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Wild animal protection Germany

Wildtierschutz Deutschland

Wild animal protection Germany is a recognized non-profit animal protection organization since 2011. Donations are tax deductible. Our goal is the abolition of hunting where it is cruel to animals or does not follow a reasonable reason within the meaning of the Animal Welfare Act.

Hundreds of thousands of foxes and wild boar, millions of birds and other wildlife often die in agony for a handful of recreational hunters to enjoy. This is made possible by hunting legislation that has completely separated itself from developments in animal and nature conservation law. Politicians and legislators are in cahoots with the hunting and forest lobbyists and refuse to acknowledge the scientific research that proves the ecological absurdity of hunting.

Open job solicitation

Nature organizations often have lots of work to do for which no vacancy is filed. Consider sending an open solicitation to show your interest in the cause and to learn about available opportunities.

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💚 Am Goldberg 5
🇩🇪 Germany


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