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An index with agriculture and farming organizations in 🇩🇪 Germany, with a focus on organizations that defend nature against GMO.

[{"title":"Working group for rural agriculture in Germany (AbL)"},{"title":"Arbeitsgemeinschaft b\u00e4uerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL)","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"translate":true,"description":"In the AbL, conventionally and ecologically managed farms have joined forces, which together stand up for sustainable, socially and environmentally compatible agriculture, as well as for the corresponding political framework. Our members also include people from other professional groups who are committed to preserving rural agriculture. The AbL provides information on important questions of agricultural and trade policy and takes a stand. It represents the positions of its farmers in association participation and legislative projects and organizes public pressure."},{"lg":"en","primary":true,"description":"In the AbL, conventionally and ecologically managed farms have joined forces, which together stand up for sustainable, socially and environmentally compatible agriculture, as well as for the corresponding political framework. Our members also include people from other professional groups who are committed to preserving rural agriculture. The AbL provides information on important questions of agricultural and trade policy and takes a stand. It represents the positions of its farmers in association participation and legislative projects and organizes public pressure."}]

Heiligengeiststr. 28 21335
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Federal Agency for Nature Conservation Germany (BfN)"},{"title":"Bundesamt f\u00fcr Naturschutz (BfN)","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) is a German higher federal authority providing professional, scientific and administrative expertise in nature conservation and landscape management. We enforce nature conservation law, advise policymakers, publish research findings and data on nature and the landscape, and support and oversee nature conservation and research projects. Our responsibilities are laid down in the Act Establishing a Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfNG)."},{"description":"Das Bundesamt f\u00fcr Naturschutz (BfN) ist eine Bundesoberbeh\u00f6rde mit fachlichen, wissenschaftlichen und administrativen Aufgaben im Bereich des Naturschutzes und der Landschaftspflege. Wir vollziehen Naturschutzrecht, beraten politisch Verantwortliche, stellen Forschungsergebnisse und Daten zu Natur und Landschaft bereit und f\u00f6rdern und betreuen Naturschutzprojekte sowie Forschungsvorhaben. Unsere Aufgaben ergeben sich aus dem Gesetz \u00fcber die Errichtung eines Bundesamtes f\u00fcr Naturschutz (BfNG).","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Konstantinstr. 110 53179
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"LIFE Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions"},{"title":"LIFE \u2013 Insektenf\u00f6rdernde Regionen","lg":"de","primary":true}]

[{"description":"Pollinators in Germany are not doing well. This has been confirmed by alarming studies, which have found an immense loss of both quantity and biodiversity among our native insects. Yet 75 percent of global food crop species depend on pollination by animals.\n\nIn particular, inappropriate land use, monocultures and pesticides threaten insect populations. The agricultural and food sectors are therefore challenged to develop solutions for the sustainable protection of insects and pollinators in their growing and sourcing regions. A big task requires great support \u2013 and this is provided by our project LIFE Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions, which Global Nature Fund, Netzwerk Bl\u00fchende Landschaft, B\u00e4uerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schw\u00e4bisch Hall and Nestl\u00e9 Germany are jointly implementing, coordinated by the Lake Constance Foundation."},{"description":"Den Best\u00e4ubern in Deutschland geht es nicht gut. Das belegen alarmierende Studien, die bei unseren heimischen Insekten sowohl einen immensen Verlust an Menge als auch an Artenvielfalt feststellen. Dabei sind 75 Prozent der globalen Nahrungspflanzenarten von der Best\u00e4ubung durch Tiere abh\u00e4ngig.\n\nInsbesondere unangepasste Landnutzung, Monokulturen und Pestizide bedrohen den Insektenbestand. Agrar- und Lebensmittelsektor sind deshalb gefordert, in ihren Anbau- und Beschaffungsregionen L\u00f6sungen f\u00fcr den nachhaltigen Schutz von Insekten und Best\u00e4ubern zu entwickeln. Eine gro\u00dfe Aufgabe erfordert gro\u00dfartige Unterst\u00fctzung \u2013 und dies leistet unser Projekt LIFE Insektenf\u00f6rdernde Regionen, das Global Nature Fund, Netzwerk Bl\u00fchende Landschaft, B\u00e4uerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schw\u00e4bisch Hall und Nestl\u00e9 Deutschland koordiniert von der Bodensee-Stiftung gemeinsam umsetzen.","lg":"de","primary":true}]

Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4 78315
🇩🇪 Germany
[{"title":"Montagu's Harrier Protection Program Bavaria"},{"title":"Wiesenweihen-Schutzprogramm Bayern","lg":"de","primary":true}]

The Wiesenweihen-Schutzprogramm Bayern is a nature conservation initiative aimed at protecting the Montagu's Harrier (Wiesenweihe) in Bavaria, Germany. This collaborative program involves conservationists, farmers, and volunteers to ensure the survival and proliferation of this endangered bird species. Over two decades, it has successfully increased the Montagu's Harrier population in Bavaria, making it one of the most successful breeding grounds for the species in Central Europe.

Mainlände 8
🇩🇪 Germany
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