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Protect the bees from genetic engineering!

Schützt die Biene vor Gentechnik!

The European Commission wants to relax the rules for the approval of genetic engineering in agriculture. And this despite the fact that 81 percent of citizens in Germany are in favor of a ban on genetically modified organisms in agriculture.

The EU Commission's agro-genetic engineering plans endanger the freedom of choice of consumers and beekeepers and the protection of the environment. Even small genetic manipulations on flowering plants can have serious effects on wild and honey bees and their food webs. Scientists from environmental authorities in Germany, Italy, Austria, Poland and Switzerland are therefore calling for all plants from new genetic engineering to be subjected to a risk assessment. Genetically modified food must not be smuggled onto fields, plates and into the environment without the knowledge of the people, without being checked and labeled.

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💚 Aurelia Stiftung
Bismarckallee 9
🇩🇪 Germany

Info folder: Protect the bees from genetic engineering!

    Foreword /
    🌐 💬

    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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