the local, regional, national and international levels."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Brings together 15 groups to research, monitor and raise awareness about issues relating to genetic engineering in food and farming. Facilitate collaborative campaigning at the local, regional, national and international levels."}]

PO Box 25182, Clayton Park Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3M 4H4
๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Canada
๐Ÿ“ž +1 902 209 4906
Earth Day

Earth Day is a global environmental movement that organizes events and initiatives to drive positive action for the planet. Founded in 1970, it has grown into a worldwide celebration held annually on April 22nd, mobilizing millions of people to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices.

[{"translate":true,"title":"Earth Island Institute"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Earth Island Institute"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Building a Better World through Activist Projects, Legal Advocacy, Youth Leadership, and an Award-Winning Journal. Earth Island Institute is a nonprofit environmental organization and fiscal sponsor to more than seventy-five projects working in the areas of conservation, energy and climate, women\u2019s environmental leadership, international and Indigenous communities, sustainability and community resilience, and more. The organization also includes a legal division, Earth Island Advocates, a youth leadership program, New Leaders Initiative, and an award-winning magazine, Earth Island Journal. Founded in 1982 by legendary environmentalist David Brower, Earth Island Institute is one of the leading environmental activist organizations in the United States. "},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Building a Better World through Activist Projects, Legal Advocacy, Youth Leadership, and an Award-Winning Journal. Earth Island Institute is a nonprofit environmental organization and fiscal sponsor to more than seventy-five projects working in the areas of conservation, energy and climate, women\u2019s environmental leadership, international and Indigenous communities, sustainability and community resilience, and more. The organization also includes a legal division, Earth Island Advocates, a youth leadership program, New Leaders Initiative, and an award-winning magazine, Earth Island Journal. Founded in 1982 by legendary environmentalist David Brower, Earth Island Institute is one of the leading environmental activist organizations in the United States. "}]

2150 Allston Way, Suite 460 California 94704
Berkeley, CA
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
๐Ÿ“ž +1 510-859-9100
[{"title":"Earth Foundation (EarthTrust)"},{"title":"EarthTrust","lg":"en","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"ET is the \u201cImpossible Missions\u201d team for environmental crises. ET is a one-of-a-kind resource for \u201cimpossible\u201d tasks, because its leadership analyzes issues in ways which simply wouldn\u2019t occur to most people. We strive to make the earth a better place for wildlife and mankind by tackling \u201cimpossible\u201d environmental issues that others have given up on, repeatedly failed at, or never properly understood in the first place. We do this by bringing together donors who are passionate about wildlife saving with equally passionate, experienced and innovative strategists and advocates. The formation of these \u201cimpossible missions\u201d teams often creates a better, more whole future."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"ET is the \u201cImpossible Missions\u201d team for environmental crises. ET is a one-of-a-kind resource for \u201cimpossible\u201d tasks, because its leadership analyzes issues in ways which simply wouldn\u2019t occur to most people. We strive to make the earth a better place for wildlife and mankind by tackling \u201cimpossible\u201d environmental issues that others have given up on, repeatedly failed at, or never properly understood in the first place. We do this by bringing together donors who are passionate about wildlife saving with equally passionate, experienced and innovative strategists and advocates. The formation of these \u201cimpossible missions\u201d teams often creates a better, more whole future."}]

Windward Environmental Center 1118 Maunawili Road 96734
Kailua, HI
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
[{"translate":true,"title":"Flipper Fund"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Flipper Fund"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Flipper Fund is the world\u2019s most successful dolphin-saving program.\n\nWe do whatever it takes. Field research, international realpolitic & treaty negotiation, creating law, launching direct action, doing undercover exposes, creating breakthrough science. Conducting award-winning education and ground-breaking public policy campaigns.\n\nWe don\u2019t do short-term fixes. We don\u2019t go for publicity for its own sake. We size up the biggest, most difficult threats to dolphins. We steer those critical systems to new stable states, using an advanced toolkit of highly disciplined methods that work in the real world.\n\nWe don\u2019t sit around holding protest signs. We change entire global industries, take on organized crime, entirely eliminate destructive fleets. We change the scientific basis for saving dolphins, and understanding them.\n\nWe\u2019re those guys.\n\nWe\u2019re the earth\u2019s dolphin savers. Join us."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Flipper Fund is the world\u2019s most successful dolphin-saving program.\n\nWe do whatever it takes. Field research, international realpolitic & treaty negotiation, creating law, launching direct action, doing undercover exposes, creating breakthrough science. Conducting award-winning education and ground-breaking public policy campaigns.\n\nWe don\u2019t do short-term fixes. We don\u2019t go for publicity for its own sake. We size up the biggest, most difficult threats to dolphins. We steer those critical systems to new stable states, using an advanced toolkit of highly disciplined methods that work in the real world.\n\nWe don\u2019t sit around holding protest signs. We change entire global industries, take on organized crime, entirely eliminate destructive fleets. We change the scientific basis for saving dolphins, and understanding them.\n\nWe\u2019re those guys.\n\nWe\u2019re the earth\u2019s dolphin savers. Join us."}]

Windward Environmental Center 1118 Maunawili Road 96734
Kailua, HI
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
[{"translate":true,"title":"Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP)"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP)"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Explores and exposes the intertwined root causes of social injustice, ecological destruction, and economic domination. GJEP envisions a world in which all societies are justly and equitably governed with full participation by an engaged and informed populace living in harmony with the natural world and one another."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Explores and exposes the intertwined root causes of social injustice, ecological destruction, and economic domination. GJEP envisions a world in which all societies are justly and equitably governed with full participation by an engaged and informed populace living in harmony with the natural world and one another."}]

266 Elmwood Ave, Ste 307 14222
Buffalo, NY
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
๐Ÿ“ž +1 716 931 5833
[{"translate":true,"title":"Greenpeace International"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Greenpeace International"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Greenpeace is a global network of independent national and regional Greenpeace organisations (NROs) and Greenpeace International as a coordinating organisation.\n\nWe want to live on a healthy, peaceful planet. A planet where forests flourish, oceans are full of life and where once-threatened animals safely roam.\n\nGreenpeace uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Greenpeace is a global network of independent national and regional Greenpeace organisations (NROs) and Greenpeace International as a coordinating organisation.\n\nWe want to live on a healthy, peaceful planet. A planet where forests flourish, oceans are full of life and where once-threatened animals safely roam.\n\nGreenpeace uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment."}]

Surinameplein 118 1058 GV
๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Netherlands
๐Ÿ“ž +31 20 718 2000
[{"title":"GreenPeace M\u00e9xico","lg":"es","primary":true},{"title":"GreenPeace Mexico","lg":"en"}]

[{"description":"Greenpeace M\u00e9xico es una organizaci\u00f3n ecologista internacional, econ\u00f3mica y pol\u00edticamente independiente, que utiliza la no-violencia y la confrontaci\u00f3n creativa para exponer y encontrar soluciones a los problemas ambientales globales. Trabajamos para promover la sustentabilidad y la justicia ambiental.","lg":"es","primary":true},{"description":"Greenpeace M\u00e9xico is an international environmental organization, economically and politically independent, that uses non-violence and creative confrontation to expose and find solutions to global environmental problems. We work to promote sustainability and environmental justice.","lg":"en"}]

Av. Insurgentes Sur 1196, Col. Tlacoquemรฉcatl del Valle
Ciudad de Mรฉxico
๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ Mexico
[{"title":"Inf\u2019OGM - Citizen information watchdog on GMOs and seeds"},{"title":"Inf\u2019OGM - vigilancia ciudadana de informaci\u00f3n sobre los transg\u00e9nicos (OMG) y las semillas","lg":"es"},{"title":"Inf\u2019OGM - veille citoyenne d'information sur les OGM et les semences","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Inf'OGM is an association created in 1999 that publishes independent and critical information on GMOs, biotechnologies and seeds.\n\nAssociation law of 1901, Inf'OGM is a citizen watch that deciphers world news and offers a unique French-speaking information service on GMOs, biotechnologies and, since 2013, also on seeds. Its mission is to promote and nurture democratic debate through critical, independent information that is accessible to all audiences. Inf'OGM works for real transparency in the GMO debate.\n\nGenetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) first appeared in the United States in the early 1990s and on the European market in 1996. Since that time, many questions about economic, health, environmental and ethical impacts have arisen. To respond to this, the European Union first decided to put in place a de facto moratorium in 1999 on new authorizations of GMOs. For five years, many scientific and political elements have shed new light on this issue. The debate continues today within French society and at the international level on the merits of the choice to develop and market this technology and on the legislative framework that must prevail."},{"description":"Inf'OGM is an association created in 1999 that publishes independent and critical information on GMOs, biotechnologies and seeds.\n\nAssociation loi de 1901, Inf\u2019OGM est une veille citoyenne qui d\u00e9crypte l\u2019actualit\u00e9 mondiale et propose un service unique d\u2019information francophone sur les OGM, les biotechnologies et, depuis 2013, \u00e9galement sur les semences. Sa mission est de favoriser et de nourrir le d\u00e9bat d\u00e9mocratique par une information critique, ind\u00e9pendante et accessible \u00e0 tout public. Inf\u2019OGM \u0153uvre pour une v\u00e9ritable transparence du d\u00e9bat OGM.\n\nLes Organismes G\u00e9n\u00e9tiquement Modifi\u00e9s (OGM) ont fait leur apparition aux \u00c9tats-Unis au d\u00e9but des ann\u00e9es 90 et sur le march\u00e9 europ\u00e9en en 1996. Depuis cette p\u00e9riode, de nombreuses questions sur les impacts \u00e9conomiques, sanitaires, environnementaux et \u00e9thiques se sont faits jour. Pour y r\u00e9pondre, l\u2019Union europ\u00e9enne a d\u2019abord d\u00e9cid\u00e9 de mettre en place un moratoire de facto en 1999 sur les nouvelles autorisations d\u2019OGM. Durant cinq ans, de nombreux \u00e9l\u00e9ments scientifiques et politiques ont apport\u00e9 un \u00e9clairage nouveau sur cette probl\u00e9matique. Le d\u00e9bat continue aujourd\u2019hui encore au sein de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 fran\u00e7aise comme au niveau international sur le bien fond\u00e9 du choix de d\u00e9velopper et commercialiser cette technologie et sur l\u2019encadrement l\u00e9gislatif qui doit pr\u00e9valoir.","lg":"fr","primary":true}]

38, rue Saint Sabin 75011
๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท France
[{"translate":true,"title":"Paul Mobbs\u2019 Environmental Investigations & Research"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Paul Mobbs\u2019 Environmental Investigations & Research"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Environmental investigator and activist. Investigating environmental crimes since 1992. Founder of the anti-GMO campaign genetiX Snowball, a campaign of non-violent direct action against the release of gentically modified crops into the environment.\n\nHey, let\u2019s face it, the world is a bit wiggy at the moment! I've been working with community groups for over thirty years. Since 1992 I have worked as a freelance researcher, writer and environmental consultant specialising in the needs of community-based campaigns, NGOs and small companies."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Environmental investigator and activist. Investigating environmental crimes since 1992. Founder of the anti-GMO campaign genetiX Snowball, a campaign of non-violent direct action against the release of gentically modified crops into the environment.\n\nHey, let\u2019s face it, the world is a bit wiggy at the moment! I've been working with community groups for over thirty years. Since 1992 I have worked as a freelance researcher, writer and environmental consultant specialising in the needs of community-based campaigns, NGOs and small companies."}]

3 Grosvenor Road Banbury OX16 5HN
๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง United Kingdom
[{"translate":true,"title":"Institute for Responsible Technology"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Institute for Responsible Technology"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"To protect the genetic integrity and nature\u2019s biological evolution by preventing the outdoor release of genetically modified organisms, and to protect human and animal health by preventing the use of GMOs in the food and feed supply. The Institute for Responsible Technology is a world leader in educating policy makers & the public about the dangers of genetically modified foods & crops."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"To protect the genetic integrity and nature\u2019s biological evolution by preventing the outdoor release of genetically modified organisms, and to protect human and animal health by preventing the use of GMOs in the food and feed supply. The Institute for Responsible Technology is a world leader in educating policy makers & the public about the dangers of genetically modified foods & crops."}]

P O Box 469 IA 52556
Fairfield, IA
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
๐Ÿ“ž +1 641-209-1765
[{"translate":true,"title":"International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP)"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP)"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Since 1982, the International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) has been a global leader in protecting whales and dolphins and their ocean habitats.\n\nIMMP pioneered the Dolphin Safe tuna fishing standard, stopping the intentional chasing and netting of dolphins by many tuna companies and preventing tens of thousands of dolphin deaths annually. We continue to monitor more than 800 tuna companies to ensure they are following Dolphin Safe fishing practices that protect dolphins and other marine life.\n\nIMMP directed the historic rescue and release of the orca whale Keiko, made famous in the movie Free Willy, and is fighting to end the tragic slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan, as featured in the Academy Award\u2013winning movie The Cove.\n\nIn addition, IMMP continues its ongoing campaigns to stop all trade in live dolphins and whales; to end the capture and captivity of whales and dolphins for circus performances; and to fight pollution and plastics in the ocean, particularly the entanglement of marine life in fishing gear.\n\nWe have achieved victories for marine mammals around the world and we continue to work to make the oceans safe for whales, dolphins, and marine life."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Since 1982, the International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) has been a global leader in protecting whales and dolphins and their ocean habitats.\n\nIMMP pioneered the Dolphin Safe tuna fishing standard, stopping the intentional chasing and netting of dolphins by many tuna companies and preventing tens of thousands of dolphin deaths annually. We continue to monitor more than 800 tuna companies to ensure they are following Dolphin Safe fishing practices that protect dolphins and other marine life.\n\nIMMP directed the historic rescue and release of the orca whale Keiko, made famous in the movie Free Willy, and is fighting to end the tragic slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan, as featured in the Academy Award\u2013winning movie The Cove.\n\nIn addition, IMMP continues its ongoing campaigns to stop all trade in live dolphins and whales; to end the capture and captivity of whales and dolphins for circus performances; and to fight pollution and plastics in the ocean, particularly the entanglement of marine life in fishing gear.\n\nWe have achieved victories for marine mammals around the world and we continue to work to make the oceans safe for whales, dolphins, and marine life."}]

2150 Allston Way, Suite 460 California 94704
Berkeley, CA
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
๐Ÿ“ž +1 510-859-9139
[{"translate":true,"title":"Save Japan Dolphins"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Save Japan Dolphins"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Every year, in Taiji, \ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf5 Japan, dolphins are chased into a small cove and butchered in the most horrific and cruel way imaginable. The hunts are subsidized by the dolphin captivity industry, which pays top dollar for a few \u201cshow quality\u201d dolphins that are ripped from their families. The rest of the pod is killed for meat laden with mercury and PCBs. Most Japanese don\u2019t even know the hunts exist. The Japanese government supports the dolphin killers and denies any health issues."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Every year, in Taiji, \ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf5 Japan, dolphins are chased into a small cove and butchered in the most horrific and cruel way imaginable. The hunts are subsidized by the dolphin captivity industry, which pays top dollar for a few \u201cshow quality\u201d dolphins that are ripped from their families. The rest of the pod is killed for meat laden with mercury and PCBs. Most Japanese don\u2019t even know the hunts exist. The Japanese government supports the dolphin killers and denies any health issues."}]

2150 Allston Way, Suite 460 California 94704
Berkeley, CA
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
๐Ÿ“ž +1 510-859-9139
[{"translate":true,"title":"Save Our Roots"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Save Our Roots"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"An Indigenous Environmental Network Campaign. An online repository of information to help ground and connect us to the roots of the ancient and forever relevant wisdom of our elders while actively questioning, exploring and nurturing the off-shoots of curiosity and constantly evolving collection of facts, experience, relationships, and knowledge that we currently call science."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"An Indigenous Environmental Network Campaign. An online repository of information to help ground and connect us to the roots of the ancient and forever relevant wisdom of our elders while actively questioning, exploring and nurturing the off-shoots of curiosity and constantly evolving collection of facts, experience, relationships, and knowledge that we currently call science."}]

PO Box 485 Bemidji, MN 56619
Bemidji, MN
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
๐Ÿ“ž +1 828 777 4882
[{"title":"Save The Whales - International"},{"title":"Save The Whales International","lg":"en","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"To save whales you need to go where they\u2019re being killed, and prevent it. That may mean confronting whaling fleets on the high seas, infiltrating remote flensing operations, or researching organized-crime smuggling operations.\n\n\u201cSave the Whales\u201d isn\u2019t just a slogan. It\u2019s a difficult task, and an imperative one. What we do now, this decade, will determine whether whales cease to exist in the near future.\n\nWe\u2019ve been at the forefront of whale-saving since 1976. We know the history, and we know the current reality. And we\u2019re willing to do what it takes to save them."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"To save whales you need to go where they\u2019re being killed, and prevent it. That may mean confronting whaling fleets on the high seas, infiltrating remote flensing operations, or researching organized-crime smuggling operations.\n\n\u201cSave the Whales\u201d isn\u2019t just a slogan. It\u2019s a difficult task, and an imperative one. What we do now, this decade, will determine whether whales cease to exist in the near future.\n\nWe\u2019ve been at the forefront of whale-saving since 1976. We know the history, and we know the current reality. And we\u2019re willing to do what it takes to save them."}]

Windward Environmental Center 1118 Maunawili Road 96734
Kailua, HI
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
[{"title":"Stop GMO trees and forests"},{"title":"Stop GE Trees","lg":"en","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"The Campaign to STOP GE Trees is a national and international alliance of organizations that have united towards prohibiting the ecologically and socially devastating release of genetically engineered trees into the environment. Global Justice Ecology Project (U.S.) coordinates, administrates and fundraises for the campaign. World Rainforest Movement (Uruguay) is the Southern contact for the Campaign and has materials in English, Spanish and Portuguese."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"The Campaign to STOP GE Trees is a national and international alliance of organizations that have united towards prohibiting the ecologically and socially devastating release of genetically engineered trees into the environment. Global Justice Ecology Project (U.S.) coordinates, administrates and fundraises for the campaign. World Rainforest Movement (Uruguay) is the Southern contact for the Campaign and has materials in English, Spanish and Portuguese."}]

c/o Global Justice Ecology Project 266 Elmwood Avenue, Suite 307 14222
Buffalo, NY
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
๐Ÿ“ž +1 716 931 5833
[{"translate":true,"title":"Wild Dolphin Foundation"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Wild Dolphin Foundation"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"A gracious and selfless love for dolphins can be a catalyst for a deeper awareness of the delicate interconnectedness of all life. Life on small islands provides a microcosm for understanding how we can live in balance with our environment and each other with local livelihoods, food security and natural resources sustained. A balance of enhancement, use and preservation of habitats is desirable."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"A gracious and selfless love for dolphins can be a catalyst for a deeper awareness of the delicate interconnectedness of all life. Life on small islands provides a microcosm for understanding how we can live in balance with our environment and each other with local livelihoods, food security and natural resources sustained. A balance of enhancement, use and preservation of habitats is desirable."}]

87-1286 Farrington Hwy 96792-3631
Waianae, HI
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
[{"translate":true,"title":"World Rainforest Movement"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"World Rainforest Movement"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"An international initiative that aims to contribute to struggles, reflections and political actions of forest-dependent peoples, indigenous, peasants and other communities in the global South. WRM is part of a global movement for social and environmental justice and respect for human and collective rights."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"An international initiative that aims to contribute to struggles, reflections and political actions of forest-dependent peoples, indigenous, peasants and other communities in the global South. WRM is part of a global movement for social and environmental justice and respect for human and collective rights."}]

Av Bolivia 1962 BIS CP 11500
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡พ Uruguay
๐Ÿ“ž +598 2605 6943
    English๐ŸŒุนุฑุจูŠ /Arabicar๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฆเฆฌเฆพเฆ‚เฆฒเฆพ (เฆญเฆพเฆฐเฆค) /Bengali (India)bn๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณะฑัŠะปะณะฐั€ัะบะธ /Bulgarianbg๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฌไธญๅ›ฝไบบ /Chinesecn๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณไธญๆ–‡๏ผˆ้ฆ™ๆธฏ๏ผ‰ /Chinese (HK)hk๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ฐHrvatski /Croatianhr๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ทdansk /Danishdk๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฐNederlands /Dutchnl๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑSuomalainen /Finnishfi๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎFranรงais /Frenchfr๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ทDeutsch /Germande๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ชฮ•ฮปฮปฮทฮฝฮนฮบฮฌ /Greekgr๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ทืขึดื‘ืจึดื™ืช /Hebrewil๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑเคนเคฟเค‚เคฆเฅ€ /Hindihi๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณMagyar /Hungarianhu๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡บbahasa Indonesia /Indonesianid๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉItaliano /Italianit๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡นๆ—ฅๆœฌ่ชž /Japanesejp๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ตํ•œ๊ตญ์ธ /Koreankr๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ทเคฎเคฐเคพเค เฅ€ /Marathimr๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณnorsk /Norwegianno๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ดPolski /Polishpl๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฑPortuguรชs /Portuguesept๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡นRomรขnฤƒ /Romanianro๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ดะ ัƒััะบะธะน /Russianru๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บะกั€ะฟัะบะธ /Serbianrs๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ธSlovenลกฤina /Sloveniansi๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎEspaรฑol /Spanishes๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธsvenska /Swedishse๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ชเฎคเฎฎเฎฟเฎดเฏ (เฎ‡เฎจเฏเฎคเฎฟเฎฏเฎพ) /Tamil (India)ta๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณเนเธšเธšเน„เธ—เธข /Thaith๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ญTรผrkรงe /Turkishtr๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ทTiแบฟng Viแป‡t /Vietnamesevn๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ณ
    Foreword /
    ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ’ฌ

    Like love, morality defies words - yet ๐Ÿƒ Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.


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