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An index with forest organizations globally, with a focus on organizations that defend nature against GMO.

[{"title":"People's Biosafety Association Finland"},{"title":"Kansalaisten Bioturvayhdistys","lg":"fi","primary":true}]

[{"description":"For many years, Finland was the only European country without any non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the risks of genetic engineering. In May 2000, People's Biosafety Association was founded to address this shortcoming. On the very next day after the founding, a GE rape scandal came public, showing the real need for people's activity.\n\nThe purpose of People's Biosafety Association, as stated in its statutes, is to protect the genetic foundation of both cultural and natural ecosystems, and the living systems based on it, and the health and well-being of people and animals, against the risks and dangers posed by scientific, technological and economic development."},{"description":"Suomi oli pitk\u00e4\u00e4n ainoa Euroopan maa, jossa ei toiminut j\u00e4rjest\u00e4ytynytt\u00e4 geenimuuntelun riskeist\u00e4 huolta kantavaa kansalaisj\u00e4rjest\u00f6\u00e4. Toukokuussa 2000 perustettiin Kansalaisten Bioturvayhdistys t\u00e4t\u00e4 puutetta korjaamaan. Heti perustamisen j\u00e4lkeisen\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4n\u00e4 tuli julkisuuteen geenirapsiskandaali, joka osoitti, ett\u00e4 kansalaistoimintaa todella tarvitaan. Tule mukaan puolustamaan oikeuttasi bioturvalliseen maailmaan.","lg":"fi","primary":true}]

Kansalaisten Bioturvayhdistys r.y. Kasöörinkatu 3 B, 00520
🇫🇮 Finland
[{"title":"National Tree Planting Day of The Netherlands"},{"title":"Nationale Boomfeestdag","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The National Tree Planting Day Foundation was established in 1957 as the National Tree Planting Day Committee. Now, more than 60 years later, more than 100,000 children in more than 70% of the cities and towns in the Netherlands celebrate Boomfeestdag. They plant more than 200,000 trees. In the last 60 years, more than ten million trees have been planted on a Tree Festival Day, or more than 4000 football fields: a substantial contribution to CO2 reduction!"},{"description":"Stichting Nationale Boomfeestdag is in 1957 opgericht als het Landelijk Comit\u00e9 Boomplantdag. Nu, meer dan 60 jaar later, vieren ruim 100.000 kinderen in meer dan 70% van de steden en dorpen in Nederland de Boomfeestdag. Zij planten ruim 200.000 bomen. In de laatste 60 jaar zijn er meer dan tien miljoen bomen geplant op een Boomfeestdag, ofwel ruim 4000 voetbalvelden: een substanti\u00eble bijdrage aan de CO2-reductie!","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Hart van Brabantlaan 16 5038 JL
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"title":"The Outside Fund"},{"title":"Het Buitenfonds","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Outside Fund is an independent foundation that raises money for projects in the nature reserves of State forest management of The Netherlands. Valuable projects of Staatsbosbeheer can be realized with this, such as taking children outside, preserving and making cultural-historical treasures accessible, exciting ways to experience nature and enabling the social work of the forester. Projects for which funding is not (or no longer) available. The Buitenfonds works together with companies and individuals to realize green wishes for current and future generations."},{"description":"Het Buitenfonds is een onafhankelijke stichting die geld werft voor projecten in de natuurgebieden van Staatsbosbeheer. Hiermee kan Staatsbosbeheer waardevolle projecten realiseren, zoals kinderen naar buiten brengen, het conserveren en toegankelijk maken van cultuurhistorische schatten, spannende manieren om natuur te beleven en het maatschappelijke werk van de boswachter mogelijk te maken. Projecten waarvoor geen financiering (meer) beschikbaar is. Het Buitenfonds werkt samen met bedrijven en particulieren om groene wensen voor huidige en toekomstige generaties te realiseren.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Smallepad 5 3811 MG
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"translate":true,"title":"Conservation Northwest"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Conservation Northwest"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"Conservation Northwest protects, connects and restores wildlands and wildlife from the Washington Coast to the British Columbia Rockies. \u201cKeeping the Northwest wild\u201d since 1989, we protect old-growth forests and other wildlands, connect large landscapes and vital habitats, and restore native wildlife."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"Conservation Northwest protects, connects and restores wildlands and wildlife from the Washington Coast to the British Columbia Rockies. \u201cKeeping the Northwest wild\u201d since 1989, we protect old-growth forests and other wildlands, connect large landscapes and vital habitats, and restore native wildlife."}]

1829 10th Ave W, Suite B 98119
Seattle, WA
🇺🇸 United States
[{"title":"Institute for Nature and Forest Research (INBO)"},{"title":"Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO)","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"INBO is the independent research institute of the Flemish government that supports and evaluates biodiversity policy and management through applied scientific research, data and knowledge access. INBO wants to be the point of contact in Flanders for evidence-based support for nature policy and its implementation. It describes the state and trends of biodiversity and ecosystem services, investigates causes of change and develops directly applicable tools. It develops outlooks that underpin nature policy in the longer term. We always do this in dialogue with partners from society, science, policy and management."},{"description":"Het INBO is het onafhankelijk onderzoeksinstituut van de Vlaamse overheid dat via toegepast wetenschappelijk onderzoek, data- en kennisontsluiting het biodiversiteitsbeleid en -beheer onderbouwt en evalueert. Het INBO wil h\u00e9t aanspreekpunt zijn in Vlaanderen om het natuurbeleid en de uitvoering ervan evidence-based te ondersteunen. Het beschrijft toestand en trends van biodiversiteit en ecosysteemdiensten, onderzoekt oorzaken van veranderingen en ontwikkelt rechtstreeks toepasbare instrumenten. Het werkt toekomstverkenningen uit die het natuurbeleid op langere termijn onderbouwen. We doen dit steeds in dialoog met partners uit maatschappij, wetenschap, beleid en beheer.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

VAC Brussel - Herman Teirlinck Havenlaan 88 bus 73 1000
🇧🇪 Belgium
[{"title":"Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Finland"},{"title":"Maa- ja mets\u00e4talousministeri\u00f6","lg":"fi","primary":true},{"title":"Jord- och skogsbruksministeriet Finland","lg":"sv"}]

[{"description":"The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry steers the policy on sustainable use of natural resources. Legislative work is carried out as part of the Finnish Government and the EU institutions and decision-making.\n\nRenewable natural resources derive from the renewal capacity of the nature itself. Among other things, they comprise all plants and animals. According to the principle of sustainable development, renewable natural resources must be used so that their value is preserved for the future: meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."},{"description":"Maa- ja mets\u00e4talousministeri\u00f6 on uudistuvan ja kest\u00e4v\u00e4n ruoka- ja luonnonvaratalouden mahdollistaja sek\u00e4 luotettavien tietovarantojen tuottaja. Maa- ja mets\u00e4talousministeri\u00f6 edist\u00e4\u00e4 toiminnallaan YK:n kest\u00e4v\u00e4n kehityksen tavoitteiden saavuttamista.\n\nMaa- ja mets\u00e4talousministeri\u00f6n hallinnonala kattaa maa- ja puutarhatalouden, maaseudun kehitt\u00e4misen, mets\u00e4talouden, el\u00e4inl\u00e4\u00e4kint\u00e4huollon, el\u00e4imist\u00e4 saatavien elintarvikkeiden valvonnan ja kalatalouden. Ministeri\u00f6 hoitaa my\u00f6s riista- ja porotaloutta, vesivarojen k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00e4 ja maanmittausta.","lg":"fi","primary":true},{"description":"Jord- och skogsbruksministeriet leder politiken f\u00f6r h\u00e5llbar anv\u00e4ndning av f\u00f6rnybara naturtillg\u00e5ngar. I lagstiftningsarbetet utg\u00f6r ministeriet en del av statsr\u00e5det och av beslutsfattandet i Europeiska unionen.\n\nF\u00f6rnybara naturtillg\u00e5ngar \u00e4r s\u00e5dana vars livskraft springer fram ur naturens f\u00f6rm\u00e5ga att f\u00f6rnya sig. Till dem h\u00f6r alla v\u00e4xter och djur. I enlighet med principen om h\u00e5llbar anv\u00e4ndning anv\u00e4nds de f\u00f6rnybara naturtillg\u00e5ngarna p\u00e5 det s\u00e4ttet att deras v\u00e4rde bevaras ocks\u00e5 f\u00f6r framtida generationer.\n\nJord- och skogsbruksministeriets f\u00f6rvaltningsomr\u00e5de omsp\u00e4nner jordbruk och tr\u00e4dg\u00e5rdsodling, utveckling av landsbygden, skogsbruk, veterin\u00e4rv\u00e5rd, tillsyn \u00f6ver animaliska livsmedel och fiskerihush\u00e5llning. Ministeriet har ocks\u00e5 hand om viltv\u00e5rd och rensk\u00f6tsel, nyttjande av vattenresurser och lantm\u00e4teri.\n\nMinisteriet har omkring 250 anst\u00e4llda och antalet anst\u00e4llda inom hela f\u00f6rvaltningsomr\u00e5det \u00e4r 5000. Jord- och skogsbruksministeriets budget uppg\u00e5r till ca 2,8 miljarder euro.","lg":"sv"}]

Hallituskatu 3 A FI-00023
🇫🇮 Finland
[{"translate":true,"title":"Save Our Roots"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"Save Our Roots"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"An Indigenous Environmental Network Campaign. An online repository of information to help ground and connect us to the roots of the ancient and forever relevant wisdom of our elders while actively questioning, exploring and nurturing the off-shoots of curiosity and constantly evolving collection of facts, experience, relationships, and knowledge that we currently call science."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"An Indigenous Environmental Network Campaign. An online repository of information to help ground and connect us to the roots of the ancient and forever relevant wisdom of our elders while actively questioning, exploring and nurturing the off-shoots of curiosity and constantly evolving collection of facts, experience, relationships, and knowledge that we currently call science."}]

PO Box 485 Bemidji, MN 56619
Bemidji, MN
🇺🇸 United States
[{"title":"State forest management of The Netherlands"},{"title":"Staatsbosbeheer","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Staatsbosbeheer, founded in 1899, manages the green heritage of the Netherlands; 270,000 hectares of nature that we protect, that you can experience and that we use sustainably together with and for others.\n\nStaatsbosbeheer is committed to the quality of the living environment for people, plants and animals, to experience, protect and utilize. We manage more than 270,000 hectares of nature in the Netherlands and involve people in nature that affects them. As the largest site management organization in the Netherlands, we are closely involved in all kinds of matters that are of interest to the public, entrepreneurs, politicians and management."},{"description":"Staatsbosbeheer, opgericht in 1899, beheert het groene erfgoed van Nederland; 270.000 ha natuur die we beschermen, die je kunt beleven en die we samen met en voor anderen duurzaam benutten.\n\nStaatsbosbeheer zet zich in voor de kwaliteit van de leefomgeving voor mensen, planten en dieren, om die te beleven, beschermen en te benutten. We beheren ruim 270.000 ha natuur in Nederland en betrekken mensen bij natuur die hen raakt. Als grootste terreinbeherende organisatie van Nederland zijn we nauw betrokken bij allerlei zaken die in de belangstelling staan van publiek, ondernemers, politiek en bestuur.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Smallepad 5 3811 MG
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"title":"Gelderland Landscape & Castles Foundation"},{"title":"Stichting Het Geldersch Landschap & Kasteelen","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Stichting Het Geldersch Landschap & Kasteelen (GLK) is a prominent nature and heritage conservation organization in the Netherlands. Founded in 1929, GLK manages nearly 12,000 hectares of land, including forests, castles, historic country houses, castle ruins, and farms. The organization aims to protect and manage nature and heritage in Gelderland, with a focus on preserving landscapes and castles for future generations."},{"description":"Stichting Het Geldersch Landschap & Kasteelen (GLK) is een vooraanstaande natuur- en erfgoedorganisatie in Nederland. Opgericht in 1929, beheert GLK bijna 12.000 hectare land, waaronder bossen, kastelen, historische landhuizen, kasteelru\u00efnes en boerderijen. De organisatie streeft ernaar de natuur en het erfgoed in Gelderland te beschermen en te beheren, met als doel het behoud van landschappen en kastelen voor toekomstige generaties.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Zijpendaalseweg 44, 6814 CL
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"title":"Stichting Het Utrechts Landschap","lg":"nl","primary":true},{"title":"Utrecht Landscape Foundation","lg":"en"}]

[{"description":"Stichting Het Utrechts Landschap is een natuurbeschermingsorganisatie die zich inzet voor het beschermen en beheren van natuur en cultureel erfgoed in de provincie Utrecht. De stichting beheert meer dan 5.800 hectare aan natuurgebieden, waaronder bossen, natuurreservaten en 25 landgoederen.","lg":"nl","primary":true},{"description":"Stichting Het Utrechts Landschap is a nature conservation organization dedicated to protecting and managing nature and cultural heritage in the province of Utrecht. The foundation manages over 5,800 hectares of natural areas, including forests, nature reserves, and 25 estates.","lg":"en"}]

Landgoed Oostbroek, Bunnikseweg 39, 3732 HV
De Bilt
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"title":"Stop GMO trees and forests"},{"title":"Stop GE Trees","lg":"en","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"The Campaign to STOP GE Trees is a national and international alliance of organizations that have united towards prohibiting the ecologically and socially devastating release of genetically engineered trees into the environment. Global Justice Ecology Project (U.S.) coordinates, administrates and fundraises for the campaign. World Rainforest Movement (Uruguay) is the Southern contact for the Campaign and has materials in English, Spanish and Portuguese."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"The Campaign to STOP GE Trees is a national and international alliance of organizations that have united towards prohibiting the ecologically and socially devastating release of genetically engineered trees into the environment. Global Justice Ecology Project (U.S.) coordinates, administrates and fundraises for the campaign. World Rainforest Movement (Uruguay) is the Southern contact for the Campaign and has materials in English, Spanish and Portuguese."}]

c/o Global Justice Ecology Project 266 Elmwood Avenue, Suite 307 14222
Buffalo, NY
🇺🇸 United States
The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental organization with projects in Zambia focusing on forest conservation, sustainable agriculture, and climate change mitigation. They work with partners in government, communities, and the private sector to protect wildlife and support sustainable growth in Zambia, addressing threats to the huge Kafue ecosystem such as environmental degradation, wildfires, poaching, and unsustainable development.

Plot 8664 Kudu Road, Kabulonga
🇿🇲 Zambia
[{"title":"Association of Forest and Nature Site Owners (VBNE)"},{"title":"Vereniging van Bos- en Natuurterreineigenaren (VBNE)","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Association of Forest and Nature Site Owners (VBNE) was founded on September 25, 2013. The members consist of Staatsbosbeheer, Vereniging Natuurmonumenten, the Federation of Private Land Ownership, LandschappenNL, the Central Government Real Estate Agency and Nature Network Municipalities. The VBNE is a private law association of, for and by forest and nature owners. The VBNE thus represents 70% of the forest area and 90% of the nature area in the Netherlands."},{"description":"De Vereniging van Bos- en Natuurterreineigenaren (VBNE) is op 25 september 2013 opgericht. De leden bestaan uit Staatsbosbeheer, Vereniging Natuurmonumenten, de Federatie Particulier Grondbezit, LandschappenNL, het Rijksvastgoedbedrijf en Natuurnetwerk Gemeenten. De VBNE is een privaatrechtelijke vereniging van, voor en door bos- en natuureigenaren. De VBNE vertegenwoordigt daarmee 70% van het bosareaal en 90% van het natuurareaal in Nederland.","lg":"nl","primary":true}]

Princenhof Park 7 3972 NG
🇳🇱 Netherlands
[{"title":"WRI M\u00e9xico","primary":true,"lg":"es"},{"title":"World Resources Institute Mexico","lg":"en"}]

WRI México is a research organization that focuses on sustainable development and environmental policy in Mexico. They work on various areas such as sustainable cities, climate, energy, and forests. Their goal is to understand and manage Mexico's marine and coastal ecosystems, which are vital for the economy, sustainable development, and the well-being of the population.

Belisario Domínguez #8 P.A. Col. Villa Coyoacán
Mexico City
🇲🇽 Mexico
[{"translate":true,"title":"World Rainforest Movement"},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"title":"World Rainforest Movement"}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"An international initiative that aims to contribute to struggles, reflections and political actions of forest-dependent peoples, indigenous, peasants and other communities in the global South. WRM is part of a global movement for social and environmental justice and respect for human and collective rights."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"An international initiative that aims to contribute to struggles, reflections and political actions of forest-dependent peoples, indigenous, peasants and other communities in the global South. WRM is part of a global movement for social and environmental justice and respect for human and collective rights."}]

Av Bolivia 1962 BIS CP 11500
🇺🇾 Uruguay
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    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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