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School and genetic engineering project Germany

Schule und Gentechnik

The fact is: the majority of consumers in Europe do not want any genetically modified food on their plates, and many farmers also reject genetic engineering on the field and in the barn (collected opinion polls). There are good reasons for this skepticism in society.

The Internet portal schule-und-gentechnik is aimed at teachers and students of all types of secondary schools. We have tried to prepare the complex and multifaceted subject in separate areas: argumentative, clear and application-oriented.

The internet portal schule-und-gentechnik is a project of the Future Foundation for Agriculture and its Genetic Engineering Information Service. This, in turn, is a joint effort by associations and organizations in agriculture, environmental protection and consumers who are actively committed to GMO-free agriculture and nutrition and the protection of nature.

Open job solicitation

Nature organizations often have lots of work to do for which no vacancy is filed. Consider sending an open solicitation to show your interest in the cause and to learn about available opportunities.

Nature organizations love to hear from you!

💚 c/o Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft
Marienstraße 19-20
🇩🇪 Germany

Flyer: "Genetic engineering at school?"

School and genetic engineering

    Foreword /
    🌐 💬

    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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