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Banned in the United Kingdom

An undercover documentary about the toxic waste dumping crime in Ivory Coast, Africa by $230 billion USD oil company Trafigura.

Vimeo commenter: Thank you, whoever you are, for making this available. As you know here in the UK we're not allowed to read or see any of this.

Vimeo (download) | Trafigura drivers: We were bribed

CEO of Trafigura BV: ‘Beyond Dover, and certainly not in the Baltic Sea, because this is a special area. The discharge may not take place until Dover has passed, on the way to Lomé (Nigeria)‘.

The toxic waste dump by Trafigura was one of the worst environmental crimes in the history of humanity.

Involvement of Rabobank


The following is written on the website

Rabobank, one of Trafigura’s top lenders, seeks to play a significant role in ensuring food security (GMO). our financing partner Rabobank Source:

Involvement of Amsterdam officials

amsterdam port servicesI reported about involvement of Amsterdam officials in the toxic waste dumping scandal by Trafigura BV

Rabobank's 2015-2018 sabotage of my business

Rabobank was involved in an attack on my home in the city Utrecht in 2019, the city where Rabobank is headquartered, and the bank was involved in a sabotage of my business since 2015.

Rabobank's attack on my home in Utrecht in 2019 Source:

Around 2015, out of itself, Rabobank invested into my pioneering technology business with the clear intent to sabotage my business. That sabotage ended in 2018 and chronologically preceded the attack on my home.

Rabobank's business sabotage between 2015-2018 that preceded the attack on my home in 2019 An investigation revealed a potential revenge motive for my reporting about the environmental crime by Trafigura. Source:

Invitation to meet oil investors at the airport Schiphol

Rabobank oil drum

As part of their investment relationship with me, Rabobank attempted to connect me with big foreign oil investors whom I was invited to meet at a cafe at the airport Schiphol in Amsterdam.

The invitation to meet with oil investors was strange, because oil and internet are not related, and meeting at a cafe at an airport with supposedly 'big' foreign oil investors came across as unusual.

Premonition that it was about Trafigura

I immetiatly had a strong premonition that the invitation by Rabobank was related to my reporting about the environmental crime of Trafigura BV.

Later, I would have other paranormal visions that indicated that the sabotage by Rabobank was related to my reporting about the environmental crime, one of the worst environmental crimes in the history of humanity.

I denied the invitation to meet with the oil investors.

The following article provides a case for validity of paranormal perception, especially in the context of Rabobank's attack.

US War in Libya - A paranormal assisted investigation of corruption 9/11 Truth | ✝️ Christchurch Truth | NATO, Libya, Iraq and Iran | ✈️ MH17 | 🇳🇴 Norway 2011 Source:

Most environmentally friendly bank in the world?


The bank has the slogan Growing a better world together and presents itself as an environmentally friendly bank. In 2017 the bank won the prestigious Green Bond Award as being the most environmentally friendly bank in the world.

#StopRabo campaign

More details about Rabobank's unethical business and destruction of nature can be found in the article about the bank.

Rabobank's business sabotage between 2015-2018 that preceded the attack on my home in 2019 An investigation revealed a potential revenge motive for my reporting about the environmental crime by Trafigura. Source:

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