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An index with workshops organizations in 🇩🇪 Germany, with a focus on organizations that defend nature against GMO.

[{"title":"Aurelia Foundation Germany"},{"title":"Aurelia Stiftung","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The bees die worldwide. The main causes of this are the global abduction of bee diseases, but above all the loss of habitat and the further progressive globalization of agriculture, which is characterized by monocultures, the use of pesticides and genetic engineering. This is accompanied by a decline in biodiversity, the loss of flowering plant stocks, which results in hunger and one -sided nutrition for the bees.\n\nBeekeeps have also been complaining about losses on honey bee colonies for years. At the same time, the stocks of many wild bee species decrease dramatically. This is no coincidence, but have systemic reasons. The bees prove to be a seismograph for the condition of our environment. Their disappearance at the same time symbolizes the global species death and is an expression of fundamental undesirable developments in the dealings of man with nature.\n\nOur work at the Aurelia Stiftung therefore serves the goal and purpose of sensitizing society to the causes and dangers of global bee and species death, strengthening research and general education through bees and motivating as many fellow human beings as possible.\n\nThe Aurelia Foundation is committed to bees, polluting insects and the preservation of biodiversity. Under the motto \"Long live the bee\", we bring people together from all areas of life and create a broad civil society movement to the well -being of bees.\n\nThe global bee and species death threatens our livelihood and- to a comparable extent like climate change- presents us with existential challenges. In order to effectively counter them, we need strong social alliances and qualified research, educational and public relations work. We devote ourselves to these tasks at the Aurelia Foundation with a special specialist expertise and passion for flower -resisting insects."},{"description":"Weltweit sterben die Bienen. Hauptursachen daf\u00fcr sind die globale Verschleppung von Bienenkrankheiten, vor allem aber der Verlust von Lebensraum und die weiter fortschreitende Globalisierung der Landwirtschaft, die gepr\u00e4gt ist durch Monokulturen, den Einsatz von Pestiziden und Gentechnik. Damit einher geht ein R\u00fcckgang der Artenvielfalt, der Verlust von bl\u00fchenden Pflanzenbest\u00e4nden, was Hunger und einseitige Ern\u00e4hrung f\u00fcr die Bienen zur Folge hat.\n\nAuch Imkereien klagen seit Jahren \u00fcber Verluste an Honigbienenv\u00f6lkern. Gleichzeitig nehmen die Best\u00e4nde vieler Wildbienenarten dramatisch ab. Das ist kein Zufall, sondern hat systemische Gr\u00fcnde. Die Bienen erweisen sich als Seismograph f\u00fcr den Zustand unserer Umwelt. Ihr Verschwinden steht zugleich sinnbildlich f\u00fcr das globale Artensterben und ist Ausdruck f\u00fcr grundlegende Fehlentwicklungen im Umgang des Menschen mit der Natur.\n\nUnsere Arbeit bei der Aurelia Stiftung dient deshalb dem Ziel und Zweck, die Gesellschaft f\u00fcr die Ursachen und Gefahren des weltweiten Bienen- und Artensterbens zu sensibilisieren, die Forschung und Allgemeinbildung \u00fcber Bienen zu st\u00e4rken und m\u00f6glichst viele Mitmenschen zu pers\u00f6nlichem Engagement zu motivieren.\n\nDie Aurelia Stiftung setzt sich f\u00fcr Bienen, best\u00e4ubende Insekten und den Erhalt der Artenvielfalt ein. Unter dem Motto \u201eES LEBE DIE BIENE\u201c bringen wir Menschen aus allen Lebensbereichen zusammen und schaffen eine breite zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegung zum Wohl der Bienen.\n\nDas weltweite Bienen- und Artensterben bedroht unsere Lebensgrundlagen und stellt uns \u2013 in vergleichbarem Ausma\u00df wie der Klimawandel \u2013 vor existentielle Herausforderungen. Um ihnen wirksam entgegenzutreten, brauchen wir starke gesellschaftliche Allianzen und eine qualifizierte Forschungs-, Bildungs- und \u00d6ffentlichkeitsarbeit. Diesen Aufgaben widmen wir uns bei der Aurelia Stiftung mit einer besonderen Fachexpertise und Leidenschaft f\u00fcr bl\u00fctenbest\u00e4ubende Insekten.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Aurelia Stiftung Bismarckallee 9 14193
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"BUND e.V. - Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany"},{"title":"BUND e.V. - Bund f\u00fcr Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"BUND sees itself as the driving social force for an ecological and social sustainable development in Germany. Its vision is a future-proof country in a socially just and peaceful world \u2013 a goal it pursues on a local, regional, national and international level.\n\nAmong other things, BUND campaigns for ecological agriculture and healthy food, climate protection and the expansion of renewable energies, the protection of endangered species, forests and water.\n\nIt also raises public awareness of environmental protection and nature conservation issues and explains the environmental and health impacts of products and services."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"BUND sees itself as the driving social force for an ecological and social sustainable development in Germany. Its vision is a future-proof country in a socially just and peaceful world \u2013 a goal it pursues on a local, regional, national and international level.\n\nAmong other things, BUND campaigns for ecological agriculture and healthy food, climate protection and the expansion of renewable energies, the protection of endangered species, forests and water.\n\nIt also raises public awareness of environmental protection and nature conservation issues and explains the environmental and health impacts of products and services."}]

Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 5 10553
🇩🇪 Germany
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    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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