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International Foundation for Conservation of Nature - Worldwide for people and nature

Internationale Naturschutzstiftung - Weltweit für Mensch und Natur

Globalization, climate change, population growth: the nature of the planet faces many challenges. Intact natural areas such as forests or moors are being lost all over the world - and with them a unique flora and fauna. Local destruction often has global effects, and migratory species know no borders.

The NABU International Nature Conservation Foundation supports people and nature worldwide. We preserve the diverse ecosystems, also because nature conservation is climate protection at the same time.

The foundation is active wherever intact natural areas are preserved, but are increasingly coming under human pressure, such as in the mountain cloud forests of Ethiopia, the tiger reserves of India or the moors of Russia. We always work closely with the people in our project regions, because in order to face the urgent challenges of our time, we have to think and act globally together.

Open job solicitation

Nature organizations often have lots of work to do for which no vacancy is filed. Consider sending an open solicitation to show your interest in the cause and to learn about available opportunities.

Nature organizations love to hear from you!

💚 Charitéstraße 3
🇩🇪 Germany

    Foreword /
    🌐 💬

    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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