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Anti-GMO Activism in 🇫🇮 Finland

The index below provides an overview of anti-GMO activism initiatives and organizations in 🇫🇮 Finland.

In 2021 several science organizations declared that the GMO debate is over and that anti-GMO activism faded away for good (About). They were right and anti-GMO activism did fade away, leaving nature unprotected in many regions of the world.

Please consider to fund with a donation to help undo the effects of abandonment of anti-GMO activism! Help create a new initiative to protect nature against eugenics in 🇫🇮 Finland or other regions of the world.

[{"title":"People's Biosafety Association Finland"},{"title":"Kansalaisten Bioturvayhdistys","lg":"fi","primary":true}]

[{"description":"For many years, Finland was the only European country without any non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the risks of genetic engineering. In May 2000, People's Biosafety Association was founded to address this shortcoming. On the very next day after the founding, a GE rape scandal came public, showing the real need for people's activity.\n\nThe purpose of People's Biosafety Association, as stated in its statutes, is to protect the genetic foundation of both cultural and natural ecosystems, and the living systems based on it, and the health and well-being of people and animals, against the risks and dangers posed by scientific, technological and economic development."},{"description":"Suomi oli pitk\u00e4\u00e4n ainoa Euroopan maa, jossa ei toiminut j\u00e4rjest\u00e4ytynytt\u00e4 geenimuuntelun riskeist\u00e4 huolta kantavaa kansalaisj\u00e4rjest\u00f6\u00e4. Toukokuussa 2000 perustettiin Kansalaisten Bioturvayhdistys t\u00e4t\u00e4 puutetta korjaamaan. Heti perustamisen j\u00e4lkeisen\u00e4 p\u00e4iv\u00e4n\u00e4 tuli julkisuuteen geenirapsiskandaali, joka osoitti, ett\u00e4 kansalaistoimintaa todella tarvitaan. Tule mukaan puolustamaan oikeuttasi bioturvalliseen maailmaan.","lg":"fi","primary":true}]

Kansalaisten Bioturvayhdistys r.y. Kasöörinkatu 3 B, 00520
🇫🇮 Finland
[{"title":"Board for Gene Technology Finland (GTLK)"},{"title":"Geenitekniikan lautakunta (GTLK)","lg":"fi","primary":true},{"title":"Genteknikn\u00e4mnden Finland (GTLK)","lg":"sv"}]

[{"description":"The Board for Gene Technology (GTLK) is the competent authority in Finland regarding the use of genetically modified organisms in accordance with the Gene Technology Act (377\/1995). The Board operates in conjunction with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health."},{"description":"Geenitekniikan lautakunta (GTLK) on Suomen kansallinen toimivaltainen viranomainen geenitekniikkalain (377\/1995) soveltamisalaan kuuluvissa asioissa. Lautakunta toimii sosiaali- ja terveysministeri\u00f6n yhteydess\u00e4.","lg":"fi","primary":true},{"description":"Genteknikn\u00e4mnden \u00e4r den beh\u00f6riga finska myndigheten i fr\u00e5gor som h\u00f6r till till\u00e4mpningsomr\u00e5det f\u00f6r gentekniklagen (377\/1995). Genteknikn\u00e4mnden finns i anslutning till social- och h\u00e4lsov\u00e5rdsministeriet.","lg":"sv"}]

Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö PL 33 00023
🇫🇮 Finland
[{"title":"GMO Free Finland"},{"title":"Gmo-vapaa Suomi","lg":"fi","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"GMO-free Finland is a campaign launched by four Finnish NGO's. The Union of Organic Farmers in Finland, The Biodynamic Association in Finland, Friends of the Earth Finland and People's Biosafety Association in Finland were the first to join the movement. Others are warmly welcomed.\n\nAlthough the Finnish Government has been one of the foremost supporters of the EU Commission on GMOs there are only two test fields of gm-plants and no commercial growing of gmo's in Finland.\n\nThe campaign has a clear vision to encourage people to stand up for their GMO-free environment. We offer Finnish farms, gardens, food stores, restaurants, food manufacturers, municipalities and other communities a forum to register themselves as GMO-free and get involved, explains campaign coordinator Hannes Tuohiniitty.\n\nThe NGOs started by demanding a thorough discussion on gmo's in agriculture once the Government review on agricultural policy is presented to the Finnish Parliament next week.\n\nLocal initiatives, influencing the decision making process and gaining public support for the strategy without gmo's are some of the objectives of the campaign."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"GMO-free Finland is a campaign launched by four Finnish NGO's. The Union of Organic Farmers in Finland, The Biodynamic Association in Finland, Friends of the Earth Finland and People's Biosafety Association in Finland were the first to join the movement. Others are warmly welcomed.\n\nAlthough the Finnish Government has been one of the foremost supporters of the EU Commission on GMOs there are only two test fields of gm-plants and no commercial growing of gmo's in Finland.\n\nThe campaign has a clear vision to encourage people to stand up for their GMO-free environment. We offer Finnish farms, gardens, food stores, restaurants, food manufacturers, municipalities and other communities a forum to register themselves as GMO-free and get involved, explains campaign coordinator Hannes Tuohiniitty.\n\nThe NGOs started by demanding a thorough discussion on gmo's in agriculture once the Government review on agricultural policy is presented to the Finnish Parliament next week.\n\nLocal initiatives, influencing the decision making process and gaining public support for the strategy without gmo's are some of the objectives of the campaign."}]

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    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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